Chapter 25 Martial Idiot

Jiang Mu is sweating heavily.

This time, it is not only the Zhao and Li families.

Guo Lin and Guo Long, the two sons of the Guo family whom they supported respectively, will surely learn about this too!

Why do the two young masters want to compete for the identity of the successor of the Guo family?

By pleasing their father, Guo Xuan? Is it supported by the family behind?

These cannot be ignored when other conditions are not different.

But in the final analysis, the most important condition is the cultivation strength!

Now, two young masters Guo, aged 26 and 24, are both accomplishments of gathering qi in the fourth level of martial arts. Their talents are not bad.

If anyone can make a breakthrough, the chance of becoming an heir will be greatly increased.

And Xie Fan's ability, they will certainly not let go!

Jiang Mu suddenly felt weak.

He felt vaguely that things seemed to be developing in an uncontrollable direction!


Jiang Mansion, the Training Hall.

The Practice Hall is an independent courtyard with a large area.

There are stone locks, wooden dummy stakes and other implements for cultivation in the yard.

From time to time, you can hear the sound of shouting, accompanied by the sound of stones and wood breaking and splashing.

There are also several buildings in the courtyard, which are used to store all kinds of skills collected by the Yuan family and give them to the children of the Yuan family for meditation.

Among them, there is an independent small building near the back of the training hall.

In front of the small building, there are several young children of the Yuan family, each of whom is extraordinary.

This small building belongs to Jiang Yuheng, the leader of the Practice Hall.

In the small building, Jiang Yuheng sat with his eyes closed and knees crossed in front of the case, on which there was an old exercise with yellow pages.

"No, no..."

She opened her eyes, two black and white mottled eyebrows tightly tightened, as if something had never been understood.

The sister of the leader of the Jiang Family and the leader of the Jiang Family Practicing Hall is now 57 years old, with white hair and meticulous hair.

In the Yuan family, people have another name for her.

Wu Chi!

Jiang Yuheng's talent is not high, even ordinary.

But it is through the cultivation of not giving in to defeat and not killing people since childhood that we have achieved the five level level of martial arts that is hard to reach by ordinary people!

Became the existence of the Jiang family second only to the owner Jiang Yucheng!

The hall leader doesn't care about anything except cultivation!

"What is the 'true me'? What is the 'true me'?"

Jiang Yuheng muttered to himself, staring at the crisp yellow paper on the desk in front of him.

What is on the table in front of her is a hard won skill.

It came from a large tomb of the previous era, and the Yuan family took a lot of money to get it.

The name of this method is already untested, but the content is roughly preserved.

But many of them are hard for people of this era to understand.

Jiang Yuheng, as the most devoted person in the Yuan family, naturally left this skill to her to study.

So seven days ago, Jiang Yuheng began to close the door and concentrate on her research. After seven days, she had already refined most of the content.

But there was still the most critical point, which she could not solve.

What is' real me '?

If you want to practice this skill, you must practice with "true self" throughout the whole process, otherwise it will be completely ineffective.

"I am just me, just like this, what is the 'real me'?"

"What I pursue in my life is just getting stronger and stronger. I pursue the second grade when I am in the first grade, and the third grade when I am in the second grade. Now I am almost sixty years old, and I am still pursuing the fifth grade."

"Isn't that my original intention? Isn't that my true self?"

Jiang Yuheng's face was deeply puzzled and puzzled.

Could it be that I misunderstood, and the 'true self' has other meanings?

Jiang Yuheng rubbed his temples and felt a little dizzy.

Even if she is an expert in the five level realm of martial arts, she has spent almost all her energy on studying and solving the skills for seven consecutive days.

Shaking her head, she got up and carefully put away the original of this skill.

Maybe, when the eldest brother, who is the head of the family, is free, we can find some inspiration to discuss with him?

The thought just came out of my heart and dissipated immediately.

I'm no worse than the eldest brother who is the head of the family!

He can't untie it himself, nor can he!

Moreover, Jiang Yuheng can feel it.

If you can solve this key, practice this skill.

Your accomplishments will definitely go further!

At that time, I should be able to surpass my brother!

"If I hadn't given birth to a daughter, which round would the first person in the Yuan family get Jiang Yucheng to sit down?"

Jiang Yuheng gave a cold snort and walked out of the building.

"Hall Leader!" Immediately, the children of the Yuan family who were guarding the door of the small building came up, "You are out of the gate."

Jiang Yuheng's face was like frost, without a trace of expression, only nodded.

The children of the Yuan family are not surprised. This hall leader has always been like this.

Apart from the things related to cultivation, there is no expression or emotion on her face.

The whole Yuan family also kept away from the hall leader and dared not approach him.

"Well, Master, there's something you need to report."


"Jiang Mu brought back a three-year-old boy. According to his words, the three-year-old boy is a rare cultivation genius in a hundred years. The master of the family personally ordered him to give you guidance on cultivation."

"No time."

Jiang Yuheng refused cleanly and didn't even want to see the three-year-old child.

She doesn't like to instruct others to practice. She is the leader of the training hall only because she is from the Yuan family after all.

Growing up in the Yuan family, he had to do something for the Yuan family with the blood of the Yuan family.

In her opinion, instructing others to practice is a waste of time.

She was eager to spend all her time on cultivation so that she could break through as soon as possible and surpass the elder brother who had been pressing her since childhood.

"Er..." The children of the Yuan family were in some trouble, "that child..."

"You let him into the training hall?"

"No!" The children of the Yuan family quickly denied.

The hall leader had a strict order, and no one was allowed to enter the training hall without her permission. The children of the Yuan family naturally dared not disobey the hall leader.

It has been half an hour since Jiang Mu sent Xie Fan here.

Because it was the owner's advice, the children of the Yuan family dared not let Xie Fan leave.

But because of the strict order of the hall leader, he did not dare to let Xie Fan in.

So Xie Fan has been waiting outside the training hall for half an hour.

"I'm not in charge of things outside the training hall."


This kind of thing can only be ignored by the leader himself.

What should I do with that child now?

When he was having a headache, suddenly two family compatriots ran up to him and shouted, "Lord, Lord!"

Jiang Yuheng looked at the past coldly, "What's the matter?"

"Hall Leader! The Li Family Leader and the Zhao Family Leader are visiting!"

"What does it concern me?"

She never cared about such family dealings.

"However, the master and the elders are all engaged in military affairs, and they are not in the family at this time!"

Jiang Yuheng's face frowned slightly.

Although she was reluctant, as the highest ranking person in the Yuan family, she had to meet her.

The identity of the Yuan family can provide her with the best cultivation resources from childhood to adulthood.

But at the same time, I have to do something I don't want to do.

For example, when you are the master of the Training Hall, such as the current situation.

"What are they doing here?"

Reluctantly, Jiang Yuheng walked to the front hall of the Yuan House.

"Yes, for a three-year-old child."

Jiang Yuheng was slightly stunned.