Chapter 1, Rebirth before entering the bridal chamber

A splitting headache.

"Did you drink fake wine with customers yesterday?"

Then, Su Yun, who felt thirsty and smoking, stopped thinking and got up to look for water.

As a result, when I opened my eyes and looked around, I was dumbfounded.

This is not a hotel for drinking with customers, nor a KTV or hotel room, nor his messy rental room, but a strange room.

The walls around are half red bricks, half earth houses, potholed weeds and soil are exposed to the air directly.

The roof is also a herringbone roof with beams as supports, wooden strips as skeletons and tiles as the only ones that can be seen on TV.

It is called gable wood purlin roof, which is the most common brick and tile roof structure in rural areas 20 or 30 years ago.

The advantages are simple structure, easy construction and low price of materials.

The beams used for the front roof are different in thickness. They are not straight, and some of them are askew. As a result, the wooden strips and tiles fixed on them have changed shape.

Even Su Yun can see the stars outside through the gaps between the tiles.

This is definitely a dangerous house!

The gentleman did not stand under the dangerous wall. Su Yun, who was still sober, suddenly came to his senses.

I didn't dare to look at the facilities in the house any more and didn't look for water to drink. Instead, I found the direction of the gate at the first time and ran for my life in a hurry.

He only saw the two low square tables in front of him and the dishes and bowls on them, but he did not see the places around the square tables where the candles could not see, and there were also various small benches hidden.

As a result, just two steps later, I kicked the small bench, which hit the square table again.

Then, under the violent vibration of the two square tables, many plates and bowls were smashed to the ground.

Compared with my own life, these things are external.

When Su Yun wants to continue to flee to the door despite the broken plates and bowls on the ground, he makes a noise that startles people outside.

"Xiao Yun, don't move!"

"Why are you so grown-up? After drinking a little wine, you will start to be grumpy. These plates and bowls borrowed from neighbors will be broken and you will pay for them. Don't hurt yourself on this happy day!"

This is a rural man with a dark and yellow face. Su Yun can't tell whether the other party is thirty or forty for a moment.

At the same time, I wonder why this stranger knows his name?

Seeing Su Yun's body swaying, the black faced man helped him to a small bench beside the wall and sat down. He picked up the broken pieces of dishes and bowls that he had hit on the ground, and said:

"Xiao Yun, our parents left early. Your second sister and I worked hard to bring you up. We don't want you to be more promising to repay us in the future, as long as you can take care of yourself!"

"Now that you are married, you are still married to the most beautiful female educated youth in our group. In the future, you should treat others well and try your best to make your own life better!"

"Your second sister and I can help you for a while, but not for a lifetime."

"You have been weak since childhood..."

"Well, today is your wedding day. The eldest brother will stop nagging you."

"I have cleaned up these broken dishes and bowls for you. The rest will be cleaned up tomorrow. I'll go first!"

After the black faced man left, Su Yun, who had been nagged, became even more confused.

What's going on?

Why did I come to this place when I woke up?

Who is the black faced man who calls himself Big Brother?

Is it really his big brother?

What else is there?

You should know that he is the only child in the family. There are no brothers or sisters at all!

If it is true, who is he?

The first time, Su Yun thought it was a friend who played cosplay and was ready to play tricks on him.

Not to mention that it is difficult to find such a dangerous soil embryo room, and there is no video camera around!


He also found that there was something wrong with his hands and arms in front of him. The thin, fast, skinny, pale hands and arms were his own?

Not far from him was a tall table with drawers and cabinets at the bottom, on which stood a mirror the size of A4 paper.

Afraid of hitting the small bench or being hit by the roof that might collapse at any time, Su Yun walked carefully against the wall.

The environment reflected in the mirror is still dark, but you can still see the figure clearly by the faint light of the candle flame.

His skin was pale, skinny, his cheekbones were high and raised, and his eyes were deep. If he could not see some beautiful faces clearly, Su Yun suspected that it was a face.

"Am I born again?"

I don't know if his death by drinking with customers is work-related injury. Can his parents receive a large amount of compensation?

After the rebirth, the predecessor of this body is also unlucky. You can drink your wedding wine for yourself to die, and no one else!

He has no memory of his predecessor. He doesn't know how many years he was born again, nor where it is, but he learned a lot from the words of the black faced man just now.

The death of both parents is the standard configuration for the reborn.

The black faced man is his eldest brother and his second sister.

The black faced man, his eldest brother, called him Xiao Yun, which was the same as his name, but I don't know whether his predecessor was also surnamed Su.

Today is his wedding day. He married the most beautiful female educated youth in the whole team.

"Female educated youth?"

Su Yun presumably inferred that he was born again in the 1960s and 1970s, because as far as he knew, the movement of educated youth to the countryside ended after the 1980s.

There is a large water tank of 1.34 meters next to it. Su Yun shakes a half ladle of cold water and drinks it.

After the problem of thirsty and smoking was alleviated, he began to think about the next plan.

Looking at the roof that may collapse at any time, and looking at the poor earth embryo room with no decent furniture, a big "happy" character on the wall attracted his attention.

Once you come, take it easy.

Su Yun felt that since God had made him reborn to this man, he should not die.

More importantly, he should live a good life for himself and his predecessor.

After his rebirth, he doesn't want to live the inner life of working overtime as hard as he did in his previous life. He wants to lie flat.

And it is still the kind of life that lies flat and has no worries about food and clothing.

But these are the future. Now he has more urgent things to do, that is, to enter the bridal chamber with the most beautiful female educated youth daughter-in-law in the whole brigade.

This makes Su Yun, who has never been in love for two generations, look forward to it.

He swore to the lamp that he only wanted to complete the last step of his predecessor's marriage, and never coveted the beauty of the most beautiful educated youth daughter-in-law in the whole brigade.

After doing some psychological construction for himself, Su Yun walked to the back room with firm steps.


Pushing open the wooden door of the inner room, Su Yun saw the beautiful figure sitting on the bed the first time he walked in.

Egg face, white as jade, delicate facial features, a pair of big eyes flashing kindness and innocence.

Both corners of the mouth are always upward.

She is slim, with ponytail on her head, dark red plaid coat on her upper body, and grey trousers and cloth shoes on her lower body.

It really deserves to be the most beautiful female educated youth in the whole team.

Even if it is put in the future, it is also a good beauty.

Thinking that the beautiful woman in front of him was his daughter-in-law who was going to marry, Su Yun, who still had a lot of alcohol left in his body, suddenly became impulsive.

"Lady, it's time for us to go to bed!"

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