Chapter 21 Lijiazhuang's Initial Fame (Collection and Ticket)

This is a tragic victory. The villagers in Lijiazhuang are in a very complicated mood. They are both happy and sad.

They killed all the invading dog demons and protected their homes again at the cost of many former relatives and friends leaving them, and those who survived could not even find the bodies of the dead.

When women and children learned the news of the victory, they ran out of their hiding places.

Seeing the Shura like battlefield and the wounded, many people were frightened, but soon became strong again, not only helping to carry the wounded back, but also picking up the pieces of flesh and blood to piece together the dead bodies.

"My son, my son. How can you bear it? How can you bear to let the white haired people send the black haired people? How can you bear it?"

A pair of parents sobbed in front of a pile of tattered flesh and blood. The naughty child who was often scolded by them had now become a mutilated cold corpse, and could no longer respond to them.

The two old men's hair is messy, and their bodies twitch when they cry. Their faces, which were originally full of vitality, become old and old. What kind of heartache is needed to strip people's vitality.

The old couple were not alone. Beside them, a woman with two children cried bitterly at her husband's broken body.

There are too many sad people, all grieving for their dead families.


At the edge of the battlefield, Li Mengrou supported herself with a long knife and scanned the scenes of sadness.

She was also stained with a lot of blood. Some belonged to the dog demon she killed, and some belonged to her.

In this fight, as the only three people with accomplishments in Lijiazhuang, she was also under pressure to contain two or three dog demons at the same time.

Her performance was amazing. Facing the siege, she not only saved herself, but also killed one of the dog demons.

But she was not happy at all. Looking at her parents' grief, she secretly hated her own strength. If she could kill all those dog demons, maybe more people would survive.

Li Mengrou looked in the direction of Zhang Jiao. At this time, the other side was drawing the spirits of demons and preparing to turn them into rampant soldiers, who would enslave and drive them.

"I will not marry or have children in my life. I will follow the Taoist Priest and kill all the demons and evils in the world, so as to bring peace to the world."

Li Mengrou secretly swore in her heart that she didn't want more people to suffer the pain of losing their families like she did.

Zhang Jiao did not notice Li Mengrou's eyes. He was concentrating on using the evocation technique to strip the souls of these dog demons and condense them into soul beads.

After refining the rampant soldiers, the Faqi still needs a period of warm cultivation, so that it can be used as an exorcist only after it has enough aura and yin qi.

If you use it forcibly without nourishment, there is a certain probability that the flag will be broken.

This is why Zhang Jiao did not use rampant soldiers.


In such a world full of evil spirits, it is very dangerous to stay away from familiar places. Many people live in a small area.

Some people are born, grow up, marry, have children, and then die. Their activities may be limited to their own villages and the next village.

Such closure has also led to the emergence of traveling merchants.

There are many wandering small caravans in Longtang County. They will take goods from the county seat to various towns and villages to sell, and then exchange them for food, fur, herbs, weaving and other things in the hands of villagers to sell in the city.

The route of most caravans is fixed, and they will arrive at a certain place every other period of time. After exchanging materials, they will leave for the next town.

It was by this means that the Li family in Longtang County completed their primitive accumulation and became a big family.

Now, the Li family has taken control of several large caravans, wandering between the states and counties, and their business is getting bigger and bigger.

However, they did not give up the business of traveling merchants in Longtang County. After all, the legs of mosquitoes are meat even if they are small.

Liu Hu is one of the martial arts masters in the Li Family's enclosure. He has been cultivating the Iron Hand Tablet Opener for more than 20 years. One foot has entered the acquired world. Only a good polish is needed to break the world naturally.

Among the many martial arts masters raised in captivity by the Li family, they are also capable of taking a caravan in Longtang County to various villages and towns.

In this troubled world, if you don't have the ability to go out, you are a fat sheep that can be slaughtered.

Each family in Longtang County will hire martial artists to protect their business or deter competitors.

If you can't compete with others in business, you should solve the competition at the physical level. This kind of thing is not uncommon in Longtang County.

"According to the route, we have to pass through Lijiazhuang, which is quite large and has a population of thousands. It's a pity that there are four or five hundred young people alone."

Li Zhengbao, the leader of the accompanying caravan, introduced the situation of Lijiazhuang to Liu Hu. When he said the key place, he stopped for a moment, which immediately aroused Liu Hu's curiosity.

"What a pity?"

"Have you heard about the Heifeng Goddess?" Li Zhengbao looked around and lowered his voice. "The demon has killed the Qingfeng Temple. He wants to use Lijiazhuang to frighten other villages and towns to provide incense for their temples. The bandits of the Five Immortals Sect attacked them. It is estimated that the current Lijiazhuang has become a ghost of the world."

"That demon is so arrogant. Does the county ignore this matter?" Liu Hu's news is not as clever as Li Zhengbao's, and his tone was surprised to hear this.

"How could those masters be in charge? The Qingfeng Temple was too overbearing and unpopular a few years ago. The demons were evil and disorderly, so they were in charge. The problem is that they should be in charge of county affairs? Take the tax payment as an example. Every autumn, we should pay taxes and pay food in a unified way, and there must be wastage expenditure. The county's large and small personnel can also take some oil and water from this critical point to subsidize their families. This is a good thing for everyone. But the leader of the Qingfeng Temple is very arrogant. If the grain bucket for food is one inch higher than the normal size, he dares to block the gate of the county government with his sword. "

"The leader of Qingfeng Taoist Temple is a man who has entered the realm of Taoism. This kind of cultivation can go sideways in Longtang County. Moreover, the matter of getting oil and water can't be seen. The people in the county government dare not ask for help from the state government. Otherwise, things will get noisy, and everyone will look ugly, so they can only swallow in silence."

"With the support of the Qingfeng Temple, those mudguards are also all despicable people. If they have any doubt about the order of the county government, they will turn to the Qingfeng Temple to preside over justice. These years, the county government has been very subdued and living in poverty. Not only the county government, but also the major families are afraid and afraid of the Qingfeng Temple. The Heifeng Goddess killed the Qingfeng Temple. The family and the master of the county were so happy that they wanted to celebrate on the street. How could they manage? "

"Besides, there is only one Chuang Tzu, just a thousand people. As long as it does not impact the county seat and affect the root of all families, what does it matter if some people die?? Moreover, the more miserable those untouchables are, the cheaper they will be when all families recruit them?? In time, the price of brothel girls in the county is estimated to decline. After all, there is chaos outside. Those mud legs will certainly sell their children and women. "

Li Zhengbao talked about this matter carelessly, and Liu Hu was disgusted by the indifference in his tone.

He has devoted himself to practicing martial arts for years and paid little attention to the affairs of Longtang County. It was unexpected that the water here was so deep.

Those families and the county government officials are eager to see the Qingfeng Temple destroyed and the chaos outside, so that they can live happily.

The team moved forward amid the conversation between Li Zhengbao and Liu Hu. The flag of the Li family was hung high, and the thugs on both sides showed their swords.

The route of the caravan remains the same as before. Although they think Lijiazhuang has become a dead place, the route has not changed, and they will still pass there.

After all, there are sneaks everywhere. If you change your route at will, you may attract some dirty things.

When arriving at Lijiazhuang, the caravan people thought they would see the ruins and bones, but what they saw made their eyes wide open.