Chapter 16 Space Shuttle

The moon is high.

The village was quiet, only the occasional barking of dogs echoed in the night sky.

Zhicun sneaks out of his house with a bucket, bait and fishing rod.

His biggest hobby is fishing. Unfortunately, his wife is too strict and doesn't let him fish at all.

I can only go fishing in the middle of the night while my wife is asleep.

"Before dark, I used corn specially to make a nest. Today I will catch some big fish!"

Zhicun was more eager to think about this, and his pace quickened.

When he reached the familiar fishing position, he skillfully adjusted the line, hung the bait and cast the rod.

At the moment when the hook was like water, Zhicun gave a sigh of satisfaction.

"It's a nice night today."

Just when he was worried about whether the air force would come again, the fish float suddenly sank into the water, and the fishing line suddenly tightened.

"So fast!"

Zhicun's face changed again when he picked up the fishing rod.

"Power, how great! Have you got the big goods?!"

Soon he found that it was not only the big goods, but also him. Never seen before!

Zhicun took out his lifelong skills and finally dragged the "big goods" over after an extremely hard struggle.

Looking at the huge black shadow on the water, Zhicun was a little confused.

Is this too big?

I feel bigger than people!

Is there such a big fish in this river?

As the shadow gets closer and closer, Zhicun feels more and more ominous.

It doesn't seem to be a fish. Look at the shape, it seems to be a person!!


Not like, that's a person!

"Is it a corpse? Did he throw himself into the river, or did he accidentally fall into the water and drown?"

Zhicun's heart was trembling, but he managed to hold back his fear and slowly pulled the "corpse" over.

"No stink, just died not long ago?"

Zhicun puts down the fishing rod and plans to drag the "corpse" ashore.

Just then, his arm was suddenly caught.

The corpse slowly raised its head, revealing a pair of cold golden pupils.

Zhicun's heart stopped beating two seconds later.

"What a ghost!"

He let out a shrill scream, shook off the palm of the "corpse" and ran desperately to the village, shouting as he ran.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

Aoki's face shows some apology.

When he just woke up, did he think such a thing would happen?

"Let's take this as compensation. I hope he doesn't have nightmares at night."

Grab a big fish weighing more than five kilograms and throw it into the bucket on the bank. Aoki takes a look at the village that is gradually bustling up not far away and leaves.

Soon after.

A group of people came to the shore with kitchen knives, spades and other weapons in their hands.

"Where is the ghost? Where is the ghost?"

Zhicun pointed to his fishing position trembling: "I was here just now, and I fished the ghost out of the water."

People are watching.

There was no trace of ghosts on the shore, only a wooden bucket and big fish rumbling in it.

The air froze. After a few seconds, someone said, "Zhicun, can you catch a big fish? In order to show off, you deliberately said there was a ghost. Let's come here, right?"

"I wouldn't do that!"

Zhicun angrily said, "What's more, I didn't catch any fish at all!"

"You mean that when you meet a ghost, the ghost not only doesn't hurt you, but also gives you a big fish?"

Zhicun also said, "Anyway, I really saw a ghost!"

Someone asked, "Well, describe what the ghost looks like?"

"Well, I have a pair of golden pupils, which are very handsome."

Zhicun stopped when he said this. At that time, he was so scared that he didn't look carefully.

"Come on, let's go! Go back to sleep!"

The man next to him yawned.

"I, I really met a ghost!" Zhicun refused to say.

"Mm-hmm. He is also a kind ghost who looks handsome, doesn't hurt people, and also gives people big fish. I hope I can meet him next time."

Everyone left in succession.

Zhicun wants to say something more, and suddenly he has a pain in his waist.

"Ah! Wife!"

"Go home and settle accounts with you!" His wife whispered threats.

Qu Zhicun said, "Wife, I really met a ghost! Don't you believe me?"

The wife glanced at him and said, "What I want to do with you is that you came out fishing in the middle of the night! No wonder you are always listless during the day recently!"

Zhicun suddenly withered.

"Pack up quickly, by the way, don't forget to bring the fish!" The wife said again.


Zhicun was frightened and took the fish back. Since then, he has never fished out in the middle of the night.


Qingmu finds a rock and makes it. He still feels weak and weak.

"Unexpectedly, the most effective skill of the 'hunter' profession is' blood boiling '."

Both crises were passed by it.

"However, the sequelae are really terrible!"

Aoki's mind moves, and the blue screen appears.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 13]

[Physique: 11]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Occupation: Hunter, Ghost]

[Free attribute point: 2]

[Item: Ghost Wine Gourd]


[Strange Ghost]


Grade: lv5 (218/500)

Skills: Ghost Blood III, Space Shuttle (not yet learned), Penetrating the World (not yet learned), Swallowing Ghosts

Free skill points: 2

Aoki can't even add attributes, and his eyes are directly on the "strange ghost" skill column.

"Space shuttle, learn! Learn for me!"

I was really bullied by two ghosts with blood ghost technique today.

But from now on, this kind of thing will never happen again!

The two skill points disappear, Aoki suddenly has a message in his mind, and his body has a subtle feeling. In addition, there is no change.

His attributes did not increase, and his strength did not increase. However, for the first time since the great change, a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

Since then, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to leap.


Qingmu's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared 100 meters high.

His figure disappeared again after falling.

Fast space transformation.

Twice flickering, he crossed a vast jungle. A few kilometers away from the village a moment ago, he was behind in a twinkling of an eye.

The grass sways in the breeze.

Green wood lies on the grass, half of the view is the starry night sky, and the other half is the prosperous town.

He played too hard. Now he has no strength at all.

However, "space shuttle" did not disappoint him.

There is no so-called cooling time for blood ghost skill, but for various reasons, it can't be launched instantly.

At present, "space shuttle" can be used about once a second without being disturbed.

The moving distance is not fixed.

In a nutshell, it is the range he can see.

As far as you can see, you can arrive in an instant.

With his "eagle eye", it can be said that it is like adding wings to a tiger.

If in the sky, a shuttle can even reach dozens of kilometers.

Of course, on the ground, especially in the jungle with many obstacles, the travel distance is greatly reduced.

In addition, the landing control is also a difficulty, especially for long-distance shuttle.

When he just landed, the distance was more than a little, and the knee was merged with the rock.

Fortunately, he is a ghost.

If you are a person, your legs will be useless.

How to ensure accurate positioning in his expected position will be his long-term research topic in the future.

The only disadvantage of "space shuttle" is that it consumes too much.

It is not only physical consumption, but also mental consumption.

Moreover, the longer the shuttle distance, the greater the consumption.

It is doomed that Aoki cannot use space to shuttle freely in a short time.