Chapter 35: Too Much Popular Right and Wrong

"Success! Success! Director Zhang." A staff member ran towards the studio excitedly.

The people in the room, with their hearts in suspense, let go after hearing these shouts.

"Zhang Dao, look, it's successful!" The staff handed the A4 paper in hand.

Director Zhang said with an expression of patience and excitement: "Read it to everyone quickly. What's the final result?"

The staff member took back the A4 paper with a simple smile and said, "The rating of reviews exceeded 2! The final rating was 2.01, with a peak of 2.55."

"Good, good, good" Zhang said three good words in succession and turned to look at the crowd with a relaxed expression.

"It's not a waste of our previous investment......"


"When are you going to leave tomorrow?" After returning to the recording base, Ye Zhenyan and several people stood beside the fountain not far from the building and asked carelessly.

"Are you driving us away so soon?" Shangguan Yingying said unhappily.

Su Qing couldn't help saying, "President Yan, do you need a band for your next song?"

Ye Zhenyan took a smoke and said with a smile, "I don't know yet? I haven't thought about it yet, and it may be necessary." Then he pointed to Shangguan Yingying and continued to say, "What's wrong with you, little comrade? How can I drive you away? After tonight's performance, our contract will be completed, and you will be free."

"If you don't want to sign us anymore, our performance is not good," Shangguan Yingying said with her mouth pursed, and her hand still grabbed his arm and shook it back and forth.

"Our performance is not bad, is it? We just have nothing to do recently. The next free play, you can take us to present a perfect performance in the form of a band." Su Qing also took the opportunity to hold the other hand and shake back and forth.

This scene is like two beautiful women playing coquetry at the same time.

Ye Zhenyan was bewildered by their intimate behavior. He gently pushed their hands away with a smile and shook his head: "To be honest, your performance can only be said to be passable. Compared with the official band, you have to practice. Besides, you still have live broadcast and performance."

"There is no performance, no live broadcast, and they are all back!" Shangguan Yingying said loudly, how could she be willing to leave when she finally cooperated with such a talented person as Ye Zhenyan.

"Mm-hmm. Let's continue to practice hard and take us to play again. I know you and Lian Hao have signed a two month contract, and we can do it!"

Ye Zhenyan looks at Lianhao wordlessly, and Lianhao smiles awkwardly.

"Lian Hao is different. He is a professional keyboard player, and you are a little famous independent band. You are the appearance fee, and others are paid. Besides, I don't have a company, but these fees are all out of my own pocket to generate electricity for love. Alas! The live tickets are all earned by the program team, and I can't earn a dime. Alas! It's really hard!"

Shangguan Yingying and Wang Feiyi were dazzled. At the same time, they raised their hands and said, "I, we can do without appearance fees and just pay us." They said excitedly that if they could continue to perform together, it would be OK to do without money.

The two were Su Qing's friends. They were invited to form a band to play together. Su Qing's enthusiasm kept the band running. To be frank, Su Qing earned less after forming a band. So they can mutiny at any time and let Su Qing raise her income, killing two birds with one stone

"You two unexpectedly...... No, I can also! Yujia, I will give you a long vacation! I also want to work for General Yan!" Su Qing said excitedly

"What's the matter with you? I'm going to criticize you for a few words. Everyone is an adult, so you should make your own career planning. If you don't broadcast live for a long time, and don't publish works, all your fans will run away. I won't give you any prizes when I earn money and leave."

"Oh! It's OK. My father said that he can keep me all the time. He gives me more pocket money than I earn." Shangguan Yingying said proudly with her chest sticking out.

Several people have black lines on their faces.

Wang Fei Yi and Su Qing didn't say anything more, saying they were all right. It seems that their family conditions should also be good, after all, they are all music learners.

In the end, Ye Zhenyan showed his capitalist face and signed several people with the same time and treatment as Lian Hao.


At the weekend, the sixth issue continued to ferment on the network, and the mobile video of the audience at the scene also continued to be sent to various platforms, and the songs were downloaded in large quantities as soon as they were online.

"President Yan's song is really hot blooded. I can't wait to go back to work overtime at the scene."

"I drank several bowls of Yan Zong's chicken soup. Now I can't eat any more. I'm full of energy."

"Running forward to meet the cold eyes and ridicule, how can we feel the vastness of life without suffering."

"I would like to call it the best chicken soup of the year. It's delicious."

"Still hot blooded? This song is just chicken soup, not as good as my brother's song."

"Garbage singer can only write a chicken soup roar."

"I don't know where it comes from. It's hot every day."

"If it can't be black, it will be hard and black. I don't know where the water army comes from."

"To death with laughter, is Ye Zhenyan your father? Where does the great filial son come from?"


The originally happy fans on the Internet were hit by the navy when they ate hot pot and talked about songs. These storms on the Internet instantly upset the originally harmonious and happy fan community. Originally, we gathered to share our love and affection for Ye Zhenyan's music, but we were unwittingly involved in the whirlpool of disputes by this malicious torrent.

A lot of big TVs suddenly appeared on the Internet to attract hatred for Ye Zhenyan, fabricating various titles and topics, and drawing many fans of traffic stars to attack Ye Zhenyan.

The situation is worse than before.

The original main page of Ye Zhenyan's propaganda on polar bears has also become an inconspicuous position, seemingly like a big hand has come over.

Last night, he again declined many big companies. Ye Zhenyan made it clear that he would not join any entertainment company. One night, several big companies reached a tacit understanding to suppress Ye Zhenyan.

Director Zhang sat silently in his office smoking a cigarette and felt powerless. The management of the program team also nodded to suppress Ye Zhenyan's popularity. The publicity of the program team around Ye Zhenyan could only be terminated. The audience rating had reached the predetermined goal, and the suppression of one or two episodes had little impact on their investment profits and losses.

Zhang Dao looked out of the window at the gray sky, and his heart was as heavy as the weather. He knows that the dark side of the entertainment industry is far more complex than it seems on the surface, and it is even more difficult for Ye Zhenyan, as an independent musician without background, to stand in it.

"Unfortunately, Ye Zhenyan is a talented young man and shouldn't be delayed by these messy things." Zhang Dao sighed and put his cigarette butt in the ashtray.


Younger fans are easy to be provoked, and they are torn and forced by people on the Internet, and these fans often belong to various idols.

Ye Zhenyan's fans are very weak in this respect. They are more rational and will not be easily influenced by outside voices. Therefore, although Ye Zhenyan may not have the largest number of fans, their loyalty and stability are very high. Of course, a small number of young true love fans also exist, they

At this time, an article published by a fan appeared on Weibo. It did not involve any controversial words, but simply listed Ye Zhenyan's achievements, appreciation and simple congratulations.