Chapter 62 Carrying the Hope of Fog Hidden, Step on That Position (Pursue Reading)

"Another day!"

Feeling the warm sunshine coming through the crack, Lin opened her eyes, propped up her aching body and yawned.

As soon as I sat down, I immediately recalled the thought that I broke off last night because I couldn't resist sleepiness.

Therefore, the current Kakashi should not be in any danger.

After all, according to the rumor, yesterday he fought with Huiye Naoku in full view of the public and got the title of Muye Baiya.

In the case of the village's defeat, Kakashi should not be in danger if he can draw his sword to fight and gain his reputation.

Where did Kakashi worry about the danger?

Lin thought about it for a long time, but still didn't understand.

Get up, open the window, want to breathe two mouthfuls of fresh air.


When the window opened, it was a bit dazzling, and I reached out to block it. I only saw that the Fog Hidden Ninjas, who were holding knives and weapons, were slowly gathering at a place.

Is there another war?

Nohara Lin panicked.

Immediately put on the mask, pushed out the door, and did not disturb the ninjas.

Just follow quietly, trying to piece together the truth from these people's words.

"Captain Xinci, Lord Naoshu wants a coup. Why should we join in.

Didn't you sue me before? Just save yourself? "

Hearing the word "coup", Nohara Lin shook her body, pretended to be casual, followed her silently and listened carefully.

"You little boy, how can such a thing be publicized in court?"

Xin Zhi lowered her voice and was instructed by the teacher. She was squeezed by people around her and moved her steps.

Frown and raised his head, he found himself in the package of endless people, and immediately felt a kind of inexplicable emotion burning in his heart.

Therefore, he stopped deliberately lowering his voice and began to speak normally.

"Yishui, have you ever killed your classmates?"

Yishui shook his head.

Xinci suddenly smiled and said, "I almost forgot that a child as old as you is a descendant of adult Naoshu, who doesn't need to kill his friends."

As he spoke, his voice sank, and the strong wind just blew past, whining.

"I did."

"My dearest friend."

Yishui clenches the sleeve of Captain Xinci to comfort him. The latter gently touches Yishui's head, smiles, but cries.

"I remember that at the beginning, we agreed that stone, scissors, paper, whoever loses will die."

The voice of Xinci shows some nostalgia.

"I punched him and he stabbed him in the chest."

"Since then, I have no friends any more. The only motivation to live is to protect myself. At the same time, I have to perform those tasks that I have to perform."

Yishui listened, and at the same time, he was keenly aware that there were already many ninjas around who turned their heads because of what Captain Shinji said.

You are not mocking Captain Xinci for being a coward.

Thinking like this, Yishui hurriedly raised his voice.

"But Captain Xinci, you have changed now."

"What a little devil!"

Many Fog Hidden Ninjas, looking at Yishui's red face, raised their voice and spoke, immediately realized what the little boy was thinking.

They first laughed a few times, then raised their heads to let some emotion return to the place where they should go back, and at the same time, they swept Xinci's arms and rubbed Yishui's head.

"Kid, it's a good time to live."

"If I were your age, I'm afraid you would have..."

The Fog Hidden Ninja suddenly stopped talking, tried to squeeze out an unskilled smile and stopped talking.

Listen, Shinji smiles.

"Yes, I have changed."

Then he felt that he should let the kid who took everything for granted understand something.

"Do you know when it changed?"

Yishui shook his head, and then he would shake those rough hands off his head.

But those palms seem to stick together. I don't know what to rub.

Xinci looked at those hands and understood something. She paused shyly and spoke again after she had organized her language.

"My changes have happened many times."

"On that day, I returned to the camp with my wound. I dare not let anyone see me. I was about to find an empty corner and sew it with some rags when some people forcibly took me to the hospital."

"The other day, when I saw Naoku grow very angry, I made a rule and asked a kid like you not to appear on the battlefield."

The letter said a lot, looked at Yishui's slightly confused eyes, and sighed.

These things, which are too small to be small, are exactly what he hoped for in the past.

"What's the last thing? When Lord Zhishu took the lead in killing those bastards!"

Yishui nodded in ignorance.

Lord Zhishu is really a powerful person who can beat the wood leaves like that.

"So, that's why I want to help Naoshu!"

Shinji's eyes slowly firmed up, and the palms that rubbed his head involuntarily disengaged and swayed.

In this small corner, I don't know how many cold eyes secretly looked at the letter. They couldn't say it, and they didn't know who to tell, but they were expecting someone to say it.

"If an old man like me who has experienced darkness doesn't help, how can I see a better and more promising future?"

"Yishui, you won't understand that for a guy like me who used to live just to live.

To see something better is the whole meaning of my future life. "

Yishui nodded vaguely, and he understood.

Captain Xinci wants to create a better world, which can only be created by Naoku.

Thinking this way, he also clenched his knife.

After seeing the letter and Yishui, the ripples in this small corner dissipated quickly, but no one could understand the fluctuations in my heart.

What a great change!

Nohara Lin still followed, but her steps were a little staggering.

In her mind, the figures of Dai Tu and Kakashi are still clear, while the memory of Muye is becoming weaker and weaker.

Am I also a part of these people's hopes?

Nohara Lin clenched her fists, pushed Kakashi and Dai Tu away, and kept thinking about the short time.

At first, they were cold, no matter how badly hurt they were, they didn't say a word. What I asked was only a few simple words.

It did change later.

Gifts, wild flowers, greetings, clumsy, in a sense, even can be regarded as an idiot who does not know human feelings.

But they did change.

Nohara Lin suddenly smiled.

Originally, I was also the hope of Fog Hidden.

The body slightly bumped into the water before the collision, making the former turn around. Looking at those eyes, Nohara Lin came back to her senses and found that the whole team had stopped moving.

Looking through the gap of the team, there was a low and towering house.

Nohara Lin knew that it was from Hajima.

Looking carefully, a woman with red hair was gently waving her hands, as if she was knocking at the door.

That is, Zhao Meiming.

At this time, the sun behind him finally came out and threw it into the corner in front of the door through the dense ninjas.

Bang bang bang!

The shadow waved and knocked at the door.

"Straight tree."

"Come in."

The sound from the door was tired.

Zhao Meiming felt the eyes that almost represented some kind of flame behind her, took a deep breath, suppressed the tension in her heart, and then slowly opened the door in front of her.

The door opened, the light came in, carrying the eyes of thousands of people, walked in according to Meiming, turned back and closed the door.

"Straight tree."

"Well, Ming, what's the matter?"

At this time, Huiye Naoshu put down the pen, rubbed his forehead painfully, and handed the scroll on the table to Zhao Meiming.

"Ming, come and have a look. What's the problem?"


Zhao Meiming temporarily pressed down her thoughts and took over the scroll.

"Fog Hidden - Peace of War between Leaves of Wood."

Zhao Meiming became more serious.

After a little glance, the heart suddenly jumped up and immediately looked up.

"Naoshu, is this condition serious?"

"Muye, it's impossible to agree to this condition."

Huiye Zhishu stretched and smiled back.

"These are templates for you."


Zhao Meiming shook her head.

"It is impossible for such conditions to become templates."

"I have a way."

"I have some ways to make Muye agree."

Huiye Naoshu's eyes showed a trace of confidence, and then went on.

"However, in fact, it is not so harsh.

As long as Muye agrees to lease the land, it may not be cut.

Promise to pay for the military expenses, and you won't have to hand over the war criminal Bofengshuimen Big Snake Pill. If we allow free trade, we will not have to set up a commission point to accept tasks in the leaves. "

"I'm a good talker."


Zhao Meiming looked at Huiye Naoshu's serious eyes, but chose to close her mouth.

How can Wood Leaf accept this condition. However, what if Zhishu has such confidence.

With this in mind, Zhao Meiming suddenly looked forward to the famous ape flying, and saw the look of this agreement.

After regaining consciousness, Zhao Meiming rolled up the scroll and immediately explained her most important task here today.

"Zhishu, it's time to go back to the village."

Huiye Zhishu put down his hand that was still stretching in the air, and said seriously.

"Are you ready?"

"Have those who oppose me gathered enough strength?"

Zhao Meiming nodded.

"The Fugu Ghost has been fabricating your weaknesses, and has gathered most of the wavering forces, ready to give you the most deadly blow."

The bright night straight tree nodded.

"That's good. In that case, I'll go back first."

When he got up, Huiye Zhishu was about to walk towards the door, and Zhaomeiming suddenly put out her hand to stop him.

"Straight tree, this time, don't fight alone."

"Take it with us."

"There will be losses."

Huiye Naoshu shook his head and was about to refuse.

Zhao Meiming shook her body, but still did not reach out to stop or persuade her, and let Huiye Zhishu open the door.

Light, cast in.