Chapter 15, Late Payment

The next day.

When Su Yun went to work in the village brigade, he did not directly mention Hou Xiangyu's request for leave with his second uncle. He refused to ask for leave if he wanted to, and certainly could not easily allow Hou Xiangyu, their main family member, to ask for leave for work.

In his opinion, if we want to do this, we need a suitable opportunity.

Or a reason that can persuade Second Uncle to give a fake.

I waited anxiously in the office of the village brigade for a day, but still failed to get a reply from the magazine.

Soon came Su Yunding's third and last day.

This day is June 15, which is in the middle of the month.

By this time, Su Yun had almost confirmed that his manuscript had been killed by the magazine and thrown into the garbage can. He was preparing to copy the manuscript paper and pen again tomorrow, when he heard the bicycle bell at the gate of the courtyard of the village brigade office.

"Jingle! Jingle!"

"Su Lou has sent a letter. Come out and get it."

When Su Yun ran quickly to the gate of the courtyard, he saw a young man in a dark green uniform riding on a car with green paint of the same color as the uniform. There were two dark green canvas bags in front and behind, on which the words "China Post" were printed.

"Brother Li, give me all the letters!"

Su Yun has been working in the office of the village brigade for half a month. He has known Li Yong, a 25-year-old postman who is in charge of running them.

After handing over several letters and newspapers to Su Yun, Li Yong smiled admiringly and said:

"Brother Su, this time your Su Village is so powerful that you have a writer."

"The biggest package in the letter is the sample book of the magazine sent by the most famous Yanhe magazine in our province."

"I have contributed several articles to this magazine before, but unfortunately they have not been published."

"The name of the writer is Su Yun. Do you know Brother Su? I have a money order for him here, which cannot be collected by the village brigade, but must be handed to him."

After Li Yong finished what he wanted to say like a machine gun, Su Yun reflected that his manuscript had not only passed, but also the magazine had sent a sample book, as well as the contribution fee he was most concerned about.

Fortunately, he is the only one in the village team now. Otherwise, Li Yong's posture will make everyone in the whole team know that he can't shout!

This is not the result he wants.

"Brother Li, can I ask you something?"

"What's the matter? As long as you call your village Su Yun a writer, where is he? I can ask him for his writing experience. Maybe my articles will be published in the future, so let me know if you have anything to say."

Li Yong seemed to have taken stimulants at this time, and his words came out without pause.

"Is it possible to help keep the secret about our Su Lou becoming a writer?"

Su Yun said his request.

He only wants to live a life without worrying about food and clothing. Compared with the troubles after success, it is the king's way to make a fortune in silence.


This puzzled Li Yong.

In his opinion, the writers who can publish articles on Yanhe Magazine must be secondary to earning contributions, and fame is the most important.

Success and success are all important in the end!

As long as you are famous, you can not only show off your family, but also show off your pride in front of relatives, friends and colleagues.

Even in this special era of extreme shortage of materials, people's education level is generally low on the premise that they are not enough to eat and wear.

Just like the Sulou Village Brigade, a village with hundreds of thousands of people, if you don't count the educated youth who go to the mountains and countryside, the number of literate people in the village can be said to be very few.

Not to mention the writers who can write articles and have published articles in Yanhe, the most famous magazine in the province and a little famous magazine in the country, are few in the county.

This shows the weight of writers in people's minds.

In this era, it seems that because a large number of educated young people go to the mountains and countryside, they are not very friendly to scholars.

But under the low education rate in the whole country, they envy those who can read and write.

Writers who can write good articles and publish them in newspapers or magazines are more respected by people.

Li Yong, the postman, wanted to become famous at once for a large part of the reason, so as to realize the double harvest of his marriage career.

However, a few years ago, he took advantage of his break time to write several articles, and was afraid that he had copied several copies of each article under the manuscript. He had mailed almost all the famous magazines, but all of them were lost.

Although I still have time to write occasionally, I have no momentum at the beginning.

Now suddenly there is a writer who can publish articles on Yanhe, the most famous magazine in the province, and he is excited like a shot in the arm.

He wanted to be famous so that the other side could give him some advice in writing.

In this way, his articles may be published in magazines.

The "Brother Su" in front of him now asks him to keep secrets for him. How can Li Yong understand this!

"Brother Li, because I am the writer you call Su Yun."

"What? You are Su Yun?"


It's no wonder that Li Yong doesn't believe that, in his opinion, a writer who can publish articles in Yanhe magazine should be over 30 years old, with rich life experience and details.

But looking at Su Yun, who is only 18 or 19 years old and has no hair on his mouth, Li Yong can't hook up with writers.

"Do you want me to go home and get your account book?"

Originally it was just a joke by Su Yun, but Li Yong actually nodded his head.

"Yes, yes."

"If it was just a letter, I would give it directly to the village brigade, but it also involves money orders and the author's contribution, so I have to be careful!"

In any case, what Su Yun saw in Li Yong's eyes was full of disbelief and suspicion that he was a liar.

In desperation, Su Yun had to take him to his home and take the account book to Li Yong's eyes. Even though he looked at Su Yun's name and account information on the page, his eyes were still unbelievable.

However, he didn't believe it was his own business. After confirming that Su Yun was himself, Li Yong handed Su Yun the remittance slip for manuscript fees and ordered:

"Mr. Su... Mr. Su, if you want to withdraw money, you must take the money order, the account book and the letter of introduction of the village brigade to the post office in the town."

"What is a letter of introduction?"

Su Yun has heard of letters of introduction in later generations. Unexpectedly, after his rebirth to this era, the first person who needs letters of introduction is actually receiving royalties.

As for what was written in the letter of introduction, he didn't understand at all, so he caught Li Yong, who didn't know his predecessor, and asked him because he was a very positive writer.

"This kind of letter of introduction for withdrawing money is actually the same as the local ID card, which can prove that you are the person."

Hearing the words, Su Yun immediately understood what the letter of introduction was about.

He had done local identification for Hou Xiangyu, so when Li Yong said that, he understood.

"Brother Li, call me Brother Su later!"

"The thing that asked Brother Li to keep his identity as a writer secret for me before, do you see?"

After Su Yun gave birth to the title of Li Yong, he mentioned the old story again.

"Su Zuo... Brother Su, since you said so yourself, I will keep it secret for you."

"But I'm also a person who likes writing. I also wrote some articles when I'm free. I hope Su Zuo... Brother Su can spare some valuable time to help me."

Li Yong made his own small request.

Su Yun could only agree temporarily when he asked for help from others.