Chapter 54 Engagement

"I wonder what can I do for you when you come here?"

The madman Chen Fozhi led the troops to appear in time and gave Gao Yao a new life.

By the way, because of Chen Chang's words, he was convinced by his very understanding words, and paid homage to Chen Chang as his elder brother.

For Chen Chang, Chen Fozhi is actually no more than 15 years old, but his own soul is thirty-six. Therefore, it is not inappropriate to call him younger brother.

What's more, it was Chen Fozhi's own recognition that he had to do it if Chen Chang didn't do it.

It was Sima, Hu Ying and others who were very happy because Chen Chang paid homage to the brother, so they set up a banquet for him.

Although Chen Fozhi believes in Buddhism, he can eat as much as he likes, and people can kill as soon as they want. He is just like Lu Zhishen. He is a little arrogant, not secular, and has a bit of Yang Guo's taste.

Chen Chang appreciates Chen Fozhi's temper.

But the guy stayed in Gaoyao for not two days. After receiving a letter from his father, he immediately got into trouble again.

He showed the letter to Chen Chang, who understood it at a glance.

It turned out that Chen Fanian had only thousands of soldiers and horses. In order to rescue Gao Yao, he specially ordered his son Chen Fozhi to take these selected soldiers out of the city.

These people are the best of the best, so they have the ability to block ten.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fozhi has just taken away the elites in the city. Those slang and bureaucratic people around have learned the same thing after getting the news. They have followed Chen Wenche's steps to learn how to force the state capital.

As a governor of Shizhou, Chen Fanian might have fled back to Longzhou when the army started. However, he cared for the people and could not bear to give up, so he had to defend Shizhou with thousands of people to deal with the enemy.

However, the bandits and enemies fought more and more, so that the situation could not be controlled.

More than ten thousand people gathered around the city soon. Although there were thousands of soldiers guarding the city, they were all old and weak soldiers who were left to fight?

Although it was just a struggle, I was afraid that Shizhou City would be broken by thieves at any time for a long time.

Chen Fanian had no choice but to summon Chen Fozhi to lead the elite teacher to help Shizhou quickly.

Now that the letter is in Chen Chang's hands, he also sees Chen Fozhi's trouble.

If you give up the high key, the high key will return to the origin again.

If he does not give up, his Shizhou will be broken by thieves sooner or later, and his father will be humiliated by thieves.

Of course, Chen Chang won't embarrass him. He immediately discussed with Hu Ying, not only to persuade Chen Fozhi to return quickly, but also to lend Chen Fozhi a hundred talents to him, so that he can take them back to fight against rebellion.

This is a little bit of brother's heart.

Is Chen Fozhi a person who is controlled by the secular world?

Chen Chang, the eldest brother, gave him a hundred people, but he was embarrassed not to accept them, because this was just the meaning of being the eldest brother.

Chen Fozhi agreed to accept Chen Chang's reinforcements.

But at the same time, he also divided half of the thousands of people brought by his ministry to Chen Chang, and asked Chen Changwu to answer, otherwise his little brother would not accept the people he assigned.

Chen Fozhi is so generous that even Hu Ying and others are embarrassed and want to persuade him.

But what Chen Fozhi said must be fulfilled. At the moment, he assigned 500 people to him, and allocated half of the monks and soldiers to Chen Chang, who ordered them to obey his command.

The reason why Chen Fozhi dared to do so was that he was crazy and uninhibited, which was more about his confidence in his subordinates.

His troops are elite, and they follow his father and others to suppress slang and bureaucrats all the year round, and use half of them to help back. Chen Fozhi thinks it is enough.

At this time of high demand, since he cannot continue to stay to help Chen Chang, it is reasonable to leave these people.

Chen Fozhi believes that with these elite people in the room, he can stand up for a while.

Maybe after the siege of Shizhou, he can kill again and return to Gaoyao.

Chen Chang was able to see Chen Fozhi's sincerity, but he did not say it casually. Since Chen Fozhi had made such arrangements, Chen Chang naturally did not refuse.

If he refuses again, Chen Fozhi will not like it.

At the moment, after discussing with Hu Ying, Chen Chang also selected 100 elite people and handed them over to Chen Fozhi.

Chen Fozhi naturally refused to refuse. After drinking in the city, he took more than 500 of his men and horses, as well as a hundred elites given by Chen Chang, and went to the opening of the city.

The bandits outside the West Gate have been safe for two days. They dare not make mistakes. Suddenly, they see these monk soldiers with hundreds of people and horses. They want to resist for a while, so that they can get help from the East Gate.

But Chen Fozhi didn't care at all. He killed his horse and went away.

Chen Chang, who was standing at the head of Gaoyao City at that time, was very happy about Chen Fozhi's handsome figure.

However, once Chen Fozhi left, although he left five hundred soldiers, Gao Yao also sent out one hundred, which was four hundred. However, before the First World War, nearly half of the young people were lost. Now, the total number of guards in the city is only eight or nine hundred.

Outside the city, though the thieves failed to attack the city, there were not many casualties, which could be ignored for them.

However, compared with Gao Yao, although the number of elites has increased, the base has become smaller. Without additional soldiers, it is difficult for a skillful woman to make bricks without straw.

Moreover, Xian Ying's foreign aid team did not know what the situation was. It was hard to decide whether they were in collusion with the enemy or defeated by the thieves.

Therefore, Gao Yao is in urgent need of people and horses.

The young and strong people in the city have almost obtained their consent. The rest of the families with only sons can't bear to arrest them again.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of people who are willing to join the army because of the common hatred and anger of thieves, but these are far from enough.

Thieves calmed down after the first world war. I'm afraid that there will be more moves. It is necessary to increase guards to make the first world war possible.

In addition to the part of troops that can be excavated in the city, Chen Chang has another idea of where to go.

Li Fu.

Suspicious Li Mansion was blackmailed last time, and the hundred people tribe handed over obediently has already become cannon fodder.

He was so happy that Chen Chang was even more worried. He also said that it was Li Xuedao who cheated and was holding a bigger fart.

At this juncture, the only way is to constantly dig his corner and squeeze his script dry. In this way, he does not have the capital to continue to flutter in the dark, and he can also harvest a part of his troops as the next war preparation.

Therefore, after the war, he, Chen Chang, led Yan Ying and other guards to the gate of Li's residence.

Li Xuedao, the owner of Li Mansion, was in his forties. Of course, he did not dare to snub the arrival of the sixth childe, and immediately invited Chen Changyan into the hall.

However, he was cheated by Chen Changcheng to take away the Hundred People Tribe and a lot of food and forage equipment last time. He was very distressed, but he had no choice. Now, it's not good to see the plague god again.

Chen Changke paid no attention to it. He said something polite at the moment and said something about the future.

"My Gaoyao city is trapped by tens of thousands of thieves. You must know that, Duke Li. I think the thieves are ferocious and stubborn. The number is many times that of us. Once the city is broken, the people in the city will suffer."

"As for the powerful and rich like Mr. Li... The purpose of the thieves to break the city is probably to rob money and food in addition to killing people to vent their anger. As for the female family members in the house, they will rob or not and what they will do. Maybe Mr. Li knows better than me."

"I'm afraid that the bandits will turn into ashes when they enter the city. Even if they beg for mercy, they may not be spared. I don't know Mr. Li, but do you have this concern?"

Li Xuedao was worried about this day and night, and it was for this reason that he was willing to give away some of the tribes and money to Chen Chang to spend.

He also heard that a big war had just been fought. Fortunately, Gaoyao City was temporarily saved. But also, if he wants to persist, he probably knows Chen Chang's purpose.

"Come on, how much do you want this time?"

Chen Chang also said that in such a powerful and wealthy family, most of them were only afraid of breaking through a layer of mouth, and would be willing to put some blood into the threat.

It was Li Xuedao who was so cheerful that Chen Chang was stunned.

After a moment, he smiled and said, "Well, there is a serious shortage of guards in the city. I think Mr. Li is so rich that there should be hundreds of tribes in the mansion. It should be no problem to take out three... five hundred tribes."

His own lion opened his mouth, and the number he said embarrassed him.

But Li Xuedao just hesitated a little and immediately nodded his head.

Now, Chen Chang is being criticized.

He only heard of the powerful and powerful, but he did not expect that the powerful and powerful could be so rebellious. He would give as many as hundreds of dramas were told. It seems that his family's influence is still very deep.

It also let him finally understand why Haoqiang is so difficult to deal with.

It is further understood that the vast world, with such a small registered population, has long been divided up by the powerful, wealthy, aristocratic families, and the Fortress Marshal.

It seems that this is precisely because the imperial court cannot be strong and powerful, and cannot immediately start a war against other forces before the opportunity comes. It turns out that there are so many hands tied behind it, how can it play a role?

Therefore, we often miss one opportunity after another to unify the world.

Chen Chang has no time to sigh about this. He is now interested in Li Xuedao.

If this person is a traitor and has something to do with Zhou Ji, why does he behave so openly at this time?

If he has a ghost in his heart and has other plans, he will never agree to hand over these tribes quickly. Is it not a matter of breaking his arm when he does so?

But Su Xinzhai gave him the direction of investigation, and all of them asked Chen Chang to question Li Xuedao, and even suspected that he was conspiring with Li Ben to confuse Gao Yao.

But is this the case? Does Su Xinzhai find out the truth and is his words credible?

Moreover, Chen Chang had no doubt about Zhou Ji's death.

But now

Having benefited, Chen Chang came out of Li's house and asked Yan Ying, "Do you think he is a traitor or a loyal man?"

Yan Ying replied, "This man has a frank manner, but he seems to have something hidden in his heart."

Chen Changqing said nothing more.

Instead, go back to your home and find Laisu Xinzhai immediately.

Su Xinzhai was busy with other things, so he came over immediately after hearing the summons.

Chen Chang asked him, "Did you miss anything when you investigated Li Xuedao last time?"

Su Xinzhai was slightly stunned, and then he said, "Don't worry, young master, I will go down and continue to send people to monitor and investigate this person."

Watching Su Xinzhai leave, Chen Chang stood there and looked at his back for a long time, speechless.

Turning back to the bedroom, he needed to calm down.