Chapter 33 What does the original owner's birth have to do with us

After learning about the situation, Yuzhi Wave Shadow left without stopping too much.

The confused Yuzhi Boyin couldn't piece together any useful truth according to this fragmentary clue.

After weighing, he decided to do the work at hand first.

Because it was clear that the files were divided according to color, it was easy to get twice the result with half the effort. Soon the messy scrolls were sorted out.

Looking at the three piles of scrolls with different colors in front of us, Uzhibo Silver began to make the next classification.

The file scroll should not only be divided according to the dungeons, but also clearly mark the files of each prisoner and list the contents for accurate reference.

After thinking for a while, he decided to start from the blue scroll,

"Jicun Jiner: The Zhicun people poisoned the water source of Yuzhibo nationality land, resulting in the death of 23 Yuzhibo people. They are good at wind escape and poison."

It's too mean. It must be put on the first floor.

"The help of the ape flying and the dragon: The ape flying family attacked the supply troops of the Yuzhibo family, causing 12 deaths and five lifelong disabilities. They are good at escaping from fire, earth and psychics."

It's too cruel. It must be the first level.

"One wild in the mountain: one family in the mountain,..."

After reading many blue scrolls, Yu Zhibo Yin found that most of the prisoners were from families with names in the future.

It seems that even in the Warring States Period, the growth of civilian ninjas is still difficult, and most of the best are family ninjas.

There are not many blue scrolls. Those who can be caught in No. 1 Dungeon are all criminals with deep crimes.

This type of prisoners are basically strong and cannot be easily captured, so there are only a few dozen.

The cyan scroll was sorted out quickly. During this period, Yuzhi Boyin also checked the arrest records. They were basically arrested six years ago, and there were no suspicious objects.

After scratching his curly hair, Yu Zhibo Yin put his eyes on the blue scroll and continued to tidy up, hoping that valuable clues could emerge,

Unfortunately, no suspicious person was found in half.

Most of the prisoners in the blue scroll are small families or wandering ninjas, and their strength is not strong. Most of the crimes they committed are spying on intelligence or sneaking attacks on lonely Yuzhibo people.

After looking around, Huiye Zhanzhu's crime was the heaviest in the blue scroll, but he was sent to No. 2 Dungeon because of his mental problems and his inability to communicate effectively.

The scroll of No. 2 dungeon is much more than that of No. 1 dungeon. Yu Zhibo Yin felt his eyes were sore and his head was swollen after seeing most of it, which was like a symptom of not wanting to work in a previous life.

Work should be done with a combination of work and rest. So self comforting Yuzhi Boyin put his work aside, closed his eyes and began to fish.

Just as he closed his eyes, a careful knock on the door rang,

"Please come in."

Hearing someone knocking at the door, Yuzhi Boyin immediately opened his eyes, picked up a scroll and began to "work".

When he opened the door, he saw Yuzhi Boluchai yesterday. He looked carefully to see if there was anyone else in the room. When he found that there was only Yuzhi Boluchai, he was relieved.

"Lord Yin loves his post and works so much that he is really our model."

Seeing Yuzhi Boyin carefully turning over the scroll in his hand, Yuzhi Bolu sent a rainbow fart immediately.

"Where, where, I just do my job."

Yu Zhibo Yin humbly waved his hand,

"I don't know what happened to Brother Lv Chai."

"Lord Yin is really a villain. Just call me Lv Chai."

"It doesn't matter, Brother Lv Chai, I don't know what to say."

Seeing that no one was around, Yuzhi Bolu stepped forward and whispered to Yuzhi Boyin,

"Lord Yin, I have found out what you ordered."

Yesterday, after receiving the task of Yuzhi Bolu Yin, Yuzhi Bolu Chai immediately took action and inquired about the three dungeons one by one. Finally, the emperor did not disappoint the man who wanted to, and let him get a message from an older jailer.

"Brother Lv Chai, please tell me."

Hearing this, Yu Zhibo Yin raised his eyebrows and thought that this guy was very efficient. He could find clues in just one day.

"According to an old jailer here, the former dungeon was not in this layout."

With that, Yuzhi Bolu pointed to the dungeon map hanging on the wall, pointed to the position between No. 1 dungeon and No. 2 dungeon, and continued,

"There used to be four dungeons here, but just six years ago, Elder Yan abandoned one of them, leaving only three dungeons now."

Yuzhi Boluchai drew a circle in a large empty area vacated by No. 1 and No. 2 dungeons, indicating that another dungeon once existed there.

"Since it is abandoned, it is no longer used?" Yuzhi Boyin asked after thinking in common sense.

"I didn't use the small one, but the old jailer said that before the dungeon was abandoned six years ago, a person had been secretly imprisoned."

Yuzhi Boluchai said mysteriously.

"Since it's a secret, how did he know?"

Although the news of secret detention is very attractive, does the old jailer know a bit more about it.

"Ah, that... I didn't ask."

Yuzhi Boluchai was confused by this problem.

He really did not think why the other party so easily told the secret news to himself that he had never met before. Did he just reveal that he was a trusted follower of the new patriarch's nephew?

"Well, go on. What else did the old jailer tell you?"

The mysterious old jailer suddenly appeared, which made him feel that something was wrong. The time for the other party to appear was also too good.

"He told me that after the man was locked in, he never came out again. Soon after that, Elder Yan announced that the dungeon was abandoned because of its disrepair."

Yuzhi Boluchai swallowed and vomited, relieving his dry throat.

"Who are the detainees?"

Is it the group that attacked Uzhibo nationality land that was captured six years ago?

"I asked the old jailer, and he said that those in front of him never spoke to me again."

Yuzhi Boluchai said awkwardly.

"Where is the old jailer now?"

It's not easy to have some clues. Yuzhi Boyin doesn't want to give up.

"He is in the No. 3 dungeon, and is cleaning for his personal reasons."

Yuzhi Boluchai is a little hard to say.


"That old jailer is blind."

Yuzhi Boluchai's guilty eyes dodged.


The person who knows these things is actually blind, so the accuracy of this information needs to be discussed.

No wonder Yuzhi Boluchai can find the news so quickly. It turns out that even blind people are not spared.

"Thank you, Brother Lv. If you have any news, please let me know as soon as possible."

The source of the news came from an old blind man. It seems that the news is mostly made up.

After all, it is impossible for a lowly jailer to know such a secret thing as secret escort.

"I dare not. It's my honor to serve Lord Silver."

Yuzhi Bolu almost looked frightened.

With a frown, Yuzhi Boyin recalled the memory of the original owner.

From his memory, although the original owner was eccentric, he sometimes bullied and provoked his clansmen by the identity of the patriarch's nephew.

However, the original owner did not act too aggressively against the people who did not mean anything to him, but why did ordinary people fear him so much?

"Brother Lv Chai, what do people usually think of me?" Yu Zhibo asked.

When asked to send a proposition, Yuzhi Bolucai's eyes were wandering, and he didn't know what to say.

Although the two days of getting along made him feel that the opposite Yuzhi Boyin was not as bad as it was rumoured, he could not be sure that the other party was "fishing for law enforcement".

"Brother Lv Chai, with your current relationship with me, you can talk freely."

Yu Zhibo showed an amiable smile and patted Yu Zhibo on the shoulder, indicating that he was his own person now, so there was no need to worry.

"Then I will tell you."

As if determined, Yuzhi Boluchai clenched his teeth and looked up with a look of death.

After brewing some words, Yuzhi Bolucao squeezed out a sentence,

"As far as I know, Yuzhi Boyin is a pure birth."