Chapter 13 A Bold Idea and High Cost

In the Hall of Sacrifice, Guangling talked about his apprentice's martial spirit ability and development ideas with flying eyes, and finally said that he might have found a further way. After that, the lion, Qianjun and the Demon Subduing three could not hold their breath.

Qingluan is no different. He always dotes on Guangling. His brother will only be happy if he makes progress. Although he is an animal spirit, the spirit itself also has element attributes. After hearing Guangling's story, he was also vaguely touched.

Qian Daoliu and Jin Alligator didn't say anything. They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Unexpectedly, just what Guangling said casually when she accepted her apprentice really made Guangling gain. Moreover, they keenly perceived from the description of Guangling that Han Li's talent may not only be reflected in his martial spirit, but his thinking is the greatest wealth.

At the beginning of the discussion on the way of follow-up cultivation, Han Li followed the guards to the residence that Guangling had prepared for him.

From the communication with the guards along the way, Han Li has learned that the only people living here at present are their new sisters and brothers, except for the worshippers. Several worshippers only lived here occasionally, so Guangling and Qingluan stayed here for a long time, just next to their residence.

After thanking the guards, Han Li walked into the place where he would live in the next few years. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he saw Xiuer running towards him quickly, apparently waiting for a long time.

"Young master, you are back."

Xiuer stopped in front of him and shouted with surprise.

"Well, Sister Xiuer, I'm back. How are you? Are you satisfied with the place arranged by the teacher?"

Han Li took her hand and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's much bigger than the yard in Notting City, that is, there are many servants. I told them that I was only the young master's maid, but they didn't listen to me. They had to call me Miss and serve me, which made me very unaccustomed."

Xiuer's small face was full of tangles, and when talking about servants, she also secretly looked at Han Li's expression, as if afraid that those people would rob her of her personal maid's job.

Han Li naturally noticed Xiuer's little movements, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he looked around and pulled her to sit down in a pavilion.

"Sister Xiuer, be at ease, and you should know that I always regard you as my sister, so don't say anything about waitresses in the future."

Han Li looked at Xiuer who stood up with a worried face when he heard what he said. He waved his hand and pulled her back to sit down. Then he said again, "Don't worry, listen to me, I know what you mean. Sister Xiuer, you also know that the teacher is called Douluo, so we can only learn to adapt. Since he said you are my sister, then you are my sister."

Han Li, who has been persuaded many times, threw the big weapon Guangling Douluo directly this time. Nothing is more lethal to the aborigines than this.

Seeing that the girl was still confused but no longer so resistant, Han Li struck while the iron was hot: "This is all arranged by the teacher. So, Sister Xiuer, you don't want the teacher to blame me for this trivial matter, do you?"

Xiuer's face changed and she hurriedly said, "I'll listen to you, little... Xiao Li."

Seeing Han Li nodding in satisfaction, Xiuer whispered in a low voice, "Xiao Li, can't I take care of you as before?"

Han Li can't laugh or cry. Take your time. This is the knot of Xiuer's heart.

He said seriously, "Of course not. Sister Xiuer, you are my sister. Sister takes care of my brother. Who can stop you?"

Seeing Xiu'er raising his head in surprise, he continued: "I am also used to the care of Xiu'er. There is only Xiu'er as a personal maid here."

"Of course, I will take care of Xiao Li in the future." Xiuer said confidently.

"But, Sister Xiuer, promise me that you will also have to accept the care of other maids. Is that OK?" Han Li asked in reply.

"No, no problem."

Xiuer wanted to refuse halfway, but seemed to think of something. She took a long time to agree.

After that, Han Li praised himself in his heart. It was really difficult to explain the girl's work. This time, Xiuer was allowed to give way by the teacher. There is a long way to go. Take your time.

Looking at Xiuer, who has regained her normal state after the conversation, Han Li's eyes flickered and thought of the promise of Qiandaoli.

Maybe the plan to let Xiuer Sister practice again will be put on the agenda.

He has been planning this matter in his mind for a long time. After determining that it is useless to re awaken, he came up with a bold idea through reading various books in recent years, but he has been unable to try. But now, he sees hope, and hope comes from thousands of streams.

Let the happy Xiuer lead him to get familiar with the new residence, while Han Li's heart is more determined about what conditions should be put forward.

Admittedly, he can take Sister Xiu'er into the divine world directly after becoming a god, but before that, her life was too boring. And the immortal grass is not that he can't bear it, but that even the weakest and gentlest immortal grass, he is not sure whether an ordinary person who has never practiced at all can bear it and will die.

There's nothing to hesitate about, is there? Han Li made a decision by looking at the happy Xiuer's back in front of him.

After visiting the whole new residence, it was time for dinner. Han Li finally waited for his teacher, accompanied by Qingluan Douluo. Xiuer resolutely chose to run to the kitchen, and she had to tell those people what Xiao Li liked.

After saying hello, Guangling threw several things to Han Li, including his improved meditation method suitable for weapons and spirits, offering tokens, and a manual.

Han Li opened the manual curiously, and heard Guang Ling say: "The people in the manual are my followers. You can contact them to solve some small things, and tell me about the things that can't be solved. If you think about something, you can't disclose it except your relatives and disciples. Oh, you can't pass it on, and Xiuer can't practice."

As soon as Guangling's words fell, Qingluan poked at him. Han Li looked up at Guangling, who was chatting up, and knew that he was careless. Seeing Qingluan's sorry expression, he shook his head to show that he was OK.

He turned his head and looked around. After confirming that Sister Xiuer was not nearby, he looked at the two super Douluo and said seriously, "Teacher, when I get the first soul ring tomorrow, I want to see the big sacrifice and make a request."

Guangling and Qingluan looked at him with a surprised expression. It seemed that he would use the promise so soon. They looked at each other and saw their doubts in each other's eyes.

Guangling coughed and said, "My disciple, you don't know how important this promise is. Let me give you an example. Do you know the soul ring of 100000 years?"

Han Li nodded to show that he knew.

Guangling continued: "I suggest you don't worry. You'd better wait until you are ready for promotion and then make a request. Maybe you can gain a soul ring of 100000 years and corresponding soul bones. At that time, it is only a matter of time before you become a teacher."

Han Li still nodded, but his expression did not change. Looking at their concerned eyes, he said, "Teacher, I know very well, but I still want to mention it now."

Han Li stood up respectfully, saluted them, and said seriously, "Teacher, uncle, please listen to me."

"I am not blind and ignorant, but for me, there is something more important than the soul ring and soul bone of 100000 years. I have an idea that may only be realized through great sacrifice."

"You can also see the situation of Sister Xiuer. She is half awakened because of previous events, but she has never been able to practice. But I have a bold idea that the reason why Sister Xiuer cannot practice may be that the wrong awakening has not completely opened up the flow route of soul power in the body, so there is a state of semi attachment. I need a bear soul bone that is not more than a hundred years old, or the weaker the better, preferably ten years old. If she can absorb it, maybe she can use the same source of energy to reactivate the spirit and enter the cultivation again. If I can't, it can also make me completely die. "

"But I also know how difficult it is to obtain such soul bones. I know that my choice may be a little naive, but this is what I want. Besides, the soul ring and soul bones are just 100000 years old, and I believe I can do it myself in the future. So, please help me."

At the end of the speech, Han Li bowed and saluted, but did not get up for a long time.