Chapter 75 On the Shelf Testimony+30 Day Declaration+Rules

The book went on sale suddenly. It was half crazy to write 200000 words before it went on sale on the 1st of next month, but Penglai, the editor, asked it to go on sale in the early morning of tomorrow, so there was no preparation.

(The launch speech was also written temporarily by half an idiot)

To tell the truth, after the failure of the last book, this book can go to the present is beyond the imagination of half an idiot. This is all thanks to the strong support of the readers.

Along the way, we may also feel that half idiot is a real person. Every time we have a small request, we will get more in return (such as recommending promotion). This time, the same is true.

Although the launch was a bit hasty, and the launch speech was also written on the spot, the half idiot had prepared for this day for a long, long time

After talking nonsense, let's do something.

With the support of everyone, this book was listed in the top 100 new books. Although it only entered a short period of two or three hours, it was half crazy and satisfied.

The next step is to fulfill the promise made by the half idiot at that time, which is also the most important issue that everyone cares about after the launch.

According to the previous idea: half idiot is going to explode 10 chapters after it goes on the shelf, to thank you for supporting the readers of half idiot.

But after seeing the badges with 10000 characters for 30 consecutive days, I am half crazy. I think you readers must also be excited.

[For the next 30 days, half crazy is going to explode 10000 words every day (according to the current 2000+words per chapter, it is the fifth watch), hoping to get the strong support of readers!!]

Because your one subscription, one monthly ticket, a little reward, even a warm and encouraging comment are all the power sources of half crazy writing.

Next, let's talk about the rule of adding more rules.

I think most of the books have been changed after they were put on the shelves. Even if I choose to add 10000 words every day for 30 days, I cannot deprive the readers of this right.

Plus rule:

1. From 500 for the first order, one change will be added for every additional 100.

2. All are set at 500, and one change will be added for every additional 100.

3. The monthly ticket is also a 500 start. Every additional 100 monthly tickets will add one more. (There are nearly 200 welfare monthly tickets every month, which seems to be a bit of a loss!)

4. Reward the leader for one shift and the silver league for ten shifts

Note: All the changes will be cashed in 30 days after the launch.

In addition, Banchi has established a group of book friends, and interested book friends can also come to chat (under the work introduction, it seems that it can also be displayed at the back of the chapter, and later linked to the shelf after the testimonial)


The following is the list of monthly tickets and rewards to support semi idiots during the new book period:

Regret is the normal state of the world

Shuyou 20240322100440678

That 201

Shuyou 20200810130554434

Maxim facet

Chen Xinlong

Blazing wing

Shuyou 20240610113712843

Shuyou 20240113113343749

Shuyou 20190427072722538

Shuyou 20180916084550013

Turbid painting

Lala Lala Sa

Fashion book

There is a set



To get drunk

White bearded mouse

Shuyou 20240610113540023

Shuyou 20231101144556530

Shuyou 20230410102211970


He Shen

Shuyou 20230222084050990

Shuyou 20221002071739871

Shuyou 20220923165858639

Shuyou 20220902121712772

Shuyou 20220530190705045

Shuyou 20220514024421792

Shuyou 20220110124054142

Floating Boat on Soft Waves

Shuyou 20200809073159594

Shuyou 20200613140719263

The cold moon has no trace

Shuyou 20190304093744723

Return, HU

Shuyou 20180323061646385

Shuyou 20170928095508178

Small galaxy

Feather and fragrance

The madness of that knife

Perimeter V

Shuyou 20210301105375578280

Fast food bookworm

Moon Night One Sabre Chop

Shuyou 110517150814765

Bookworm trace

Shuyou 20210918082137031

GQS Becomes Rich

Qingyun Dun

Fenghuang in Minqing

Shuyou 20190901153113094



The crispness of cola ice cream

Shuyou 20180916084550013

Look back

Shuyou 20221008171601281

Shuyou 20190427072722538

Zhongtu Stupid People

Rogue spirit

Langsai people


There are more book friends who vote for recommendation. I will not list them here. Half crazy thanks here!!!

In addition, I would also like to thank the book friend "The madness of that knife". It was he who sent the first warm comment to Banchi among the numerous invectives. It was he who made Banchi stick to his own ideas, so that he has stuck to the present. Thank you!!!

Finally, the VIP chapter may be delayed for a few minutes after it goes on sale. Don't worry for the readers waiting for the first time (tomorrow morning, after 12 o'clock tonight).