Chapter 120 Resettlement

Shen Ke and Chen Baxian are in the same county, and Chen Baxian trusts him very much.

On the way to the boat, he had already begun to consider that it would be more appropriate to entrust his wife and children to him and let him take them back to his hometown, Xiaruoli, the Great Wall.

So when he got off the ship, he found Shen Ke and discussed the matter with him.

"This place is commonly known as the desolate land of slang and Liao people. It is powerful and powerful. If it had not been suppressed by the Xijiang Governor, I would have turned the world upside down. The difficulty of Guangzhou is enough to prove it."

"I'm going to the south to fight against the rebellion. Naturally, it's not good to take my wife and children with me, but I don't know when to return. I'm afraid I won't be able to frighten the thieves. So I think twice. It's safer to send my wife and children back to the Great Wall."

Shen Ke immediately agreed: "I've been with Lord Xiao since then, and I haven't returned for several years. If..."

Before Shen Ke finished speaking, Chen Chang asked for an interview outside the door.

Chen Baxian still wants to ask him to wait. He doesn't want to say that there is something urgent.

Chen Baxian was not worried for a moment, but looked at Shen Ke helplessly. Shen Ke understood and said goodbye from Chen Baxian to get ready.

"See your father!"

Chen Chang is eager to see Chen Baxian. Naturally, he heard that his father Chen Baxian went to Xijiang to meet Xiao Bo and met him. Now he is promoted as a forward. When he comes back, he summoned Shen Ke immediately.

When he heard the news, he could not calm down and knew whether he should come or not.

Once his father Chen Ba has discussed with Shen Ke, he will arrange them to return to their hometown Wuxing.

All previous efforts will be wasted.

According to the historical process, after returning to Wuxing, the next step is the fate of being pushed around all the way.

Chen Chang was unwilling to do so, and the result was certainly not what he wanted.

So he did not hesitate to annoy his father Chen Baxian and offend Shen Ke. He also wanted to interrupt their conversation and vowed to fight for something.

At the moment when Chen Baxian saw Chen Chang, he blamed Chen Chang for not being sensible, even though he loved him in every way before.

He asked angrily, "Shunzhi, you are in a hurry to find your father. What's the matter?"

Chen Chang walked up to both sides of the front and saluted, "Father, I heard that you are now promoted as a forward by Governor Yang, and you can lead your troops to kill Jiaozhou, so I came here to congratulate you."

Chen Chang, the prophet of Chen Ba, would not say this sentence, but waved, "Follow me."

Chen Chang took the first two steps very cleverly.

Chen Baxian looked at him carefully and said, "Now my father has officially promoted me to be the vanguard. After the preparation is completed, I will leave for Jiaozhou in a few days. This is a dangerous road to Jiaozhou, and I don't know when I can return. So I can't take you with me on this way."

"However, it's not safe to stay here. I'm going to let you, your mother and several sisters go back to Ruoli with Uncle Shen Zigong in Wuxing. How about you?"

In the face of Chen Baxian's unquestionable eyes, Chen Chang almost quit.

In the end, we mustered up courage.

He asked, "Father, can I have a playmate here?"

Chen Baxian was slightly stunned and said: "Although you were born in Wuxing, you have always followed your father and never left. When you were two or three years old, your father came here with the Guangzhou provincial governor Xiao Junhou, and you have always grown up here. As for Xiaruoli, you were young at that time, so naturally you had no playmates."

Chen Chang nodded his head and said, "In that case, I'm not very visible. Indeed, I met my sworn brother Chen Fozhi here, and I'm very congenial to him. If my father is not at ease, you can send me to stay with my sworn father. It's better than having no playmates at home."

Chen Baxian frowned and looked at Chen Chang: "Are you really for your playmate?"

When Chen Chang was asked by him, he was shocked. It seems that his father understood him.

He could only be stubborn and nodded: "My adoptive father is now the governor of Xinzhou and Shizhou, and also the governor of Nanjiang. He has soldiers and horses in his hands, and no one dare to commit them easily. Now Chen Wenche's rebellion is over, and there is sister Xian Ying and sister Xian in the south. Even if something happens, he can take care of us from the side. Since it is convenient, why does my father want to go far and send us back to our hometown?"

"Moreover, this place is far away from Wuxing. Recently, the barbarians have been making a lot of trouble. If there are bandits on the way, even if my father wants to help him, he will be beyond his reach. Even if it is a waterway, there will inevitably be big storms. When something unexpected happens, then..."

In order to persuade his father, Chen Chang also struggled.

I can't help it. How can his father dispel his opinion without talking about the worst result?

It is impossible to go back again once the boat is taken back home.

In Chen Baxian's thought, there are not many choices for him. He can either go, stay or go with him to pay the state.

However, the dangerous journey to Jiaozhou was ruled out first.

If he left, he thought again and again, and thought it was too risky.

The only choice is to let Shen Ke from Tongjun take them back to Wuxing by boat.

However, he thought a lot, but he didn't think that there was a good adoptive father of Chen Chang.

Maybe he didn't dare to count on Chen Farian before that. After all, he and Chen Farian are just casual acquaintances.

However, since Chen Chang got to know Chen Fozhi, paid homage to his sworn brother, and also paid homage to Chen Farian, the good adoptive father, there is one more choice available.

At this time, if Chen Chang hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten it.

It's good to go back to my hometown. After all, as Chen Chang said, the journey is too long. It's too late to regret if something happens on the way.

And because he has been away from his hometown for many years, many of his friends have not moved around, and his hometown is afraid that things have changed. If he had to, he would not want to send his wife and children back to his hometown at this time.

However, now that there are other options, this option can still be tried.

He bowed his head and just thought about how to bring this up with Chen Farian. He didn't want someone outside the house to send a letter.

It was sent by Chen Fanian.

Chen Baxian was so excited that even Chen Chang felt something.

Sure enough, Chen Fanian said in his letter that he heard that he was going to send troops to Jiaozhou, fearing that his wife and children would stay in Kaohsiung or not be safe, so he asked him if he could send his adopted son to him and he would take care of him.

Moreover, he is now the governor of Xinzhou and Shizhou, and also the governor of Nanjiang. He will soon move the office to Xinzhou, where he can take care of him nearby. He also said that he settled down in Longzhou, which is close to Longzhou. Then he could move to his Longzhou residence and ask Chen Baxian what he thought.

It's really great.

Chen Ba showed the letter to Chen Chang first. Chen Chang almost laughed when he read it.

It should be like this.

As expected, I came to the pillow when I was sleepy. I love this good adoptive father so much.

He looked anxiously at Chen Baxian and asked, "How does my father plan?"

Chen Baxian laughed and said: "Since you can travel without any trouble, it is naturally the best. If you can stay in Longzhou, I can rest assured that I will fight in the south."