Chapter 35 The General Never Quits

The sudden situation in Gaoyao City has long been seen by Chen Wenjie and others on the ship.

But Chen Wenjie didn't think he should be nervous.

"There are only a few people. I want to see how big the waves he can make."

Behind him, Wang Bei also joked, "I'm afraid it's not enough for me to stop my teeth."

However, as time goes by, they can no longer laugh.

Although there are only a few hundred people, their power is enough to destroy a team.

It is like the one or two thousand people who have already landed at the front of the city. They are so fragile in front of hundreds of people that they are easily swept back and forth for several times, so that they force his rear people to dive to avoid their sharp points.

Chen Wen gave up his anger.

He immediately sent a signal for an urgent attack.

Copper drums beat in bursts. If there is a gold dagger, the sound urges the officers and men on each ship to attack.

However, because the ferry was blocked and the boat was running sideways, the situation was even worse.

However, it was the rapid sound of copper drums that made all ships land together and pushed the retreated people back.

Soon, the number of people on the shore reached three or five thousand.

And this time, even if they want to withdraw, it is unlikely that they have lost their way.

Only by moving forward continuously is the biggest way of life.

Chen Tanxian obviously felt great pressure.

He also wanted to kill as soon as possible and stop pestering the thief. However, his body is like a duckweed, which is swept by thieves, and he can't help coming and going in the crowd.

Thieves are also surrounded from the opposite side, making Chen Tanxian's situation more difficult.

"Father, let me help you!"

Chen Tanxian, who was soaked in blood, obviously felt powerless after killing several people, and his fighting spirit was slightly reduced. Therefore, we suddenly encounter danger without knowing it.

Thanks to his father, he brought him back to reality.

Chen Xu followed Chen Tan on foot to fight first, and his small body was shouldered with undue weight.

Although Chen Xu's whole body was stained with blood, he did not know where it was good or where it was injured.

But Chen Xu was not timid, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

He had already thrown the horizontal knife with curled mouth in his hand, and he did not know where to grab a spear.

Different weapons make no difference in his hands.

On the contrary, because the weapon in hand has a long advantage, Chen Tanxian accidentally handed out the spear at the right time.

With this shot, Kankan will raise a gun to stab his father's thief. One stab will turn it over.

Chen Tanxian was also in a cold sweat. After a moment of recovery, he turned his horse around and shouted, "Xu Er, keep up!"

Even if he died in battle, he had to protect Chen Xu to break through the encirclement first. Chen Xu could not be buried with him.

Once Chen Tanxian's fighting spirit rose, he broke through a hole and rushed to Gaoyao City with Chen Xu and others.

However, he did not know that although he broke through the encirclement with several cavalries, there were still infantry that could not keep up with him, and they were all thrown into the encirclement.

"The general abandoned me!"

Even if Chen Tan died in battle, how could he abandon his subordinates? Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed back again with the cavalry behind him.

It broke through the hole, but was soon surrounded by thieves.

Chen Tanxian saw that he was once again trapped in a tight encirclement, and he was crazy again.

This time, as before, another half of the people were left in the encirclement and had to rush again.

Repeatedly back and forth, leaving a corpse on the ground.

Although the thief nearly collapsed, he was defeated by many people in the end, and was urged by the bronze drum behind him, so he had to rush forward.

"Chen, the county magistrate, please follow me back to town!"

After Chen Tan had repeated several wars, there were less than half of the people left behind. If we continue to fight, we are afraid that the whole army will be destroyed.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, the city gate of Gaoyao was opened and Hu Ying rushed out with a team of people to meet him.

There were not many guards in the city, so those who came out of the city should be elite soldiers.

At this critical moment, Chen Chang asked Hu Ying to hold all the hundreds of elites under the ticket door.

Once the situation changed, Chen Chang had to ask Hu Ying to go out of the city to rescue him.

Hu Ying should refuse to stay in the city, but he did not do so.

"When I go, you should guard the city well."

This is also the important task that Hu Ying assigned to Chen Chang before she left.


Chen Chang will certainly guard the city and wait for them to return to the city.

Under the city, with the addition of a team of Hu Ying, it also had an immediate effect.

Hu Ying's new force directly tore a hole in the encirclement of the bandits, like a sharp knife straight into the heart of the bandits.

The bandit army soon collapsed.

Hu Ying took this opportunity to break into the tight encirclement and quickly found Chen Tanxian's men.

Chen Tanxian's headquarters was overwhelmed by the bandit army, and he gave up when he saw no hope of breaking through.

At the last moment, I just hope to kill one more.

Now seeing Hu Ying killed her, she could not help but yell, "Why did you disappoint my second brother and abandon this high city?".

Hu Ying knew Chen Tanxian's feelings for Chen Baxian, the second brother, but he also knew that if Chen Baxian's elder brother died in the battle, he would also scold him.

Besides, since he had rushed out of the city, he had to fight for his life to save him.

Of course, Chen Tan is not an ungrateful person at first. Since Hu Ying has come, we should cooperate with him to have a chance to rush out.

He turned back and told Chen Xu, "Keep close to Hu Sima and don't get lost!"


Chen Xu naturally had to obey his father's orders.

Chen Tanxian has been constrained because he has to take care of Chen Xu.

At this moment, the dog was thrown to Hu Ying, so that he could fight for it.

Of course, Chen Xu would not be a burden to Hu Ying. After seeing Hu Ying's eyes, he immediately made a cunning dash to help Hu Ying eliminate the bandits rushing up.

Hu Ying said, "Don't try to be brave, and stay close to me!"

Chen Tan gave Chen Xu to him first, so Hu Ying naturally had to protect him thoroughly.

It is also the addition of new forces that has fundamentally changed the situation. Their troops soon broke through and rushed down the city.

However, the thieves are like gangrene attached to bones. They are not spared at all. It's only two or three miles away from the city, and I still can't get rid of it.

And once the entanglement continues, the thieves will follow up, and the bandits will become more and more.

Even Chen Chang at the head of the city, seeing the situation under the city at the moment, was also sweating in his hands.

If it goes on like this, even if they break through the siege to the lower part of the city and the bandits behind them can't get rid of it, Chen Chang still can't order the city to open.

Once the city is opened, the whole city can only be buried with it.

The sweat on Chen Chang's forehead has rolled down now, but he doesn't know what to do.

At this time, the situation of the battlefield suddenly changed fundamentally.

Unexpectedly, there was a commotion in the rear of the bandit army.