Chapter 51 Launching Testimony

Well, it was quite sudden. Ten minutes ago, I received a big notice from the editor about launching.

It's on sale at six today!

Although it is not the first time to go on the shelf, I still don't know what to write, so let's chat casually.

Some friends used to say that there were too few updates, but this is really the case with the current Douluo colleagues. They suffered a lot when recommended by pk. In the early stage, they had to slow down and try to mix recommendations.

Now, obviously, the author sent it again, hey hey, wuwu.

Forget it. It's boring. Here, thank you for your continuous rewards from Momtv31. To be honest, it's very motivating to see this every day. Thank you very much, orz!

Of course, I would also like to thank the elder brother of Gechenlang City for his reward. It's the first time of this book. It was just two days ago. Thank you!

It has been said before that the reward will be counted on the shelf, and then added. Here, let me tell you that there are more than 4000 yuan reward accumulatively. Although there is support from a writer and friend among them, thank you very much. Thank you!

In fact, Jiageng is only once in the last book, so I won't say much about it. There is no such awareness in the street, but Jiageng is still necessary. After all, it has promised everyone.

Well, that's it. Two days before the launch, there are five chapters a day, which is close to 1.2w. Later, there is the old rule, three chapters of 6k, 2k, or two chapters of 3k a day. (Occasionally, there will be more changes) It is still updated at 6:00 p.m.

I don't have to worry about the break time. I haven't asked for a leave since I wrote the book, and the break time will occasionally be an hour late when I write the book. This is the limit. Please rest assured.

In short, thank you for your company and support!

Finally, I have the audacity to ask for a first subscription support! hey!

At the end of the day, learn from others to make a sacrifice. Two books of the same period and the author's friends can be read if you are interested.

The first book of Dou Er, Dou Luo: The Immortal Dead, is starred by Wang Lin. It's unnecessary to introduce this name. Famous people at the same level as Han Laoyao, well, it's anti Huo Yuhao's flow, not mindless. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

The second book is also Douyi's, titled Douluo: The Bloody Blade Devil. The main character follows the devil's way, with double knives. Those who like to kill randomly and use flannelette balls may go to see it. It belongs to the book often reviewed by Gank.

At the end of the day, I will whisper again to support the first order, big men! Kneel down and thank you! orz!