Chapter 7 Rattan Hits the Mountain

The cold moonlight enveloped the earth.

Qingmu, like a cheetah, shuttles quickly through the remote mountains and forests. With a little toe, he can easily leap out several meters.

Where should I go to find the ghost?

He knows several places where ghosts exist with high probability.

Like shallow grass.

Zhu Shihe and Yu Shilang should be in Asakusa, and possibly Jiwu Humei.

However, Zhu Shihe and Yu Shilang could not be killed. If there was no tragedy, they could not fight.

Natian Spider Mountain has five tiredness and his family members, and Jiyuan Youguo has six tiredness, and prostitutes Taro and Daoji.

But it is still that problem, lack of strength.

He has just become a ghost. How can he be the opponent of Twelve Ghost Month?

These elite monsters can only be brushed after he grows up. Now he needs novice monsters to practice first.

Is there any place where we can find a large number of newborn ghosts simply and quickly, or ghosts that eat less people?


Aoki stops suddenly.

There really is such a place!

Rattan attacks the mountain!

The final assessment place carefully built by ghost killing team!

All ghosts were captured and put in by members of the hunting team. They were weak ghosts who had eaten only two or three people.

Among them, the strongest hand ghost is just the level that Tan Zhilang can deal with just after completing training.

Aoki thinks carefully.

Teng Ji Mountain is a perfect place for him to practice. There are many ghosts, and they are weak.

The problem is ghost killing team and wisteria.

The reason why the ghosts on Tengzhi Mountain don't escape is that wisteria flowers grow from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside all the year round.

For ghosts, wisteria is highly toxic.

In addition, he was not sure whether there was a ghost squad guard near Teng Ji Mountain.

[Ding Dong!]

[Obtain the mission, rattan attack mountain copy.]

[Rattan Attack Mountain Copy]

There are a large number of ghosts living in Tengzhi Mountain, among which the strongest hand ghost has been hiding for decades and has eaten nearly 40 human beings.

Task requirements: Kill 30 ghosts and kill the hand ghost.

Task reward: 300 experience points.

The reward for this task is simple and crude, but particularly attractive.

"Now I have to climb the mountain."

Aoki looked up at the sky and said, "However, before going, we need to make some preparations."

First, make sure of the location.

He only knew one name about Teng Ji Mountain, and nothing else.

Next, prepare the props for crossing the sea of wisteria flowers.

A week later.

The sky was obscured by dark clouds, and the night was very dark.

"The weather is good today."

Aoki looks at the mountain in front of him.

Large tracts of wisteria flowers spread from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside. The rattan attacking the mountain seems to be covered with a layer of purple gauze, which looks mysterious and beautiful.

However, Aoki could not help feeling a strong dislike in his heart.

For ghosts, wisteria is highly toxic.

If you absorb too much, you can poison even the second part of the first string.

The hatred and resistance to wisteria flowers are engraved in the blood of ghosts.

"Fortunately, I was ready!"

Aoki takes out a dress with strange shape.

This is the protective clothing that he specially asked someone to make. All of them are made of airtight materials, and a piece of glass is sewn on the eyes.

Although he became a ghost, his appearance was almost the same as that of a human. Except for the masters of ghost killing teams, ordinary people could not find anything unusual. At night, he could still enter and leave human towns freely.

Aoki puts on protective clothing and starts climbing.

There are ghost killing team members at the foot of Tengzhi Mountain, but the defense is very loose, which should be just to avoid the nearby villagers entering by mistake.

Aoki easily bypassed the line of sight of the ghost killing team members and entered the Fujitsu Mountain.

"A small amount of pollen will be inhaled, but the effect is not significant."

Aoki wears a special mask on his face. After confirming that his body can bear it, he accelerates his speed.

Across the mountainside, wisteria suddenly disappeared.

"Here we are!"

Aoki's heart suddenly relaxes.

Even if he is not injured, it is not a pleasant thing for him to walk among wisteria flowers.

He carefully took off his protective clothing and found a hidden and safe place to hide.

I still need it when I leave.

"Then, let's begin!"

Qingmu did not delay, but climbed up the steps along the middle road.

Leaving the square on the mountainside, the traces of human activities decrease rapidly.

The rattan hill is so quiet that no animal can see it. Only occasionally can I hear an insect's chirp.

"Have all the animals been eaten by ghosts?"

Aoki sees and hears from all directions, and moves forward slowly.

As a mature hunter, he knows that patience is the most important thing in hunting, especially when searching for prey, he must carefully identify all suspicious traces.

"I haven't seen you on the mountain. Are you new here?"

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Aoki steps back quickly.

A ghost with blue veins all over his body, a sharp corner on his forehead, and eyes almost protruding from his eyes sat on the top of the tree, looking at the green wood with cruel eyes.

"The ghost killing team has started sending ghosts to Tengxi Mountain again? Is it possible that the final selection will start again? Ha ha ha, I must eat more people this time!"

Aoki was slightly silent: "Well, it seems that ghosts and beasts are not the same. They will come to us."


The pointy ghost jumped at Green Wood without warning, and its sharp claws grabbed his face door, with ferocious eyes and crazy smile.

"Ha ha ha, rookie, let me teach you the rules of survival of Teng Ji Mountain!!"

The fishy wind was blowing against his face, and Aoki was not afraid. He took a step forward, his fingers relaxed, and then slowly closed. His body was like a full bow.

The whole body gathers strength to push the fist, like a gun popping out of the chamber.

The fists and claws meet, and the huge force surges forward. With a click, the sharp corner ghost's arm turns into a twisted angle.

At the same time, he stepped back three times and almost fell down. When he looked at Aoki again, his eyes changed.

Aoki felt happy, and the negative emotions such as depression, sadness, pain and anger accumulated for many days seemed to pour out with this fist.

He screamed and rushed to the Sharp Horn Ghost.

"Ha ha ha, come again!"

The pointy ghost can only fight.

Their battle was simple and rough, and there was nothing fancy about it.

You punch me, you slap me.

The simplest and most direct collision.

The power of Sharp Horn Ghost is obviously weaker than that of Aoki, and it quickly falls into the downwind.


His arm was broken again, and the pointy ghost retreated again and again. He hit a big tree before stopping. He was short of breath, and his face was full of fatigue.

"Wait, I won't fight anymore, let me leave!"

"You can fight if you want, and you can't fight if you don't want. How can it be so good?"

Aoki is unmoved. He jumps up and blows out.

The pointy ghost has no ability to fight back, so he can only cross his arms and block in front of him.

"We are all ghosts. It's pointless to continue to fight."

Aoki doesn't speak, but the strength of his fist suddenly increases.


The defensive stance of the Sharp Horn Ghost is dispersed.

Aoki's next punch followed.


The pointed face collapsed, and his head hit the tree trunk behind him heavily. His eyes turned and he lost consciousness.

"It's finally done."

Aoki grabs the head of the Sharp Horn Ghost and raises it: "Is it meaningful? What you say doesn't count!"