Chapter 3 Teach Lao Zhu the Form Skill (Part 1)

It makes sense to think that the purpose of Old Zhu's Hu Weiyong case was to gain the power of the Prime Minister and make the imperial power reach an unprecedented concentration.

However, no matter how powerful the emperor was, he was also limited to the physiological limitations of people, and could not make the so-called daily business.

Old Zhu can guarantee that he can 007 every day, and his son Zhu Di can barely keep up. But what about the emperor?

The next born is a royal noble. The emperors who don't touch the sun and spring water want to be diligent emperors, and they can't help but divide some power to others to help them deal with state affairs.

This was the case with the cabinet ministers after the abolition of the prime minister in the Ming Dynasty, which led to the strength of the civil service group in the late Ming Dynasty far greater than that of any other dynasty. The emperor had to add more water and more water to help the eunuchs around him to fight against the civil service group.

In addition, when I met the emperor who was here to enjoy himself/the general/the carpenter, I expected them to write memorials on the edge of the desk for a whole day, which was no different from killing them.

So Lao Zhu tried his best to give power to future generations, and later generations left him behind.

Old Zhu himself worked overtime every day. After Hu Weiyong's case, he also began to pay attention to training Zhu Biao to be the emperor, so that Zhu Xiongying felt it was not an issue to work so hard.

His grandpa can support this kind of work intensity, but his father may not be able to support it!

Thinking of this, Zhu Bai suddenly asked, "Xiongying, when my father worked late at night, did His Highness the Prince accompany him so late?"

Zhu Xiongying said helplessly: "Uncle, my father has stayed in the imperial palace more than 30 times this year. Even the officials of the imperial court have written a letter of advice. But when my father and my grandfather are busy, it is difficult for others to speak up. After the Hu case, all the official factions are trying to fill the vacant positions with their own people, so Grandpa Huang takes a closer look, which is what my father told me. "

Zhu Bai looked at his worried nephew and sighed that his eldest brother had begun to transmit the pressure of being an emperor to the next generation. It was not easy.

He patted his big nephew on the shoulder and said:

"Uncle, I'm going to tell you Axel, which is the preliminary foundation of the art of tables."

Zhu Bai asked people to find charcoal pen and wooden ruler, and initially drew a table that was closer to the human brain circuit in the Ming Dynasty according to the two most commonly used tables of work plan and project follow-up in later generations. Then he explained to Zhu Xiongying how these tables should be used, and how to tell others how to use these tables.

Other brothers and nephews in the hall are furtively carrying on their recent lessons, or they are too young to come here just to eat and drink. Few people pay attention to Zhu Xiongying and Zhu Bai.

In the evening, when the sky was just beginning to darken, all the tables were cleaned up. Zhu Xiongying put away the papers and waited for the palace ladies to arrange the banquet.

Outside the side hall door came the voice of the preacher:

"The Holy One has arrived!"

Old Zhu finally walked back to the front door, still walking like a tiger, followed by Zhu Biao, who was sweating a little.

"The queen is unwell and has let her stay in the room. If I am not satisfied with you guys today, no one will intercede for you when you are whipped. You are not allowed to intercede, Biaoer!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sat down on the throne and asked Zhu Biao to sit beside him. If the officials outside saw this, they would write vigorously and condemn this arrogance.

They have to be thankful that Zhu Biao is still alive, otherwise, after Zhu Biao's death, Lao Zhu will remember who wrote this book and thought of people after seeing things, and the picture will not be so beautiful.

"Well, just start from the door. What are you doing sitting so far away, King Lu, afraid that I will beat you?"

Old Zhu followed his finger to Zhu Tan, who was sitting at the edge of the seat. He was the king of Lu, who was good at gold and stone in the future, and killed himself by taking drugs in the 22nd year of Hongwu's reign.

Zhu Tan became a vassal in the 18th year of Hongwu, that is, four years later. Outside, the Emperor Tiangao was far from being supervised, and he gradually became extravagant, carefree and lazy. Finally, I was afraid that I could not enjoy all the wealth in the world, so I began to pursue longevity. I didn't know the chemical composition of the medicine I practiced, so I poisoned myself alive.

It seems that the genes of the old Zhu family's cultivation of Taoism and immortality have emerged from here.

At this time, Zhu Tan was not yet a vassal. He was one year older than Zhu Bai. When he was young, he was also known as intelligent. There was no barrier to music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

When I think of the end of Zhu Tan, he looks like a coward after being named by Zhu Yuanzhang. He doesn't know where to put his hands and stumbles on the chapter of Mencius.

Alas, what's wrong with you? You recite "Mencius". Don't you know your father doesn't like "Mencius" the most?

It can't be because Zhu Yuanzhang deleted nearly half of the text of Mencius. Is it easy to recite?

Zhu Bai could not help feeling that the prince, unless he had done something outrageous when he was a child, would have to be recorded in history books as intelligent and full of poetry when he was young.

With the good comments of his original body, whether there is any gold in it or not, Zhu Bai began to have a heart beating.

"Come on, go back at night and carry me a book for an hour every day. For the sake of something you have carried, I won't smoke you."

Old Zhu Shi was tired of listening. He was so frightened that Zhu Tan didn't stand still and sat down on the ground.

Zhu Bai was still waiting to see a good play. At the next moment, Zhu Yuanzhang looked over and asked with a smile on his face:

"What did the king of Hunan tell Xiongying this afternoon? I heard that Xiongying and you didn't want to leave each other when they were sitting together. I wrote and painted on paper. I was also curious. Come and tell me."

Zhu Bai was about to get up to salute, and Zhu Xiongying beside him also got up in a hurry. He knew that Grandpa Huang said so. If they could not say anything valuable tonight, they would be criticized.

Lao Zhu still hates the act of painting, which seems to be a waste of paper and ink.

If you can't explain why, the King of Hunan will not be beaten tonight, but will also be scolded.

"Xiongying, come here and let the King of Xiang speak for himself."

Lao Zhu patted the position beside him to make room for his grandson. Zhu Xiongying was called in before he could explain.

Zhu Bai calmed down. He was confident in what he said and said:

"Father, let Xiongying talk about his harvest this afternoon. I believe he understands and can speak clearly."

The brothers who were present held their breath and stared at Zhu Bai with unbelievable eyes. Even Zhu Biao sat up straight.

This, this——

What did he say just now? He refuted his father's will!

Apart from the eldest brother Zhu Biao, no brother dares to do this!

Instead, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, took Zhu Xiongying's small hand, looked at his good grandson, and asked:

"Xiongying, who do you think grandpa should tell me?"

Lao Zhu's eyes were smiling like a little old man who cared about his grandson.

But only Zhu Bai knew that almost everything that happened here this afternoon was under Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze, including his own interpretation of the Analects of Confucius.

Zhu Xiongying prevaricated over that. I'll ask Xiongying to explain tonight. In the eyes of Zhu, I'm afraid he has already thought of himself as a villain who only knows how to shirk responsibility.