Chapter 19 The Lost Radio Gymnastics and Guangling's Closure

The matter was finally settled. Han Li was finally relieved and stayed in the Sacrifice Hall for a while. Guangling asked the guards to send them back to practice.

As for him, he won't go back right now. He used to worship here to show off Cher. Now, he finally has a precious apprentice who is so competitive that he can't let other old fellows envy him.

Han Li, who had guessed what his teacher was doing, had returned to his residence with Xiuer. Sister Xiuer is ready to start practicing. Han Li also handed the storage necklace that Qingluan Douluo gave him in advance yesterday to her.

Of course, there is not only storage space, but also a gold card. There is also a general advanced meditation idea suitable for the cultivation of animal spirits. Although it is not as good as the customized version given to him by Guangling, it is also an advanced product on the mainland. As for what is most suitable for you, you can only think about it slowly in the process of cultivation.

After simply instructing Sister Xiuer on how to practice, Han Li returned to his room after confirming that there would be no problem.

The experience of the past two days kept flashing in his mind, and he could not help sighing that he was really successful in absorbing the soul ring out of the external soul bone. Not only that, the soul skills also changed, and the most important thing was completely in line with his cultivation direction.

Go to Qiandaoli to let Sister Xiu'er step into the cultivation again, but he turned around and produced a crystal bear heart soul bone that was extremely suitable, and let Sister Xiu'er's martial spirit evolve into a crystal bear, with the innate soul power reaching Level 8.

The invisible and untouchable things like Qi Yun are really terrible, and this is just the beginning. When they become stronger, they can hardly imagine how far they will reach.

After a while, Han Li calmed down again and took out a manual that Guangling had just given him, on which his future training arrangements were clearly written.

After a simple review, Han Li found that he really underestimated the way the world's top forces cultivate talents.

Body forging, medicine bath, food tonic, body massage, cultivation, actual combat, cultural courses (including but not limited to the general history of the mainland and the atlas of ghosts and beasts), almost all the things he could imagine.

Not only that, Guangling also paid his own money and mobilized his followers' families to provide him with all-round services.

There are soul masters who have gravity soul skills to help him forge his body, teachers who teach him basic fighting, special medical soul masters, and food soul masters. Although their levels are not very high, they are absolutely enough before his Soul Sect.

Of course, now we need to add some more people to serve Xiuer, but the treatment is naturally much lower, which is the leftover of Xiuer. But even so, they also enjoy more resources than most people in the Wulin Hall Academy.

In addition, next door to his residence, he has begun to create his own ghost mimetic environment, some of which were removed from the mimetic environment used by Guangling and Qingluan before. After all, they can't use it now, so it's better to throw it all to him. Although the venue is not very big, it can be said to be a luxury.

After silently reading the thin manual in his hand, Han Li compared it in his heart. If only his peers were counted, it was estimated that Ning Rongrong had the cultivation conditions comparable to his own, and Qian Renxue could be more luxurious than him. But after he came here, he had never heard of this person, let alone say.

In view of this, he took the initiative to enter the cultivation state. Under this condition, he wanted to improve too slowly. If he could not afford himself, he felt sorry for Guangling.

It was not until noon when he heard the knock on the door outside that he voluntarily quit the cultivation.

Open the door and find that it is Guangling who has returned, and Qingluan Douluo is also there.

After saying hello, he told the maid to call Xiuer, and the four sat down at the table.

Guangling has always disliked playing smart. After shaking off the servants around, she directly asked, "By the way, Xiao Li, where did you get that move when you exercised in the morning? Can you tell me about it?"

Han Li was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Guang Ling would ask him about this. However, this was nothing to him. So he answered, "There are two sets of ancestral ones, but there is no soul power movement route. I used them to exercise before awakening, or warm up. Why? Teacher, do you need this? I can show you now."

Guangling and Qingluan looked at each other, and they both noticed in the morning that Han Li's warm-up action was complete.

Guangling pondered for a while, then thought about it and said: "Your uncle and I think that the movement is not bad, although it can not be used for attack, the exercise effect of all parts of the body should be better than the body forging skill I have prepared for you. So, see if you can take it to improve it and let you use it as a regular body forging skill."

"Is that right? No problem. But teacher, I don't have a brochure and I can't draw. I can't guarantee that everything in my memory is correct. It's all preliminarily restored based on my previous impression. I can only show you."

Without thinking, Han Li replied that Guangling and Qingluan saw that his expression was more gentle, and there was some pity in their eyes. Hey, they don't think I learned it from my parents' rehearsals. He didn't realize this until he found that their eyes were wrong.

It can't be blamed on him. Although he heard that broadcast gymnastics evolved from martial arts, he didn't touch it. He only remembered it when he practiced it. In addition, after three years of training, he felt that it was just like that. Of course, he didn't want to make up the history of this thing. Even Xiuer thought that he was just dancing and playing, so he used it when warming up.

"You can agree. Don't worry, Xiao Li. After improvement, it will be your family inheritance. This forging method is useless for Qingluan and me. Neither of us has a family. Naturally, you still need to pass it on." Guangling patted his chest and promised.

"Well, you can handle it at will. I just use it to warm up. If I can improve the real body forging skill, I will make a lot of money." Han Li answered casually.

"That's settled. You can show it after dinner." Guangling clapped.

At the dinner table, several people chatted casually. Guangling and Qingluan kept serving the two little guys, which seemed to be happy.

After a short rest, Han Li went to the training ground to demonstrate two sets of broadcast gymnastics to the two people. Guangling chose the set of "Young Eagle Takeoff", and the rest of "Time Is Calling" was recorded by Qingluan.

After learning the names of the two sets of movements, the two titles Douluo changed their names on the spot to "Eagle Strikes at the Sky" and "Phoenix Dances in the Sky", because they could not afford to lose this person. Han Li has no objection. It's just broadcast gymnastics, which is not named by him. He doesn't have any objection to it, even if it's called "Forging Body Skill 1".

At the same time, Guangling also told Han Li that it was okay today. From tomorrow, his followers' families would come and urge Han Li and Xiuer to practice. He was ready to close the door, and he would improve his martial arts while hitting level 97. If he had something to do, he would go to the next door to find Qingluan.

When he comes out, he will compete with Qingluan to find out who has the better effect. Qingluan did not oppose them, but looked at them with a smile. He was more like the teacher than Guangling.

Han Li and Xiuer looked at each other and flattered them. It seemed that the light feather of Yue had broken through and won before closing the door.