Chapter 83 This time, I say no!

"Children should ask less about adults."

When he patted Quannai's head, Yu Zhibo said with a stony face, he didn't know how long he would have to keep the kid, and the worst case scenario was that he would have to let the kid raise him to his old age.

Hearing Yu Zhibo Yin's words on the kitchen table, he didn't choose to quarrel with him again. Obediently, he got up and went to the kitchen and put two pairs of dishes on the table.

"Well, don't put on a bad face. Let's eat first."

Yu Zhibo Yin reluctantly pushed his big cousin, who was still at the spot, and urged him to take a seat. With a frown, Yu Zhibo couldn't beat his cousin, so he pulled out the chair in the corner and sat down.

"Big cousin, eat more!"

Picking up a piece of tofu and putting it into Yuzhibo's spot bowl, Yuzhibo Yin raised his head and asked curiously,

"Are you still fighting recently?"

"Well, the Qianshou clan has received the assistance of the Whirlpool clan, and the situation on the battlefield is very anxious."

After blowing several mouthfuls of hot tofu, Yuzhi Boban carefully swallowed it and said,

"The whirlpool clan?"

Yuzhi Boyin's dead memory was awakened again, and a beautiful figure with a tiger back and a bear waist appeared in his mind. Why did the Vortex clan join the war so early? I don't know what happened to Shuihu.

"Yes, the commander of the reinforcements is the minority leader of the Vortex Family, Vortex Flower Path. That guy has strong physical skills and good sealing skills. After several moves with him, the eldest brother didn't get any advantage."

Quan Nai, who was staring at him with big eyes, turned his head and spoke to Yu Zhibo Yin,

"That guy is also strange. He always asks a strange question when he fights with us."

"What problem?"

Yuzhi Boyin asked curiously. He didn't have this quirk when he met that guy before.

"As soon as he meets Yuzhibo people, he will ask, 'Do you know a curly Yuzhibo?' Ha ha ha, is it strange?"

Quannai knocked on the table and laughed heartily.

"Ha ha ha, what a strange person."

Yu Zhibo Yin echoed with a few dry smiles, and then silently lowered his head, hiding his merits and fame.

"Gaze at - _ -" in the Qianshouban room beside him.

"Cousin, how did you get this mark on your head? It looks very handsome."

Quannai, who was in his second year of age, found the diamond mark on Yuzhibo's silver forehead and said enviously,

"Just like Tianyan, give me one!"

I just don't want to be said that. I'm not a spiritual guy.

"Hehe, I will teach you when I have time, and I will help you to draw a shrimp line."


"But why did you come back so early this time? I remember that you went to the war for half a year before you came back. Why did you come back after only one month?"

Yu Zhibo Yin, who was talking about the topic, looked at the two brothers and asked.

"The Thousand Handed Buddha died."

Yuzhi Boban, who put down his chopsticks, stared straight at the Qianshouban, who lowered his head to eat, and slowly said the hot news.

"Bang bang!"

The chopsticks in his hand broke at the sound of the sound, but he still kept his head down, as if nothing had happened.

"The quality of these chopsticks is not good. Go and get a new pair."

Yu Zhibo Yin, with sharp eyes, saw the liquid dripping from the kid's cheek on his side and asked him to go out and have a rest.

Qianshoubanjian stood up and walked to the kitchen, his thin figure trembling faintly.


Knowing that this news is specifically aimed at Qianshouban, Yu Zhibo Yin sighed, shook his head and said to the initiator, Yu Zhibo Ban.

"It's for your cousin's sake to save his life. If he still lives in peace, how can the clansmen who died on the battlefield rest in peace?"

Yuzhi Boban, who has experienced too many deaths, is cold again. He has always been very critical of Yuzhi Boyin's attitude towards this residual evil.

"The war never came into being because of someone's idea, nor will it end because of someone's death."

Yu Zhibo Yin raised his head, squinted his dead eyes and said to Yu Zhibo Ban,

"The life and death of a child cannot influence the process of war, and disputes always occur in a world that cannot understand each other."

After saying these words, Yuzhi Boban did not care about the matters in the Qianshouban anymore, but began to think about what Yuzhi Boyin had just said.

Whew~, this big cousin is getting worse and worse. His own poisonous chicken soup is almost finished for this boy.

Having enough food and drink, Yuzhi Boban, still thinking, dragged Quannai home reluctantly, leaving Yuzhi Boyin to clean up the mess alone,

"These two guys are bad at learning. They used to take the initiative to help me clean up. Now they run faster than rabbits one by one."

After cleaning up, Yu Zhibo Yin went to the door of the Qianshouban room and knocked on the door gently. After a while, he did not move. He sighed and said outside the door,

"Kid, don't take it too hard."


The door was pushed open, and his eyes were red and swollen. He raised his head, looking like I still felt pity for him, and his voice was sniffling,

"When can I go home?"

"Wait until the war is over."

Yuzhi Boyin looked at the kid, but he felt soft. No way! How can I be bewitched by the little man! Yuzhi Boyin shook his head quickly, swept away the strange thoughts in his mind, and gave a promise to Qianshouban.

"Father is dead, and there is no reason for you to leave me. Kill me."

Hearing Yuzhi Boyin's promise of time, Qianshouban gave a sad smile. The war between the two ethnic groups had been fought for thousands of years and never ended. This promise was just empty talk.


The righteous shock fell on the head of the little devil with a dying face. Yuzhi Boyin calmed down his restlessness and slowly opened his mouth,

"You little boy, you have learned nothing about the positive attitude towards life after so many years with me. You just learned some EMOs."

Reaching out his hand and counting the time, Yu Zhibo Yin lowered his head and promised to the angry Qianshouban,

"Soon, the war will end in ten years or so, and I will send you home."

Looking at Yu Zhibo Yin's words, he held his head in his hands and didn't continue. He had heard these words countless times, which was obviously a lie to the children.

"Didn't you ask the administrator to play with you? Take the money and buy whatever you want."

Yu Zhibo was relieved when he saw the kid who had stopped. Then he took out a lot of money and put it into the hands of the Qianshouban room, asking the kid to spend money to relieve his worries.

After pacifying the EMO kid, Yuzhi Boyin felt exhausted and sighed that it was too difficult for him. Now he is raising the kid as his son. Before he gets married, he has to shoulder the responsibility of father.

Returning to his room and lying on the bed, now only a good sleep can relieve his inexplicable fatigue. Just as he was about to fall asleep, a glimmer of the long silent system flashed, followed by a familiar voice in his mind,

"Ding, it is detected that the host has reached the age of 30 and the system is about to start. Are you sure to start....."

Yuzhi Boyin was suddenly awakened by the sudden sound. Hearing the prompt sound in his head, he was surprised and didn't choose to open it.

Recall that when I first crossed the border, I chose "yes" rashly, and was devastated by the task assigned by the semi-finished system.

The type of the medieval system is as ancient as that of the Warring States Period. It is always killing and erasing, which makes him nervous all day long. Now he has another chance to choose. He can't be fooled again after suffering.

"No No No No!!!"

This time, he will never be fooled by this bullshit system again.

"The system will go into cooling down after detecting the strong dislike of the host. The system will unlock when the task is completed accumulatively. During the cooling down period, the host will be punished and kept 30 years old..."


And this good thing?