Chapter 9 Secret World

After a long time of tempering, the body has become more vigorous, and the foundation of spiritual power has become more stable. At the same time, he accidentally obtained the primary field of Xianxuan; It has produced a bit of extreme state, which can make him almost invincible at the same level. Finally, it's time to open Yuanyang Secret. All the heavenly conceits went to battle together. They taunt each other and hide hidden dangers. They are ready to fight in the secret. After Junyuan entered, he felt something in his body, which seemed to lead him, and he followed the lead to a statue. Jun Yun found the deadly sword left by the god emperor, but at the same time he was also seen by people from other two sects and schools, so a war came. The two sects and schools were all aimed at even, so that even was seriously injured, unable to fight again, and even opened the realm of immortals and metaphysics, but was the hometown of Tang Clan. Use the Jiutian Array with the ancient seven colored stones as the eyes of the array to directly destroy the field. Jun Yun died after being absorbed. The aura on the person was poisoned because of its toxicity. He thought he could not survive on the spot and would explode himself. Fortunately, the gears of fate did not happen in one direction. Wang Jie, Jun Yun's childhood partner, rushed over and killed the friar in the middle of the world. Jun Yun set up the Nine Heaven Killing Array with Qi and blood as the guide and the Light External Freedom Act as the template. But those people wanted to make the final counter attack before they died, and they blew themselves up one after another. Jun Yun was directly seriously injured because of his low cultivation. In the installed Soul Rising Platform, waiting to come out of the secret place. Is reshaping the body. Wang Jie, Jun Yun's partner, was not very interested in killing the magic sword, but after 3 to 4 days of fighting, he finally returned to Wang Jie. Wang Jie's healing hot spring in Yuanyang secret realm revives Jun Yun's body. However, he never regained consciousness and could not find out the reason. At this time, Junyun was trapped in the teachings of the demons. Broken Peak anxiously looked around, but he didn't find Jun Yun's figure for a long time. He thought that something might have happened earlier. The friend who entered the secret realm with his colleague said that Junyun had been killed by two big doors. Broken Peak was very angry. Unexpectedly, the internal members of human beings killed each other. So how to defend against foreign enemies? Isn't that self defeating? Broken Peak no longer disguises his own strength. He is directly promoted to fairyland in the presence of others. People who want to hurt his sect will take their lives. With great power, suppress the sect leader and elders and support them. If their sect members are really killed, they will be killed. At the same time, he announced it to the whole world as the deputy god of war and the chairman of the military spiritual power committee. If they hurt each other again, they will not be lenient.