Chapter 52 Aspiring Villains (Seeking Collection and Reading)

Zhang Jiao looked at the two red tips, and he felt like he was lying in a trough.

This is a typical example of people sitting at home and disaster coming from heaven.

He just sat here reading a book and wanted to feel the short time when the years were quiet and good, but this accident happened.

The massacre in Longtang County will soon spread to Qingzhou Prefecture. In the face of such naked challenges to the imperial court and various aristocratic families, Qingzhou Prefecture will certainly respond.

Now he can still sit here without escaping into the mountains and forests, which is just a brief calm before the storm.

Learning the Complete Talisman is also to have more ability to protect life when escaping into the wilderness.

Zhang Jiao puts down the Talisman Daquan in his hand, opens the panel, and focuses on the two red tips.

The clue of flint fire has a clear context. As long as he sinks his mind into the clue, he can get more information.

After a while, Zhang Jiao opened his eyes again, and he had learned the truth about the loss of humanity.

"It expanded too fast to filter out the dregs."

The establishment of Taiping Taoism has accelerated the collection of gas transportation, but there are also hidden dangers.

In the past, Taiping taught few people, and most of them were poor, so the hidden danger was not obvious.

After the capture of Longtang County, the Taiping Sect expanded rapidly in the county seat, and the number of its disciples increased. Those gangs that should have been suppressed also fished in troubled waters, and became disciples of the Taiping Sect.

They have no idea about the Taiping world pursued by Taiping Religion, and they just want to maintain their previous status by taking advantage of Taiping Religion.

This kind of phenomenon must be curbed. There will be several more such black sheep, and his humanity will not be lost.

Humanity is the foundation of Zhang Jiao, and also his confidence in facing Qingzhou Prefecture.

Even if he didn't have the martial arts of Hunyuan, he could also directly break into Hunyuan and fight against Qingzhou Prefecture by virtue of his massive humanity.

Those guys made him lose his humanity, that is to dig his roots and kill him.

"Come on."

A disciple of Taiping Sect pushed the door and came in. He bowed with his hands, "Leader, what can I do for you?"

"Let Sun Xia and Chu Liang come to see me."

"I understand." The disciple left the room and hurried to find Sun Xia and Chu Liang.

Zhang Jiao looked at the cover of the Book of Talismans, and his calm eyes showed a chilling sense of killing.



Seeing those ruffians show their identities, the whole people of Wuda are shocked and can't believe what they see is true.

The holy moment of Taiping Sect collapsed in his mind. He thought that Zhang Jiao was an immortal who saved lives, but he just wanted to kill the people under the banner.

"No, the Taiping Sect can't let you scum into the sect. You must be doing evil here in the name of the Taiping Sect."

Wuda shook its head repeatedly, as if denying it with words could change the corruption and darkness of the world.

"Dogs, don't be shameless." A local ruffian came out and slapped Wuda in the face, making him dizzy. "We were disciples of the Hongxiang Sect. Later, we thanked the Taiping Ancestor for his mercy and joined the Taiping Sect. Now we are collecting money on behalf of the Taiping Sect. If we dare to talk disorderly, we will pull out your tongue and poke your eyes blind. Sell your wife and daughter to the kiln, and sell all your sons as coolies. "

"You can't do that!" Wuda trembled. He knew that these rascals were not just talking.

Before the Taiping Cult came to power in Longtang County, I don't know how many families were forced to break up and lose their families.

Seeing that Wuda refused to pay the money on their own initiative, those thugs went to search for it.

After taking the only money he had, he punched and kicked him again, and finally stepped on his leg.

The crisp sound of bone cracking echoed in the early morning streets, and Wu Da, wearing patched clothes, hugged the broken leg and screamed in the streets.

"This is the price you pay for offending Taiping Cult. Next time, it will not be as simple as breaking a leg."

A local ruffian spoke in a fierce tone, and Wuda dared not contradict him for fear that they would hit him again, or even break his other leg.

At this time, there were already many people on the street. Seeing the fallen Wuda, they looked impatient and talked about it.

"These bastards are coming out again."

"Animals of the Hong Xiang Gang."

"It's disgusting. Does Taiping Cult even accept these animals?"


In the face of public criticism, those local ruffians and hooligans were unafraid. They stood up and looked proud when they saw people watching.

The most important thing about going out is prestige, which is to scare these people.

"From today on, we have to pay all the numbers, as we used to do, and we have to make up for them in the past few days, otherwise our brothers will come to greet you one by one. It used to be the numbers of the Hong Xiang Sect, so you can forget if you don't pay them. Now they are the numbers of the Taiping Sect, and if you dare not pay them, then the whole family will be hanged on the city wall."

A local rascal was not satisfied with intimidating the cake seller of Wuda, but pointed to all the people and shouted.

Some people in the crowd clenched their fists and tried to teach these ruffians a lesson, but they were held by their friends and shook their heads.

The ferocity of the Taiping Sect has been verified by the blood and tears of families in Longtang County.


The headquarters of the Hong Xiang Gang is a mansion with a large area, pavilions, carved railings and jade, which is extremely luxurious.

After all, they are the top three gangs in Longtang County, and they still have such strength.

After the Taiping Cult became the leader of Longtang County, their plaque changed from just minded to peaceful, and also hung the flag of Taiping Cult.

In the mansion, the former leader of the gang and the incense lord are all sitting at the side seats on both sides. The middle leader is left to an old man wearing a yellow scarf with the word "peace" written on it. Two young women are waiting beside the old man, feeding him fruit and fanning him.

The old man was a scholar who taught for others. His name was Zhou Ba. He had some knowledge and joined the Taiping Sect when it was just preaching in Longtang County.

He stood out from a group of believers who didn't know a few characters and mixed the identity of a branch leader.

Taiping Taoism claims that all the believers are brothers and sisters, but in order to facilitate management, it still sets up a hierarchical system, and also divides the headquarters and branches.

Needless to say, the headquarters is the core layer dominated by Zhang Jiao, and the branch is named after the local county town, where there is also a Tangkou, which is in charge of schools, cultivation, money and food, and many other things.

The Hongxiang Sect was afraid of the power of the Taiping Sect, so they spent a lot of money on Zhou Ba, an old scholar, to make it convenient for the other party and let their whole sect join the sect.

Zhou Ba was originally a poor scholar who was frustrated and bullied. Where did he feel that he was sought and praised by others.

Seeing the flamboyant Hong Xiang Gang kneeling in front of him and offering a lot of real gold and silver, it was natural that they lost themselves in the sound of Master Zhou again and again.

Once he turned over, he also learned to behave like the master and was served by others.

"Master Zhou, now we are so prominent that we won't be punished by the sect. After all, the sect leader only asked people to post a notice some time ago, and now we will do so. If those untouchables make trouble, we will be afraid of losing face." The sect leader of Hongxiang Sect is still worried. Taiping Sect kills too hard, and he is also afraid of death.

Zhou Ba snorted in disdain, took a sip of the tea cup in his hand, and then said slowly, "Those families receive money from those untouchables? I can't accept money from the Taiping Cult? Although I am just a leader of the Church, I speak with some weight, but I just collect some money from the untouchables to pay for the expenses in the Church. Who wouldn't be so embarrassed for me."

"Master Zhou is absolutely right." The leader of the Hong Xiang Sect dared not offend Zhou Ba, but nodded repeatedly.

Zhou Ba paid no attention to the people of Hong Xiang Gang, but closed his eyes and raised his spirits.

It was really my wisest choice to join the Taiping Sect at the beginning. Now that I have gained momentum, I should also shake off my prestige and show my respect to those who despised me at the beginning.

The street king butcher had a grudge against himself at the beginning. His daughter is now in the double eighth year. If he can get it, he can not only enjoy the body of the young girl, but also humiliate the other party.

At the thought of Tufu Wang looking at him robbing his daughter with grief and indignation, but unable to do anything about it, Zhou Ba couldn't help smiling proudly.