Chapter 50 The Right Way for Yourself!

In the Lord's Mansion.

The drifting smoke and dust slowly fell to the ground, leaving only a mess.

The destructive power of an epileptic martial arts six grades is very considerable.

Houses collapsed, and the ground was filled with large pits and corpses.

Guo Lin's seven orifices bled to death, and his birth mother, Zhao, was not spared.

Most of the people in the inner courtyard died, leaving only a few survivors.

Guo Xuan was blocked and lay on the ground unable to move, breathing hard.

Nangong Ye suppresses the chaos in the north of the city, falls down from mid air, and returns to the city lord's house.

He is not interested in whether people in the city lord's mansion are dead or injured.

Such a thing happened suddenly in the city lord's residence. He has suppressed the riot. How to deal with it later is also Zhou Tongzhi's business.

Now he just wants to take Guo Xuan back to study what happened to him.

However, when he fell back to the city lord's residence, he was suddenly stunned.

Next to Guo Xuan, there was a woman covered in wounds.

The woman was disheveled and dusty. She looked no longer young, and apparently had no signs of cultivation.

They should be survivors in the aftermath of the battle.

And the woman held up a pair of needlework scissors in her hand!

Nangong Ye immediately raised his hand, and the pattern on his feet flashed. The woman was bounced away from afar.

But it's too late.

Nangong Ye looks down at Guo Xuan on the ground and frowns.

The scissors were deeply inserted into Guo Xuan's eyes, and blood mixed with a little white poured out like a spring.

The first level of the alchemist system is' pharmacist ', and the second level is' alchemist'. Every mature alchemist is a very excellent doctor.

But this pair of scissors directly broke Guo Xuan's brain. Even if he was the sixth level alchemist, there was nothing he could do.

Nangong Ye frowns slightly. How much he hates Guo Xuan. Can an ordinary woman burst out with such strength?

He shook his head and stamped his foot slightly.

The pattern is flashing, and Nangong Ye disappears with Guo Xuan's body.

The body of a martial arts sixth grade is also a very rare experimental material.

The city lord's mansion was completely calm, leaving only one ruin. The survivors looked at each other.

Xie Fan helped Jiang Yunni up under the wall on the side of the city lord's residence.

Just now the alchemist bounced her away with the array, and it just bounced in his own direction.

Xie Fan caught her in time and didn't let her get hurt again.

"Mrs. Jiang, you..."

Xie Fan sighed in his heart. At this time, the original dignified woman was injured and unkempt.

He saw Mrs. Jiang stabbing her husband to death with scissors, and probably guessed the reason.

Five years ago, the so-called story that Guo Xuan had to kill his own son because he was possessed by the Devil. I'm afraid it was Guo Xuan who was possessed by the Devil, not his and Mrs. Jiang's children.

As a mother, she has been cheated for so many years, which is naturally full of resentment.

Jiang Yunni raised her head, Xie Fan caught her eyes and was slightly stunned.

Although dirty, but the face is still that face.

But Xie Fan felt as if he saw another person.

Mrs. Jiang's eyes were no longer dignified, gentle, and always lingering sadness.

Now her eyes are full of resentment, coldness, and a trace of revenge.

Jiang Yunni struggled to get up from the ground and shook off Xie Fan. Her tone was also unprecedented indifference.

"Don't worry about me. I'm not her. I don't know you well!"

Xie Fan was stunned and asked subconsciously, "Who are you?"

"Jiang Yunni."

"What about her?"

"She's dead!"

Xie Fan was stunned for a moment, but didn't respond.

Jiang Yunni sneered and glanced sideways at Xie Fan

"Your illness..."

Xie Fan heard that the servant girl Cuier said that since Guo Xuan killed her son five years ago, Mrs. Jiang has suffered from a heart disease.

It was good before, but after the collapse of Ying'an Temple, the condition suddenly became unstable and could only be controlled by drugs.

In the words of the servant girl, 'When the lady was ill, she seemed to be a different person! When she was not ill, she seemed to remember nothing about the time when she was ill. '

A word suddenly appeared from Xie Fan's head, and he blurted out subconsciously.

"Split personality!"

"What kind of personality?" Jiang Yunni frowned, "but now she has finally got rid of that cowardly and useless thing, which was used as an object by the Yuan family and Guo Xuan. Even if her own son was killed, she didn't dare to resist. She doesn't deserve to be called a person!"

There are two personalities in the body. One personality dies, leaving only one.

Is this... recovery?

Should it be that the master character remains and the vice personality disappears?

But who can stipulate which is the master?

Xie Fan is a little confused, but he is not a psychologist and cannot judge.

Mrs. Jiang has left herself and left on her own.

Xie Fan sighed and looked at the ruined city lord's mansion.

Out of the courtyard, there was a dense sound of footsteps. It seemed that a large group of people began to approach the city lord's house.

Xie Fan leaped over the city wall and disappeared into the chaotic crowd.

The north of the city was in a state of chaos and chaos. The city lord suddenly quacked, and all the officials at all levels were leaderless.

Fortunately, Zhou Tongzhi and other people from Ningzhou Prefecture were in the city lord's residence and took over the city of Shishan.

The chaos in the north of the city gradually subsided and did not spread.

Xie Fan walked on the street, thinking.

Maybe it's the right way to join a training sect!

After all, the city lord's residence is not a place for simple cultivation, but also manages the affairs of the city. The environment is too complex.

Entering a sect, you can concentrate on cultivating with no distractions, and can also be guided by sect experts. This should be your own right path!

Xie Fan has made up his mind and is ready to take action!

I have money on my own, and the fifty liang gold brought from Ying'an Temple has not been spent yet.

Now it is also the strength of the top martial arts. It has a little self-protection ability. Be careful on the road, and the problem should not be too big.

It's really no good. You can also go to the escort agency or the carriage and horse shop to hire someone to send you.

However, Xie Fan's quest for a teacher has not yet begun, and he falls into the middle way.

The Stone Mountain City is closed.

A notice was posted at the gate of the city. Three days later, a Buddhist delegation will come. During the three days, Shishan City will be temporarily closed for the handover of government affairs and city defense.

Those who want to go in and out of the city need to go to the city lord's office to go through the formalities. Only after inspection and verification can they be qualified to go in and out of the city.

At the same time, a curfew was imposed throughout the city. After Wushi, no one in the city was allowed to wander on the streets.

As a result, Xie Fan had to stay in the city for a few more days until the Buddhist mission arrived.