Chapter 45 The Gold of Integrating Creatures

"You mean that we are all characters in the book, and our opponent is the embodiment of the author who wrote the book, right?"


Lin Xi nodded decisively about Electrolux's question.

"I know it sounds fake, but please believe me."

The gray ball transformed by Electrolux sent out a wry smile.

"Silly boy, how can I not trust you? I can feel that your words are sincere, but they still need to be digested."

"In that case, how about we solve the problem of the gold of life first?" Lin Xi said with a slight sigh of relief, "According to that book, this thing should be very useful to you."

"Oh, indeed, I haven't even seen such a large piece of life gold."

Electrolux agreed:

"Kid, relax your body and spirit. Your destiny is too strong for me to control you."


Lin Xi tilted her head slightly.

This is the second time he has heard this word in this world.

I heard it last time from the Three Eye Golden Dragon.

But that time, for one thing, the Three Eye Golden Dragon did not know the identity of his passer, and for another thing, I'm afraid she could not understand the system of this thing herself, so he did not ask.

This may be a good opportunity to ask about the situation.

But even if we have to ask, we have to wait for a moment. It's better to do the business first.

So he nodded.


Then slowly release the control of body and spirit.

The next second, Lin Xi's eyes suddenly turned gray.

Electrolux took over his body.

He glanced at Weigong, nodded gently to the other side, and then extended his hand to the spirit devouring sabre.

With his action, a wisp of gray air current drifted to the cursed blade that killed many people.

At the moment when the gray air flow released by Electrolux fell on the soul devouring carving knife, the vicious knife was violently shaken, and a sound like a shrill and miserable cry kept coming out from the carving knife. If it was heard by people with weak wills, I was afraid that their emotions would be severely affected.

Electrolux's idea echoed in Lin Xi's sea of spirit.

"It's really up to the originator to inject evil thoughts and curses into the gold of living beings. He just felt the huge energy in the gold of living beings, but he didn't know how to let the gold of living beings release its true magic. Purify it, the gold of living beings, and I will restore your original appearance. Eliminate all filth, and bloom your purest breath of life."

With his announcement, the color of Lin Xi's eyes unexpectedly changed again. The previous gray gradually became white, which was flawless white, pure as jade, white as snow. The spirit of gray also became the pure white light in an instant.

This time, the spirit devouring ferocious knife did not tremble, as if dying to resist. The intense blue light suddenly burst out of its body, and the blue light unexpectedly formed a ferocious face in the air, making a crazy roaring gesture, as if to devour the thin white light emitted by Electrolux.

However, although the light of purification is very small, it can fall on the spirit devouring sabre, but it feels like boiling oil splashing into the snow.

Just a moment, the ferocious face in the green light became half empty, and the original ferocious appearance suddenly became blurred.

The blue light is still strong, but from the blue light, there is a black air stream that is evaporating and disappearing under the effect of the purification light, and the blue light on the spirit devouring carving knife is becoming more and more pure and soft.

The whole purification process was very short. Soon, the last black air stream on the sabre also disappeared quietly, and the blue light from its body became as quiet as water, without any impurities. The original dark body of the carving knife has also become like a cyan crystal.

Electrolux sighed deeply.

"I didn't expect that I had weakened to this point, but I would feel so tired and weak if I used the power of purification slightly. Lin Xi, are you ready? I will start to integrate it with you."

Lin Xi took a deep breath in her heart.

"Well, Mr. Yi, I'm ready."

He remembered that in the original book, Huo Yuhao inserted it into his head when he fused the gold of living beings.

To tell the truth, even if you know that this kind of thing will not happen, you still need to do some psychological preparation.

Electrolux chuckled.

"Very good."

Later, he controlled Lin Xi's body to pick up the purified gold of life, aimed it at his forehead, and inserted it in.

In an instant, Lin Xi's body shook violently involuntarily.

Enough to make his brain a blank pain surging in his head, he clenched his teeth and tried to control himself not to cry out.

Electrolux nodded with satisfaction.

Although the spirit body is not confined by the body, it is much easier to hold back screaming than to control the body, but it is not enough to make people have strong perseverance to hold back under such severe pain.

Only because Lin Xi has strong willpower can he do this kind of thing.

Although Electrolux had just decided to help Lin Xi resist Tang San, this performance undoubtedly gave him a shot in the arm.

The terrifying vitality scoured Lin Xi's spiritual sea, turning it into a green sea. The thick breath of life gradually became sticky, and his spiritual sea itself unexpectedly expanded outward at an amazing speed.

The gray light flickered, and an old man in white with an old face appeared in the sea of spirit of Lin Xi. It was Electrolux.

With a big wave of his hand, the figures of Altolia and Melyuzina unexpectedly appeared in the sea of spirit.

Looking at their surprised and slightly alert eyes, Electrolux smiled and explained:

"Don't be so hostile, two girls. I just analyzed Lin Xi's so-called summoning of spirits and transferred your existence from the soul ring to the sea of spirit. This is good for you but not bad."

Meluzina frowned.

"You said you had analyzed the spirit summoning style?"

This is amazing. In her impression, only her majesty can do it.

Electrolux shook his head regretfully.

"I'm sorry, I just know a little bit about it. This technique is too subtle. Now I have reached the limit. But give me a few years, maybe I can understand its principle."

He can feel that there are some similarities between the spirit summoning style and his ghost magic, but he is far ahead in terms of position. If he can really understand this summoning system, he will achieve a qualitative change in all directions.

The Wulin Soul Ring system in Douluo Continent, the undead magic system of Electrolux and the spirit summoning system brought by Lin Xi, he was looking forward to what kind of sparks would come from the combination of these three systems.