Chapter 8 Initial Cooperation

  • trump
  • Shrimp writing
  • 2294 characters
  • 2013-10-26 15:30:29

Sure enough, the lobby manager had been waiting at the back door for a long time, and when he saw Du Qingqing, he said anxiously, "How can I get there? You can drag it to the hospital until there are some body spots."

"Sorry." Du Qingqing apologized.

"Don't worry, it will take at least two hours to form the necrotic spot." Li Fu said, "The necrotic spot can be formed in three stages, the first stage..."

Hearing the second stage, the lobby manager turned to Li Fu and said, "I believe you are professionals, but I will have lunch later. Thank you."

This guy knows a lot. Yu Ming looks at Li Fu in the elevator. Has the United States begun to use computers to calculate the number of dead body spots?

Ni Qiu looked at the other two people quietly: They were so calm when they heard about transporting corpses. Even the basic human aversion to the same kind of corpse is lacking.

Li Fu: Damn bad problems, damn bad problems, damn bad problems.

Du Qingqing: Is the corpse scary?

When the elevator on the fortieth floor opened, Yu Mingkan met the foreman, who was white and blue lipped. This was not because he was scared, but because he vomited too much. It seems that I need to improve my mental preparation. I'm not very good-looking.

It's really not beautiful. Du Qingqing looked at it and turned to vomit. Ni Qiu also wanted to follow her, but the other two were so determined that he had to bite the bullet.

An old man of about 70 years old has a purple face and white foam in his mouth. Li Fu crouched down to check and said, "The death will not exceed an hour, and it is preliminarily determined to be coronary heart disease..." Speaking of this, he felt that he had said the wrong thing, stood up and said, "It is really dead." Seeing Ni Qiu, he did not notice that he was trying to resist vomiting. Yu Ming seems to appreciate the furnishings in the house. He was relieved that he must get rid of this bad habit.

The lobby manager came in and covered his mouth and nose and said, "I'll leave it to you. The others will leave first. Don't cause customers to doubt and discuss."

Du Qingqing came back and tried to resist nausea and said, "This is your first list. I will not interfere with your actions. The key to a group is unity. Whether you can unite is the key to the success of this commission. I look at you." Then he left.

Ni Qiu looked at Li Fu and Yu Ming and said, "What do you think? I don't think it's good to carry them out directly."

Li Fu said, "Why don't they just call an ambulance?"

"Ambulances can't pull people to death. This is clearly stipulated by the national law." Ni Qiu was embarrassed to explain: "As a young man who has slipped, he will know more about some laws than ordinary people."

The two men looked at Yu Ming. Anyway, they had no choice. Yu Ming picks up the wine in the cabinet, wipes off the foam, sprinkles the wine on the corpse, and picks up the sunglasses on the table to put on the corpse. Then he turned his head and smiled at Li Fu and Ni Qiu.

The two men nodded knowingly, and Ni Qiu said, "I'm responsible for protection."

Li Fu and Yu Ming set up the body and walked to the door. Yu Ming took a hat and put it on the body's head. Ni Qiu pressed the elevator with a brisk step. The elevator comes up from the first floor. They stared at the monitor and waited quietly.

When the door closed, a lady dressed up wearing toad sunglasses walked to the back of three people and a corpse and waited for the elevator together. Li Fu turns his head to see Yu Ming. The body's head droops to block his vision. Yu Ming gently pushes back against the corpse's chin with his fingers. Yu Ming sees Ni Qiu. Aren't you responsible for protecting him? Think quickly.

Ni Qiuqing shook his head: There is no way, can we take the elevator together and not be found?

"Is he drunk?" said the lady suddenly.

"Yes," Ni Qiu replied.

"That should let him rest in the guest room."

"We......" Ni Qiu didn't know how to answer.

Yu Ming said, "He and his old friend got drunk on the fortieth floor. He lives on the thirtieth floor. We just want to send him back to his room."

"Oh." The lady nodded.

When the elevator arrived, three people entered first, and the lady entered. She pressed one floor and another thirty floors. Yu Ming wants to cry without tears. Elder sister, don't be so enthusiastic, do you? He wanted to go directly to the first floor on the ground that he forgot to press the elevator.

When the elevator went down, the lady faced the elevator and said, "Old people are as ignorant as children. You young people should persuade the old people not to drink so much wine."

"Yes." The three nodded together. The body's glasses were shaken off. Ni Qiu reaches out and grabs the sunglasses as fast as he can. Li Fu took it. The lady turned her head, and Li Fu hurriedly put his sunglasses on the corpse's eyes.

On the contrary, do you wear glasses with your eyes and feet facing outward? Yu Ming hurriedly stretched out his arm to catch his hair and blocked the eyes of the corpse with his elbow. Li Fu took the opportunity to turn the sunglasses and put them back on.

The lady turned to touch the corpse's hand and said, "What do you mean? It's cold. Why don't you add a coat to the old man?"

"It should be." The three nodded together

What else does the lady want to say? It's on the thirtieth floor. Lady, get out of your way. The three men got out of the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief. Ni Qiu pressed the elevator to pray: "Second Master Guan, follow the wind and water, and ride for thousands of miles."

"Hehe, this exchange meeting is very meaningful," said a middle-aged man. Then the door opened, and more than twenty people came out of the door. Everyone stopped at the door to talk to each other. There are black people, white people and yellow people.

Li Fu looked around and saw a sign in English saying, "I have bad news."


"This is not a guest room, but a multi-function meeting room."

"The elevator." Ni Qiu is a little urgent.

"The worse news is that this conference is an international exchange conference on criminal detection." A cold sweat fell from Li Fu's forehead.

"Cops?" Ni Qiu was shocked: "A group of cops?" I was so anxious that I wanted to pee.

"Here they are, let's go. Fire stairs." Yu Ming makes a decision immediately.

The elevator clanked, and the middle-aged man shouted behind them, "Here comes the elevator."

Yu Ming turns around and replies, "We are going to the next floor."

"The next floor? It's a western restaurant."

Ni Qiu was frightened and said, "The cops are suspicious. The cops are suspicious. It's over."

"Just go to the western restaurant and get some borscht soup for the old man to sober up." Compared with the two, Yu Ming is still calm.

"Why are you on the thirtieth floor?"

Yuming turns around and reveals the body: "The old man got drunk on it. He vomited in the elevator. We ran away." After that, Yuming is embarrassed and smiles.

"That one?"

"The one on the left."

The middle-aged man stopped talking and talked with foreigners around him. Ni Qiu opened the fire door and withdrew. Of course not. There is a restaurant downstairs. It's 11:45 now. It's time for dinner. Go upstairs.

Ni Qiumao said in a cold sweat, "Yuming, fortunately you are alert."

"Forced." Yu Mingqian is modest.

Li Fu said, "Ni Qiu, go to see the situation on the 31st floor first." You can't do that any more.

Ni Qiu trotted upstairs and entered the fire door vigorously. After a while, he opened the fire door and said, "Come in."

When the elevator came down from the thirty third floor, the three prayed to Jesus, the Tathagata and Guan Yu respectively. Empty elevator, three people smile at each other and enter the elevator. When the elevator went down, it suddenly clicked and stopped at the 30th floor. At the same time, the three people felt their backs were chilly.

The door opened and it was the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was stunned for more than three seconds and asked, "You..."

"We......" Li Fu and Ni Qiu watched Yu Ming together. If any of the three can solve the lie, it's only Yu Ming.