Chapter 54 discusses the issue of national debt. It is suggested that Lao Zhu should turn corvee into infrastructure and pay salaries

That night, Jubo slept soundly. After all, he had not slept all night the night before and wrote the navigation booklet.

The next day, he searched his brains and told Zhu Yuanzhang the economic knowledge in his mind, and suffered from the nagging torture of elderly women.

When he fell asleep, he could not remember his position. When he woke up, he saw himself lying in Wu Xian's arms. The girl looked at him kindly.

Seeing Zhu Bai blush and get up, Princess Xiang shows her aunt's smile.

He is really a little boy. No matter how brilliant he is in front of the emperor, he is too shy to speak when he is in front of himself.

For Zhu Bai himself, one is limited by his current body, and the other is that he was a good man in the universal values in his previous life.

In addition to the information explosion in the 21st century, he can be called the most knowledgeable person in this era.

No one.

Wu Xian rubbed Zhu Bai's face with a towel, but he was not used to it, especially when he was held by his elder sister.

After finally breaking away from this dilemma, Zhu Bai felt his heart beat slowly.

After breakfast, several lords came to school on bicycles as planned. They didn't hear the chatter. Instead, they heard Zhu Xiongying's voice.

Zhu Biao and Zhu Xiongying, each with a bicycle, wandered to the Xiang Palace.

Of course, there are bodyguards around, but the bodyguards are not equipped with bicycles. It seems that the team is strange.

Zhu Xiongying jumped off the vehicle. His car has been converted into the power mode of an adult bicycle, but it is also equipped with a pair of huge auxiliary wheels, which looks like a tricycle.

I can't help it. The child fell into a shadow. I dare not get on the car without an auxiliary wheel.

Zhu Bai and Wu Xian met the prince, and Wu Xian led Zhu Xiongying around.

In a word, Wu Xian also wants to learn more about her husband from Zhu Xiongying, a good nephew.

Although their marriage was scheduled early, the more they contacted their husband, the more wonderful Wu Xian felt, and she wanted to dig out all the secrets in the head of the King of Hunan.

When there were only Zhu Biao and Zhu Bai in the yard, Zhu Bai sighed:

"My elder brother, I must have come here for yesterday's event, and I didn't even attend the court meeting."

Zhu Biao sat on the stone bench, looked at Zhu Bai with a half smile, and said:

"Return to the court meeting? The court meeting has already ended today. Now all the ministers who are close to XunGui run to the gate of the Marquis Jinghai to wait for the bus to go to the court. Moreover, the father emperor did not mention the issue of national debt, but temporarily cancelled the treasure banknotes to be printed, and then ended the court meeting."

Zhu Bai sighed: "In this way, the treasure banknotes in the hands of the common people can avoid the risk of further depreciation, and the court has to take out the foreign debt as soon as possible."

Zhu Biao nodded his head and said, "So I came here in a hurry to meet my father. Let's talk directly here to save you from running around. Twelve younger brothers, you are the only one who gets the same treatment from top to bottom in the Ming Dynasty. If your theory is effective after practice, the court of the Ming Dynasty and the common people will thank you."

The two people stopped chatting. Yesterday, Lao Zhu had written down what Zhu Bo said and sent a copy to Zhu Biao.

Before the arrival of Lao Zhu, the two brothers took the time to discuss the issuance system and rules of national debt.

By the time old Zhu arrived by bike, Zhu Bo had already written a few tables in front of him, including the problems of several famous debt bubbles in the West and East in the future, so as to avoid the thunder of the first issue of national debt in Ming Dynasty.

Fortunately, this is the rising period of the feudal dynasty, with this potential.

If the Emperor Chongzhen hung up a crooked neck tree at the end of the Ming Dynasty, he would not be able to steal money from those people if he issued national debt like this again.

"Not bad. In our opinion, you should be appointed an official and sent to the new department."

Lao Zhu checked the draft document and was very satisfied. The system mentioned some omissions that he did not think of last night.

He shook the document in his hand happily and said:

"With this national debt, I can print more precious money and get money to support the war. Those civil servants are not afraid of making contributions to their superiors, taking their position and riding on their necks to make a fuss!"

"I will see tomorrow if these civil servants are willing to buy this national debt!"

Zhu Biao said with a smile, "Look, my father, the 12th younger brother specially noted that the amount of national debt we issue is limited. If we issue it without restrictions, it will lead to devaluation. But if there are restrictions, it will become a matter of scarcity, and civil servants may be able to argue with Xun Gui."

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said, "Yes, I would like to see how much money these ministers who claim to be honest can take out of their pockets! I look at the work that will be carried out after the Ming Dynasty, and I will issue national debt!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Bai and Zhu Biao hurriedly said:

"The father cannot!"

Zhu Bai explained:

"Father, these are just short-term measures to solve the problem. If they are abused, it will lead to a greater crisis! The root of the real stability of the treasure note exchange system is to find rich gold and silver mineral reserves and nationalize them. Today, I have read the books and journals of the Lord Jinghai's residence, and I have already got an idea. I am discussing with my elder brother and sending a navigation team to investigate."

Zhu Yuanzhang said sadly:

"This, this, it's really good to have a way to get money, and suddenly told me not to abuse it. This - you go overseas to find gold and silver? Can you find it? Even if you can find it, it will take several years? National debt is so useful, alas."

Zhu Biao said reluctantly, "Father, when issuing treasure banknotes at the beginning of the founding of the country, the minister who proposed to do so did not clearly explain the damage to the gold and silver standard caused by the overprinting of treasure banknotes. Now we can't ignore the lessons learned from the past. These things should still be implemented under the rules and regulations of the Twelve Brothers. No rules, no square."

Zhu Yuanzhang patted the table and said:

"All right, let's listen to the standard and do as the king of Hunan said. By the way, yesterday there was a matter of rail transit, which was to pave the main roads of Jinling City. A few days later, people were recruited to do corvee work, and this matter was also done. Those copper tickets can be changed a little."

When Zhu Bo heard this, he knew that another opportunity was coming to promote the reform of the subtle influence of the Ming Dynasty's physique, and said in a hurry:

"Tell my father that my son and minister have another suggestion about the rail transit."

"The first thing is to recruit people, which cannot be considered as corvee. This is to work for the improvement of infrastructure in Daming, and we should pay wages."

Hearing this, Lao Zhu murmured:

"No, those who have not paid for corvee since ancient times? Those who have participated in corvee have been exempted from some taxes. Alas, we are definitely not the kind of oppressive emperor, and we are not forced labor. Those who want to exempt from taxes voluntarily participate."

Zhu Yuanzhang was right. Ironically, when the emperors were strong at the beginning of the dynasty, they were able to restrain themselves a little. Later, the wheel of history turned and went back.

Zhu Bai shook his head and said, "Father, in fact, in the late Song Dynasty, the imperial court paid salaries to hire people to build some infrastructure. After the war in the Yuan Dynasty, the land was turbulent, which restored the traditional corvee system. It was regarded as a means for people to pay taxes."

"But this is the way to make the most of everything. Many uprisings and rebellions broke out from corvee in ancient times. This abuse needs to be corrected. Turning corvee into work and paying wages is also something that must be reformed in order to ensure that the Ming Dynasty will live forever!"