Chapter 12 Last Chord

Qingmu calculates.

Today, there were 17 ghosts attacking him, not counting the hand ghosts. Together, they gave him 90 points of experience.

"The profits are falling fast. It seems that there is no need to find these weak ghosts to kill them in the future."

[Ding Dong!]

[The "rattan attack mountain copy" is completed, and the rewards have been distributed.]

[Congratulations on your upgrade!]

"It must be a task reward!"

Aoki exclaimed and thought for a while. According to the previous plan, he added the two free attribute points to intelligence and agility respectively.

A cool breath passed through the body, and Aoki felt his spirit lifted, his thinking speed increased slightly, and his swollen muscles recovered their symmetry.

There is nothing to say about skill points. Add them directly to "ghost blood" and get the prompt of "all attributes+1" again.

Aoki is about to check the changes of the system when he is stunned.

An unprecedented feeling came to my heart, like taking off the shackles. Every cell was cheering and every drop of blood was shouting.

relaxed! Freedom! Have fun!

Like a new student!

Aoki said to his heart, "Has the curse that the ghost dance Tsujitsu has planted in my body disappeared?"

When ghost dance Tsujitsu Wutai creates a ghost, it will leave a curse in the blood. Any ghost who says his name will be killed by the curse.

In addition, he can control the blood given to ghosts, seal the regeneration ability of ghosts, and easily kill any ghost.

It can be said that as long as you become a ghost, you can never resist Wuxia.

At present, the only exceptions should be Zhu Shihe and Yu Shilang.

The former, relying on his superb medical skills, made many experiments on himself and got rid of the control of Wuxia. Yu Shilang is the only ghost not created by Wuxia and is not bound by the curse.

This is also a thorn in the heart of Aoki.

Transferring to a different ghost didn't let him get rid of Wutai's domination, and his life and death were completely in Wutai's hands.

It is more important for him to get rid of the miserable control than any other attribute.

"No, not only that!"

Aoki feels his changes carefully, and gradually realizes.

It is not as simple as getting rid of Wutai, but completely controlling his own blood and cutting off the connection with Wutai.

"I was wondering if I would go to Zhushi for help, but I didn't expect that this hidden danger would be eliminated, the system father. I really won't let people down!"

Aoki sighs and looks at the system panel.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 13]

[Physique: 11]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Occupation: Hunter, Ghost]


[Strange Ghost]

Quality: ★★

Grade: lv4 (118/400)

Skills: Ghost Blood III, Space Shuttle (not yet learned), Penetrating the World (not yet learned), Swallowing Ghosts

It is considered that we have completely passed the weak novice period.

Aoki subconsciously tries to learn some skills.

Penetrate the world.

[Sorry, the pre skill level is not enough.]

Space shuttle.

[Sorry, the skill points are insufficient.]

"Still can't learn... Hmm?"

Aoki suddenly returns to himself: "Space shuttle, can you learn?"

He tried again, and the system still indicated that "skill points are insufficient".

"Is the requirement of space shuttle lower than that of the transparent world? However, it is reasonable to think about it carefully. After all, the transparent world is much more difficult than the blood ghost technique here."

Aoki nods and studies carefully.

Soon, he found a bad news.

The requirements for learning skills and upgrading skills have become higher!

Learning "space shuttle" requires 2 skill points, and upgrading "ghost blood" requires 3 skill points.

"It seems that the stage of rapid strengthening is over!"

Green wood is thoughtful.

His four-dimensional attribute can be improved so much in a short time, the most important reason is the improvement brought by "ghost blood".

If you learn "Space Shuttle" first, you can upgrade "Ghost Blood" again after you get Level 9.

Aoki puts aside these complicated ideas.

The trip to the mountain was successfully concluded, and the harvest was more abundant than expected.


It's time to leave.

This is not a place to stay for a long time.

Aoki flies down the mountain without any hesitation.


On the busy street with shallow grass.

A dark haired young man with delicate clothes and a face as pale as paper is walking slowly among the crowd.

The people around are playing and talking and laughing. They have no idea that there is a man eating ghost hidden beside them.

Suddenly, Jiwu Tsujitsu stopped without a painful step and turned his head subconsciously. His eyes seemed to penetrate the space and reached the remote Tengji Mountain.

A moment later, his eyes became angry, with something unbelievable.

"What happened? How did he do it?"

Just now, he felt that a certain connection was suddenly broken. After induction, he found that it was the ghost created not long ago that got rid of his domination.

"Is there any secret in human beings? I should have studied more then!"

Ghost dance Tsujitsu's eyes are cold without sorrow.

He hated changes, and even more hated changes that completely exceeded his expectations.

However, when I was angry, I felt a little regretful.

"It doesn't matter, just catch him! Who is nearby? Zero? No, one is not enough, go to several more, and promise to catch him back!"

Jiwu Tsujitsu's painless expression became extremely scary, and she slowly walked towards the shadowed alley. When her body was shadowed, it disappeared quietly.


Moonlight, autumn night like water.

The two figures, one big and one small, walk side by side at an amazing speed.

The figure of rattan attacking the mountain from far to near stopped when they came to the foot of the mountain.

The petite female ghost has short white hair, double horns on her forehead, red eyes and purple pupils, and symmetrical red lines on her face.

The tall figure beside her has a pair of curved corners on both sides of her head, and her face is ferocious, just like an ox head.

"Is it here?"

The ghost looked up at the rattan mountain, and her eyebrows were deeply wrinkled.


And there are so many wisteria flowers!

That adult really sent them a troublesome task.

Not far away.

Two ghost killing team members in brown uniforms came slowly

"I just heard something moving here."

"Did you hear me wrong? Who would come here in the middle of the night without anything?"

"Maybe it's a ghost?"

"Ha ha ha, the ghost will come to attack the mountain? After smelling the smell of wisteria every few kilometers, he ran away."

"That's not certain, in case..."

Their conversation stopped suddenly and they looked at the two figures at the foot of the mountain.

"It's a ghost!"

"There is a ghost!"

Both of them looked at each other with solemn faces.

"It seems that they haven't found us yet."


They nodded and slowly pulled out the long sword at their waist.

"The breath of water, the shape of one, the water cut!"

They burst out at the same time and killed the ghost.

The two ghosts did not respond.

Just when they thought they were going to succeed, they suddenly sprayed blood, flew back, and their chests collapsed.

The two ghosts turned slowly, with banter and ridicule in their eyes.

Two ghost killing team members fell into the ice cellar.

In the moonlight, they clearly saw that the two ghosts had words engraved in their eyes, namely "Xialu" and "Xiasi".