Chapter 72 Go to Cloud Picking Mountain

Jiwu Tsujitsu showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Being able to withstand so much blood, Mingnu did not disappoint his expectations.


Mingnu gently plucked the pipa, and the collapsed buildings recovered quickly. The cracks healed one by one. In a twinkling of an eye, the Infinite City recovered as before.

"You did a good job, Mingnu!" Jiwu Tsujitsu said miserably.

Since the defector appeared, he has hardly encountered any good luck.

Mingnv's promotion is the only thing that can make him feel better recently.

"Thank you for your cultivation!" Mingnu bowed her head slightly.

Jiwu Tsujitsu asked miserably, "Mingnu, what's your strength now?"

Mingnu said respectfully, "Master Wutai, I can now create a large number of eyeballs and send them to all parts of the world through the power of Infinite City to collect information!"

"Very good!"

Jiwu Tsujitsu's voice suddenly turned cold: "Give me all your strength to search for the defector!"

"Master Wutai, what about the ghost killing team?"

"Don't pay any attention to the defectors for the time being. It's not too late to deal with them!"

Jiwu Tsujitsu thought about it for a moment and then said, "However, except for the people who apply to the property house, tell me immediately after finding the property house."

He doesn't care about the ordinary people in the ghost killing team. For him, including the so-called column, they are all insignificant ants.

However, the Tanwufu clan, like the defectors, is on his must kill list.

"I see, Master Wuxia!"

Mingnu flicks the pipa gently.


A chair appeared out of thin air.

Jiwu Tsuji sat down without suffering.

He won't go anywhere this time. He will wait here.

"Chanwufu, defector, enjoy yourself. This is your last time!"

Jiwu Tsujitsu's hands crossed and looked at Mingnu quietly.


Under the dark night.

People gradually fell asleep, the sound of the town gradually disappeared, and finally completely fell silent.

An empty street.

The space fluctuation that no one could detect disappeared in a flash, and there were two more eyes on the ground silently.

These two eyeballs are fist sized. The word "Lu" is carved in the middle of the pupil, and there are tentacles below, just like a small octopus or a strange spider.

After the eyeball falls, the tentacle swings and quickly disappears into the night.

This scene happened in many places at the same time.


There is a protruding rock under a tall straight tree. The moonlight passes through the tree tops, leaving patches of light and shadow on the ground, and the nearby streams flow noisily.

Aoki sits cross knee on the rock with his back against the tree and a slap sized stone in his hand.

Sharp fingernails cut across his right index finger tip, and a wound suddenly appeared, red blood oozed out.

With the finger as the pen and the blood as the ink, Green Wood quickly drew on the stone.

A complex diamond pattern gradually emerges.

After finishing the last stroke, Aoki stared at the stone, and after two seconds, shook his head and sighed.

"I failed again."

Making space marks needs to take something as the medium. For Aoki, the best medium is his own blood.

He knew the whole production method clearly.

However, it is not easy to make it.

It is not only necessary to ensure the accuracy of the depicted patterns, but also requires the state of mind and will.

The whole process is not difficult, but it requires a lot of practice to master.

"I thought I could try 'space stamp transmission' today!"

Aoki kept his temper, threw the waste stone into the stream, and took another piece from the nearby stone mill.

As time went by, the sun rose and set.

Aoki throws away the stone in his hand and stands up.

"In one day, I didn't succeed even once. It seems that I will have to wait until later."

The time he agreed with Fugang Yiyong is almost up.

Aoki goes down the mountain quickly and joins Fugang on a small bridge.

Without any nonsense, the two men, led by Fugang volunteers, walked all the way to the northwest and finally arrived at a small town.

"At the beginning, I found the information of Tan Zhilang in this town. After my investigation, I confirmed that it was the boy Mr. Qingcun was looking for."

Fugang volunteers pointed to the mountain behind the town: "That's Yuntui Mountain. The Zaomen family lives on that mountain."

Yuntu Mountain is the highest mountain in Tokyo, with an altitude of more than 2000 meters. It is in the same county as Otomo County with the Dayue Mountain where the Blissful Sect of All Worlds is located.

Otomo County is located at the northwest edge of Tokyo, which is one of the least developed areas in Tokyo.

Asakusa and other prosperous areas have begun to modernize, but most places in Odom County are still very backward. The two people walked together, almost without feeling the breath of modern civilization.

It was already late at night, and the town was quiet. Except for the occasional barking of dogs and the crowing of chickens, there was no movement.

Aoki and Fugang volunteers did not stay and chose to climb the mountain directly.

It is very difficult to walk along the mountain road due to the fact that people in Yuntu Mountain rarely reach.

However, Aoki and Fugang volunteers walked flat.

At dawn, they came to the middle of Yuntu Mountain.

There is a flat area with many straight trees. Among many big trees, there is a shabby and small house.

"This is Zaomen's home!" Fugang said.

Aoki looks at the house from afar, and his face shows a little hesitation.

Because of him, the development of the world has undergone earth shaking changes.

However, as the protagonist of this era, Tan Zhilang's fate has not been greatly affected.

If he takes this step, Tan Zhilang's fate will inevitably change dramatically.

In the original book, Tan Zhilang's contribution to the killing of Jijitsu was not lost.

It was he who first woke up to Zebra. In the final battle, Tan Zhilang was also the most important force.

"Without Tanjiro, it is impossible to defeat Jiwu Wutai", which is absolutely wrong.

If there is no Tanjiro

"Hello, can I help you?"

A crisp voice interrupted his thinking, and Aoki looked up.

There is a girl at the front door of the wooden house. Her hair is coiled in a bun, and her kimono is white after washing. There are even many sewing marks. Her white and beautiful face is full of sunshine, pure and unsuspecting smile.

Aoki smiles.

The impact will affect!

Even if he doesn't touch Tanjiro, Jiwu Tsujiro may not come to Tanjiro's house.

No Tanjiro!

He has confidence in himself, the system!

To say the least, even if the family did not encounter great difficulties, Tan Zhilang could not become a swordsman?

Hatred is Tan Zhilang's driving force, but not the only one.

The character of Tan Zhilang shows that he is still angry because of the sins committed by ghosts.

Aoki looks at Fugang Yiyong and says, "Mr. Yiyong, next, can I talk to them alone?"

"Of course."

Fugang Yiyong looked at him, didn't ask anything, turned and left.