Chapter 9 Calling Ghosts to Attract Evil Spirits and Puppet Poisonous Insects (Pursue Reading)

This sentence immediately made the horse thieves angry and scolded one after another.

You should know that their Five Immortals Sect was notorious. When it was in its heyday in the past, it could scare a group of people just by saying their names. Now a small village dare to be so arrogant.

Many horse thieves have a violent mood in their hearts. Once they break through Zhuangzi, they will kill the whole Lijiazhuang.

Hang those guys like chickens and ducks to bleed, and peel them like cattle and sheep. How dare these mud legs be so arrogant.

"The third leader, why talk nonsense with them? If you break their Chuang Tzu, all the men will be killed. If you take the women back, please the brothers and throw them to the demons to eat."

One of the horse thieves shouted at the little old man. Obviously, he was the third leader of the team this time.

The old man looked at the Sun Xia people on the wall and smiled insidiously. "That's right. Since these guys want to die, why don't we follow their wishes?"

He reached into his arms and took out a handful of things that looked like maggots. They were all stuffed into his mouth and chewed. The sticky juice splashed out from the corners of his mouth from time to time.

As he chewed, the cold smell on the old man became more and more thick, and the horse thieves beside him could not help but move away a few steps. Even with the blessing of magic, they could not avoid such a strong yin.

Poisonous insects enter the abdomen, and Yin Qi is entangled. The old man's body shakes violently, and his mouth makes strange sounds.


That language is not human language, but used to communicate with evil people.

Through the power of poisonous insects, the old man communicated with the evil doers. Even though the time has passed, the evil doers' power should not be underestimated. If we can use the evil doers' power, Li Family Village can be broken immediately.

The temperature of the surrounding air drops suddenly, and a gust of piercing cold wind emerges from the sky, carrying a faint scream and the ashes of lost history, carrying an endless vicious curse, blowing to the wall.

The black fog rolled and spread in the area where the firelight shone, devouring all the firelight.

The old man's eyes showed a faint green light, which looked like a green fluorescent stone embedded in the eye socket, which was particularly weird.

A murmur came from the place where the fire could not shine. It seemed that there were countless ghosts whispering in the dark. There was also a faint stream of sharp and vicious laughter mixed with it, which made people feel numb.

Sun Xia and others became solemn and clenched their swords.

With the strange singing of the old man, the temperature of the air also dropped in a straight line, one face was ferocious, and the ghost with red eyes slowly walked out of the rolling black fog.

It is eight feet tall, with weird cysts crawling on its face, a sharp corner on its forehead, unusually strong arms, and rotting muscles intertwined. It holds a broken and rusty halberd and wears decaying armor.


While chanting, the old man took out a fresh heart from the cloth bag at his waist and threw it at the ghost as a sacrifice.

As soon as the ghost reached out, he caught the heart, exposed his dirty fangs, and suddenly bit it, splashing blood.

The heart was quickly eaten clean, the ghost's body broke out a more cold and fierce smell, and one eye also showed madness and cruelty, which obviously had been inspired by the ferocity.

This scene made Sun Xia and others tremble. The evil thing fed by people's hearts must be extremely cruel. If Chuang Tzu is attacked, it will be a river of blood.

The ghost waved the halberd in his hand, and the air burst. Even if he waved it at will, it was also powerful and destroyed everything. Ordinary people were not rivals of this fierce ghost.

Then the ghost kicked his foot, and his body shot like an arrow, a wave of air burst open, jumped up, jumped higher than the wall, and the decayed halberd in his hand hit the people on the wall.

Sun Xia's anger sank into the elixir field, and he also shouted angrily. The sword in his hand burst into flames, dazzling.

He jumped to his feet and grasped the knife in his hand to fight against the menacing ghosts.

When the long sword collided with the halberd, the sound of the golden iron was deafening. It spread far in the dark. The evil breath and the power of the pure sun collided with each other, breaking out a huge explosion sound. The billowing air spread around the ghosts and Sun Xia.

The terrible force made one person and one ghost fall back several steps after landing. After stabilizing their bodies, they rushed to each other at the same time, wielding weapons in their hands, so that the sound of the collision of gold and iron was heard all the time and continued to reverberate.

Sun Xia runs the Pure Yang Sutra. His whole body is full of breath and infinite strength. With the Pure Yang Demon Subduing Sabre Technique, he fights with the ghost who sacrifices people's hearts.

In actual combat, he slowly learned the martial arts he had learned, used them more easily, and gradually gained advantages in the battle.


When the decayed battle halberd was waved, Sun Xia dodged to the side and let it hit a huge stone. With a bang, the huge stone was instantly smashed into pieces. But how terrible the power of this blow is. If ordinary villagers were, they would certainly be beaten into mud. There was no way to survive.


Sun Xia seizes the weakness of the enemy's halberd, shouts angrily, injects all his strength into the long sword in his hand, making the flame on the blade more bright, jumps up, and splits at the ghost.

The ghost's one eye stared at Sun Xia and the long knife, showing a trace of reluctance, but the end was doomed.

Its huge body was cut in half by Sun Xia with all his strength. After the foul smelling black blood flowed out, it turned into a strange black fog on the ground and dissipated.


"Unexpectedly, Brother Sun Xia's strength has become so strong that all the ghosts that look so terrible can be defeated."

"Kill those horse thieves to avenge our dead relatives."

"I heard that the Horse Thieves of the Five Immortals Sect have caught people. They always like to strip skin and tendons, so they can suffer a lot. Later, we will also catch some living people and let them try those vicious methods."

The scene of Sun Xiali splitting up the ghost made the villagers on the wall morale soar. Looking at the bandits outside of Chuang Tzu, they were more murderous.

The horse thieves looked unbelievable one by one. Especially as the old man of the third leader, his eyes became more sinister. He stared at Sun Xia, who had cut off the head of the ghost with a knife, and kept thinking.

"This fierce ghost is not weak. This man can kill him. It seems that he is the one who killed the fourth man."

Sun Xia holds a long knife. He looks at the three leaders of the horse thieves and doesn't hide his killing intention.

"I will hang your head and your brother's head on the wall, even every beast of your Five Immortals Sect. I will hang their head on the wall."

When the old man heard this, his eyes showed a trace of sarcasm.

"You think you can fight against the whole Five Immortals Sect by killing a ghost I summon at will. You really don't know what to do. Come out, the second child, and let these rural men feel desperate."

The sound of the chain being pulled sounded in the darkness, and three massive puppets with dull eyes came out of the darkness.

They all have iron collars on their necks, and a thick iron chain is connected with them.

Sun Xia's heart sank when he saw those puppets. It is said that the second leader of the Five Immortals Sect is good at puppet Gu. These puppets must be cultivated by puppet Gu and sorcery. They are invulnerable, fierce and fearless. Their strength is terrible.

A figure wrapped in a black robe grabbed the other end of the chain and slowly came out of the darkness.

People could not see his appearance clearly, but could only see those green eyes, which showed cruelty and malice, which made people shudder.

The old man also started to move, ate the insects again, and this time he also pierced a bronze nail with strong evil smell into his chest.

The strange black fog reappeared, boiling like boiled water, and a ghost with a more scary shape slowly came out of the black fog, but this time it was not one eyed, but the whole head was full of eyes, which made people have a nausea feeling of intense phobia attack.

The ghost is fat, full of cysts and thick black sideburns. He holds a bone chopper in his hand, which looks like a butcher.

This scene made everyone in Lijiazhuang deeply depressed. The excitement and excitement just now were replaced by anxiety and fear. Sun Xia faced these two people alone, and the odds of victory were almost zero.

The horse thieves looked happy, and the two leaders made a move, which was stable this time. As soon as Chuang Tzu broke down, the gang of mud leggers had to try their methods, and promised that they would not want to die.

"Two strikes and one is shameless. It's better to count as a poor man."

A slightly childish young voice sounded, which made the villagers excited when they saw the strange ways of the horse thieves and their low morale.