Chapter 69 The closer people are to Lao Zhu, the farther the nine nationalities are from you

Early the next morning, Zhu Bai took Li Ziwen and Zhangpu into the palace.

One night, Li asked himself that the person involved in the school was crazy to find someone in the Imperial College. After learning that Zhu Bo turned around and went to the Imperial Academy next door, he once wanted to attack the Imperial Academy.

However, the guards of King Xiang were basically arranged by Old Zhu himself, and those who came to explore did not dare to reveal too much of the relationship behind the main subjects, so they could only watch Li's question being taken away.

Zhu Bai went to the other palace first. Today is the first day after the exam. He has ten days off.

It can be regarded as the summer vacation of later generations.

Zhu Bo also wants to be more relaxed so as to give himself time to concentrate on his goals.

However, Lao Zhu felt that a ten day holiday meant that his sons had ten days off from school. It was simply anger and resentment. This was the limit of his patience.

Before Zhu Bo entered his yard, he saw Zhu Tan teaching Zhu Gui to ride a bicycle, without an auxiliary wheel.

You are only four years old. You are really brave.

The moment Zhu Tan saw Zhu Bai, he immediately released his hand holding the back seat of the bike, picked up Zhu Gui and ran in the opposite direction, crying out:

"Twelfth brother, you said that you would have a holiday after the exam! Why did you come so early again! I will write my holiday homework obediently!"

Alas, forget it. I'm too lazy to have a common view with him. When I finish reading the paper this noon, I will see what Lao Zhu thinks.

Zhu Bai went back to his yard and didn't bother the other princes on holiday.

After all, only when there is a comparative life can they understand what is true happiness and let them rest for a while.

I still have business to do.

Today's imperial court meeting ended at one o'clock in the afternoon. He went to the palace early to tell Father Li. Soon, news came from the palace calling the king of Hunan to meet him.

When Zhangpu came out of the room, he still couldn't believe that he actually went to the imperial palace. The last time he came to the imperial palace, when all the imperial college students were enrolled, he went to the hall to worship.

Now he is being held in the middle by those palace guards who wear light armour and hold a treasured knife in hot weather, and is walking step by step towards the hall where the emperor will review the memorial in the afternoon.

The more he took that step, the more he felt his feet were heavy and his heart was shaking like thunder.

However, he still firmly stepped out of this step, perhaps because his Highness the King of Hunan gave him the following evaluation:

He is the first person to reveal the problem. If no one can solve the problem, he will be solved.

If anyone in the world can solve this problem, I'm afraid only the emperor in the front hall can.

If Zhu Bo, who sits on the back five wheeler to shade the sun, knows Zhangpu's idea, he will only think that you are still too young.

Lao Zhu can really solve this problem, but the way to solve the problem is, who caused the problem, I will solve who.jpg

So if we go deep into it, Lao Zhu's world outlook and methodology are just an upgraded version of the solution to the people who raised the problem, and the solution to the people who caused the problem, while ignoring the causes of the problem.

Just like killing all the people in the world, no one will feel pain and sadness.

This is wrong.

Zhu Bai looked back at Li, who was held up by Jin Wuwei, and asked himself, "My dear, Zhangpu can still move forward on its own at any rate, although it looks like a prisoner with shackles on his body.".

And Li asked himself

I'm afraid this guy didn't pee his pants today because he didn't drink water all night, not because he was brave.

When he heard the announcement from his familiar father Li in front of the hall, Xuezheng, who had the same surname as Li, had no idea of finding a back door. The two wars were almost too difficult to lift his legs and he was dragged into the hall.

Zhu Bo came to Li Gonggong and asked in a low voice:

"My father didn't kill anyone here, did he?"

Father Li walked in front of Zhu Bai, turned to his side and bowed his head slightly, smiled and said:

"Of course not. The royal dignity should not be offended. This is the imperial palace, and there should be no blood smell. The emperor should care about the empress. Even the blood smell of slaughtering livestock in the imperial dining room should not be spread. What a merciful majesty! Even monks have given the emperor several Buddha names, including Sanskrit."

Zhu Bai agreed with a smile:

"I think Duke Li knows his father's mercy best. If he also studies Buddhism, he can discuss the scriptures with me in his spare time."

How did Duke Li come to the conclusion that Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty was merciful?

After walking around the familiar screen wall, Zhu Bo saw Lao Zhu looking at the form in his hand, and Fu Youde was sitting in front of him.

Although Lao Zhu gave him a seat, Fu Youde himself sat more upright than the pupils of later generations, and his buttocks were more like sitting next to the seat than sitting comfortably.

I'm afraid it's worse to sit like this than to stand.

Old Zhu looked up at Zhang Pu and Li, who were kneeling on the ground, and asked themselves, instead of asking Zhu Bai directly, he said:

"That's right, old man. Look at the form you gave me before. Compared with the blue jade form, it's just a day by day. At first, you don't understand how the form is used. Now, after improving the content, I can finally see how you are going to deal with this war."

Fu Youde sat upright and did not look back. He replied respectfully:

"The emperor, Wei Chen is stupid. He worried the emperor a lot before. It's his fault. I hope the emperor will punish him. If the position of General Zhengnan is transferred to Yongchang Marquis, Wei Chen will have no complaints."

Lao Zhu slapped the form on the table and burst out laughing, saying:

"What's the point? You old guys have to bring him here and practice more. It's normal for you to learn things faster than other young people, but in terms of experience, you are better than Lan Yu. He is a good material and should not be spoiled by me."

Fu Youde immediately stood up and replied:

"I understand! Your Majesty, the military affairs are busy, so I'm leaving now."

Old Zhu waved his hand and said, "Well, I know. Before we set out, I asked the King of Hunan to come and talk with you. You can also tell him about military books. The boy likes reading books, and then he thinks about what the reason is."

Fu Youde bowed his head slightly, then turned around, not looking at the two people kneeling on the ground, but directly facing Zhu Bai, he said:

"I have seen your highness the King of Hunan. If you have any spare time, I hope you will give me some advice and let me learn more."

Zhu Bo politely replied, "The marquis of Yingchuan is the pillar of the country. This is really killing Xiao Wang. I will visit him some day."

"Ha ha, that's settled."

Fu Youde finally saluted Old Zhu and left with a smile, which was regarded as the completion of his job.

After Fu Youde left, Zhu Bai saluted:

"My son and courtier paid a visit to my father. I must have read the letter that the emperor asked the palace people to submit. My son and courtier of the two parties have already brought it to the palace."

Lao Zhu had a kind smile on his face, which was not dignified at all. He teased:

"Well, I took the time to look at it. You look more and more like your elder brother. The better I treat you, the more stiff your face will become. I often smoke those unworthy descendants, but they are playful."

Zhu Boying said, "Father, the test results of your brothers will come out in the afternoon. At that time, the father and the emperor can draw freely for your brothers."

Lao Zhu laughed:

"Yes, yes, it's the smell of this bastard. I'm afraid you scared Xiongying, hahaha."

"Well, your treatment in the Imperial College yesterday was very good. It is reasonable that there is no need to bring people here to judge. It shows that in your eyes, this is also a big event. Tell me about it."