Chapter 111 The figure of Yuzhi Bo's family is as high as

In the end, she didn't sleep in the same bed with Yuzhi Boyin in the Qianshouban room, despite her arrogant attitude just now.

When I returned to the old house, I went into the house and immediately counseled, picked up the quilt and trotted all the way to the living room, without any intention of sharing a bed.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep in the bedroom?"

Taking off his coat, he revealed a sculptural and healthy line. Yuzhi Boyin squinted his eyes and asked with doubts on his lazy face,

"I'm afraid of your old age!"

The red faced Qianshouban covered his nose in disgust and twisted his small face. The ruddy color came from his face to his ears, but his mouth was harsh and hostile,


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