Chapter 15 Arrive at the Star World and Meet the Sky for the First Time

Qixia is all over the sky, and Zhou Mountain is still there.

As there are more and more creatures in the world, more and more powerful friars come here to climb Mount Zhou.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, many of them were still in the immortal, Taiyi Jinxian's great power, and were promoted one after another.

Some people's five qi moved towards Yuan and attacked Taiyi Golden Immortal. Some people gathered three flowers and headed for Da Luo.

Every time you make a breakthrough, there are always people who want to test their talents and abilities. Zhou Shan is the arena where you can compete with your own heritage, foundation and strength.

There is no need to fight or kill, but you can also compete here.

Suddenly, one day, purple air was lingering on the mountain, and all the lights fell down on one person, which made everyone feel dazzling.

Especially in the climbing process of Zhou Mountain, the powerful people looked up at the tall figure, standing on the 90000 steps and independent clouds.

"Has anyone climbed to 90000 steps?"

"How can this be possible?"

"Who is so powerful in the world?"

"The great powers of Yin and Yang are not good."

Under the steps, hundreds of millions of people were shocked and excited.

What did they see?

Where does a big man with his hands covering the sky push the ancient power and still go forward to reach the 90000 steps?

Unfortunately, in full view of the public, the Taoist suddenly stopped and stood still, which was puzzling.

"Bless the reincarnation purple lotus, it can only reach this step!"

"Above the 90000 steps, the creatures in Hunyuan can climb up."

Yang Mei, standing in the same place, is depressed and has lived for thousands of years. He has resisted this threat, but he is also exhausted.

In the early days of the Daluo Golden Immortals, the area where Daluo can climb only when it reaches the limit.

It has exceeded the ordinary people too much.

"Well, leave first, and then climb Mount Zhou after I break through the great Luo Jinxian and reach the realm of Hunyuan."

A crack appears in the void. At 90000 steps, Yang Meiye shines and turns into a bright light and disappears into the void crack.

"It's him again!"

The Yin and Yang ancestors and the Heaven and Earth ancestors at the 80000 steps opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

"That breath is the fluctuation of space law, and there can be no mistake."

"It's against the weather!"

The two communicated that this was their second time to climb Mount Zhou. In order to break through the middle stage of the Golden Immortals of the Great Luo, they wanted to catch up with the Taoist priest's 80000 steps.

Who would have thought that the second visit to Zhoushan Mountain had put psychological pressure on the ancestors of Yin and Yang and Qian and Kun. The big bib seemed to hit them across the ages and space, and slapped them in the face and lost their face.

"Ninety thousand steps are beyond us again!"

Taoist Priest Jin Heng, standing beside the Yin and Yang ancestors, also expressed such feelings.

"That man has a strange and terrifying treasure that is no less than the treasure of nature, so he can reach the 90000 steps and reach the limit of the great Luo Jinxian."

"But how can it be more than ten thousand steps away from us just by virtue of an exotic treasure? It's unheard of."

Watching Yang Mei fly away, many ancestors were silent.

It is their misfortune to live in the same world with such a powerful existence. The pressure is too great.


Yang Mei did not dare to stay away from Zhou Mountain. He wanted to go to the starry world in the sky as soon as possible. Now the two stars of the Sun Taiyin have been born, and many main stars have also been formed and started to run. Chaos clock is on the Sun Star. In order to rush for time, he directly used the space law to escape and quickly hurried to the sun.

Along the way, Yang Mei found that although there were a large number of creatures under the administration of Honghuang World Avenue, the number of real powerful people still remained at 3000.

Every great power that falls behind will breed a new one to fill the vacancy.

In addition, except for the three thousand powerful abilities, there is no complete cultivation method for other creatures, and there is no complete inheritance of the Great Way.

The three thousand principles are all under the control of the three thousand powers. Although little creatures are immortal when they are born, it is even more difficult for them to take the first step in their cultivation.

It only means that insight belongs to one's own Taoism, and it takes a long time for insight to be used for cultivation.

Unlike three thousand talents, they are born to inherit the law of the great way and realize the path of cultivation. They basically rely on deduction, and use their own way to deduce the path of the future to see whether the path of cultivation is feasible or not.

Lingbao has played a huge role in it.

With Lingbao, you can understand the way of law in Lingbao, improve your own way, and even rely on Lingbao to deduce your own way. For example, Hong Jun and Luo Hou can deduce a complete road by holding the pieces of the jade plate of nature. They do not modify the law, take the edge of the sword, and develop their own way with immortals and demons.

By the time we arrived at the starry world, nearly one yuan meeting had passed between heaven and earth, and more than ten million years had passed.

When Yang Mei arrives at the starry world, she feels that the rules here are different from the earth!

"Thirty Heavens, Thirty Heavens, Thirty Heavens of Pure Qi, Three Ways Missing!"

"Star Aura!"

"The sun is too cloudy!"

"What a strange world!"

Yang Mei found that the area here is like a world that has never been formed. All kinds of stars are floating at random without rules. Even the sun and moon are running with the famine. But because the chaos clock suppresses the starry world, the world has never collapsed. There is chaos, but many star gods have also been born.

Yang Mei thought for a moment, and a Taoist in a blue robe and full of the smell of the laws of the stars came up, holding a blue and white jade zhang, wearing a golden crown and a slender beard, waved and said:

"Dare to ask your friend, but what's the power of coming here in the wild?"

"I, Yang Mei, came from the South China Sea, traveled through the starry sky and felt the great way."

Yang Mei, who knows how to be polite, bowed back slightly.

The Taoist looks yellow and tired. It seems that he has spent too much magic in recent years. I don't know what he is doing. He looks so weak and really empty.

When talking to Yang Mei, he is weak.

"Tao You came just in time. I am Taoist Qingtian. I hope you can help me."

The Taoist Qingtian bowed respectfully and looked at Yang Mei with his fists clasped.

As one of the strong men of the Golden Immortals, the Taoist Qingtian could feel the terror on Yang Mei, and the threat was even more subtle than himself.

So he dared to ask for help.


Is it Qingtian? In the future, a piece of pure qi, which turns into one of the Thirty Three Heavens, has turned into a great power of the early generation?

There are still two days left, the sky and the yellow sky.

These three days were all one of the thirty-six pure qi that came out of Pan Gu's mouth before he died. The most powerful three pure qi, namely, Taiqing, Yuqing, Shangqing, became Sanqing. Another three pure qi became blue sky, yellow sky, heaven, and three powerful stars in the sky. The remaining thirty pure qi became thirty heavy heavens above the clouds, Connect heaven and earth.

In the future, three days will fall and become three layers of Tianwaitian Society, which will become the so-called thirty-three layers of Tianwaitian Society. In addition, Sanqing will become a saint, open up a triple heaven palace, and complete the last three layers of Tianwaitian Society. Thus, the thirty-six layers of Tianwaitian Society will be complete.

"Qingtian Taoist friend, I have never met you before, and this is just the first time we have met."

"Taoist friend, I'm afraid..."

Yang Mei shook his head slightly, showing a meaningful expression. He didn't want to deal with these dead people in the future, so it was easy to be contaminated with cause and effect.

My life is hard. In the soul memory of the later generations of passers-by, my fate is also the most serious threat from the holy Hongjun combined with the rules of heaven and earth to drive out the flood and live in chaos.

However, Taoist Qingtian doesn't seem to give up. He finally hopes for someone who is not less powerful than himself. He hopes that Yi will help him out, so he can't let Yang Mei go.

So he quickly made a gesture of invitation and invited Yang Mei to go together. Yang Mei was puzzled for a moment, and then looked at the endless starry world. Even the coordinates of the sun star could not be found, so he could not help but put his goal on the Taoist priest in the sky.

When they set foot in the starry sky for thousands of miles, they crossed many stars and finally came to a huge star palace formed by pure air.

As he walked, Yang Mei also looked at the starry world. He had never been here before. This was the first time. It was actually difficult to steal the most precious Chaos Clock in the starry world. After all, there were many powerful stars in the sky.

It's a sneaky thing. You can't do it face to face.