Chapter 41 Attacking Hans

"Brother Hans, what should we do now?"

A young sailor with a swollen nose and eyes said to Hans with a beard.

"They said that one person's head is one million yuan. If we don't redeem people within two hours, they will be hanged."

At this time, an old sailor who was missing a front tooth said, "Maybe we should go back to find Captain Fiona or Mr. Odor."

The bearded Hans spat and gritted his teeth: "Absolutely not. This is the first task that Captain Fiona assigned to me. If I can't do this little thing well, I will be ashamed of the captain's trust."

The young sailor's eyes twinkled and said, "But the opposite side is the captain of the East China Sea hegemon Klike Tidu. We go to trouble them. It's just a shot in the dark. Maybe Captain Fiona doesn't dare to provoke them."

The old sailor also said at this time, "Yes, it is the Krike Pirates Group, the largest pirate group in the East China Sea. It has 50 warships and 5000 pirate fighting forces. One person can drown us with one mouthful of saliva."

Hans the bearded shouted "boo" and said, "It's nothing to be surprised by the number of people. I was killed after several rounds of shelling. Krike is the absolute overlord of the East China Sea. We, Captain Fiona, are the strongest and will dominate the East China Sea sooner or later."

The young sailor said, "But now the deposit for repairing the ship has been robbed, and they have also arrested our men. Where can we raise so much money to redeem them? If Mr. O'Dore knew that we had screwed up, he would kill us, or we should escape."


Hans, bearded, was so angry that he picked up the collar of the young sailor.

"Do you want to betray Captain Fiona?"

The young sailor said, "What's the matter? Anyway, we surrendered from Bucky the clown......"

"Shut up!" The bearded Hans directly slapped the young sailor and interrupted him.

The young sailor hid his face and dared not speak.

The bearded Hans said heartily, "Six, you must understand one thing. We surrendered to Captain Fiona because Bucky, the clown, abandoned us. We had no choice.

But this does not mean that we can betray at will. Men on the sea must keep their word and take responsibility, otherwise no one will look up to us.

In the past, we had no chance to get ahead on the clown Bucky's ship, but now it is different. Captain Fiona will become the overlord of one side sooner or later. She is different from the clown Bucky, and she respects us.

Captain Fiona has not let us down, so we can't abandon her, understand? "

Young sailor Liu nodded slowly, "I listen to Brother Hans."

At this time, the old sailor said with a worried face, "The problem now is that we failed and made such a big mistake. How can we tell the captain when we go back?"

The bearded Hans gritted his teeth and said, "So we should not only save our companions, but also let them pay for the bleeding."

The old sailor was startled and hurriedly advised, "You are crazy, but there is a group of Krike Pirates on the other side!"

The bearded man shouted: "So what? Our captain defeated Bucky the clown and faced the great swordsman who was also unharmed by the naval hero Kapu. As her crew, how can we shrink back from the captain of a mere Clipper Pirates? How can we help our captain to become an overlord?"

When the young sailor Liu saw Hans' serious remarks, he felt guilty and said, "But there are only three of us. What can we do?"

Hans pondered for a moment and came up with an idea.

"First get some guns, then we sneak into the other party's boat, find the gunpowder on the other party's boat, blow their boat into the sky, and find a chance to rescue one eyed Aden and some of them."

This is obviously not a clever plan, but they can't think of a more reliable method at present.

Originally, bearded Hans came here with his men to find a carpenter who can repair ships.

After talking about the price, bearded Hans took the old sailor who usually worked for him, and planned to buy some raw materials for making shells in other places, so that his confidant, Sailor Young Six, would lead the rest of the people to choose suitable wood here.

Unexpectedly, when he just left, the captain of the 21st ship of the Clipper Pirates and his men also came here to look for boatmen.

The other side is a pirate under the East China Sea hegemon Crick. He is used to being arrogant and domineering, and doesn't pay attention to the little six.

The two sides soon came into conflict.

The little Liuyi group soon lost. They not only took the deposit they were going to use to repair the ship, but also deducted the people.

The other side stepped on Xiao Liu and humiliated him.

"Even you, a third rate pirate, are worthy of fighting against us? Go back and tell your captain that we, the Creak Pirates, have the final say in the future on this island. If you want these people to live, I will only give you two hours for one million bailes. Two hours later, I can't see five million bailes. You can wait to collect their bodies."

The other side let Xiao Liu go back to deliver the message.

When the bearded Hans and his wife came back, they only saw Xiao Liu, who had been beaten black and blue, circling around anxiously in the same place.

Then came the dialogue that happened above.

After making a decision, Big Beard Hans took the two men to the north wharf and quickly found each other's boat.

The warships of the Krike Pirates are very large. One ship can carry more than 100 people. The cabin under the bare deck has three layers, and each layer has more than ten rooms.

The three bearded Hans, with their muskets in their mouths, swam quietly from the sea to the stern of the ship, hooked a fort window at the stern of the ship with a hook and rope, and stole in.

It's just that there are too many rooms in it. I don't know where the one eyed Aden people are locked at the moment. I can only find them slowly bit by bit, but nobody can find them yet.

When they searched the fifth room, they ran into a figure head-on.

"Adin? Why are you here?"

The three men of Dahuzi were stunned for a moment, and they almost stabbed each other just now. Fortunately, Hans saw the other's face in time at the crucial moment.

A Ding is blind in one eye, so everyone calls him One Eye Ding. He is usually slick.

However, when he saw the three bearded Hans, he was obviously flustered.

When Big Beard Hans was about to question the whereabouts of others, One Eye Ding suddenly kicked Hans to the ground, then turned and ran.

While running, he shouted, "The enemy has sneaked into the ship!"

Young sailor Xiao Liu angrily asked, "Is the one eyed guy crazy?"

"No, the one eyed man has turned traitor."

The old sailor was the first to realize that the one eyed man could walk around at will on the other side's boat, not like being captured at all.

"This bastard!"

Hans, bearded, was so angry that he ran after him and grabbed the back of his opponent's neck.

They risked their lives to save him. This guy turned traitor!

When his hand was about to grasp the collar of One Eye Ding, suddenly a knife light hit him, as fast as thunder.

Before Big Beard Hans could respond, half of his arm was cut off by the knife. He immediately put his hand over his broken arm and let out a scream.

A tall figure appeared in front of several people, with a machete in his hand and a ghostly expression on his face.

"How dare you come to my boat to make trouble? You are very brave."