Chapter 34 You can see the frozen sea!

"I see."

"Let a guide wait at the shore."

"Also, let the team leaders in the camp come to see me."

The bright night straight tree cold voice, immediately began to measure the distance between those shores and the nearest border line of the country of fire.

It seems to work.

However, we need to calculate

Zhao Meiming on his side lost his past demeanor and grace, and hit the wooden pillar on his side with a fist, making the whole person look very angry.

"These damn beetles."

"Sooner or later, kill them all!"

Zhao Meiming's face was a little twisted and very painful. Although she had seen the dawn of her early advantage, she was completely buried.

"As long as we listen to Zhishu and break up into parts, we can transport most of our troops."

"Why, why should we muster our forces to let the Wave Wind and Water Gate seize the opportunity, no matter who it is, we must die!"

Zhao Meiming's eyebrows were wrinkled, and her whole body was full of coldness. She could not help feeling distressed when she looked at the bright night straight tree that was still thinking and trying to save the war.

This dirty, corrupt, discriminatory and bloody village really does not deserve to have bright night straight trees.

If he had been in Muye, he would have been famous in various battlefields like the Yellow Flash Wave Fengshui Gate, instead of being pulled back by various beetles in the village.

It is also a three generation project. Why is it so different.

Zhao Meiming sighed in her heart that even she could not think of any solution.

Let's defeat like this. Wait until the Zhishu ascends the seat of Shuiying, clean up those beetles, and then fight for the seat of the Fog Hidden Village again.

"There's a way."


Zhao Meiming first doubted, then immediately pressed down and asked seriously.

"Straight tree, what do you need me to do?"

A warm current rose in the heart of the bright night straight tree.

"Zhao Meiming, take the captain outside the door and help me guard here."

"I, go and pick them up."

Zhao Meiming's expression was slightly stagnant, and her eyes could not help glancing at the map.

So far away, how do you do it.

She still didn't speak out.

In the present situation, every minute is precious and can't be wasted!

Zhao Meiming nodded firmly.

"Don't worry, Zhishu, I will hold here."

Huiye Naoshu looked at Meiming firmly. He was worried, but he still whispered.

"If Big Snake Pill can get here before I come back, I must run."

Zhao Meiming nodded, a little reluctantly.

However, Huiye Zhishu, who turned around, was destined not to have the chance to see all this.

After he handed over the command to Zhao Meiming, he immediately jumped out of the camp and came to the coastline

There a strange looking but slightly young ninja is waiting.

Aware of the arrival of the bright night straight tree, he immediately stepped forward and respected his words.

"Master Naoku, I'm Shijishan."

"Let me show you the way."


"Let's go."

The dried persimmon ghost shark froze in the same place. He was steady and reliable, so he couldn't help asking.

"Lord Naoku, we only have a few boats."

"No boat."

Huiye Zhishutou didn't run back to the coast, so it didn't mean to explain.

Time is precious.

The dry persimmon ghost shark gritted his teeth, looking at the shadow of the bright night straight tree and the boundless sea, he could not help falling into a depressed mood.

The whole fog hidden, who does not know that as long as you can board the land of the country of fire, you can immediately drive straight into.

However, no ninja can cross such a wide sea without using a boat.

Fog hidden, will be defeated.

Then, he watched Huiye Zhishu walk onto the water, and saw the white and blue ice emerging at his feet, gradually building a bridge three people wide.

The dried persimmon ghost shark stared again, looked at the shadow of the bright night straight tree, and rushed to it.

There are still opportunities.

The chance to win!

[Dried persimmon ghost shark fate shift, detected as Fog Hidden Ninja, gain exchange fragments * 10]


"It's all over."

On countless islands far away from the country of fire, there are a large number of Ninjas in the Fog Hidden Village staring at the pale blue sky.

Without ships, we can't cross the sea.

They are doomed to wait for the news of the defeat of the front-line troops in this barren and barren land.

Then, sit and watch Muye launch the last group of ninjas to build a new defense line.

At that time, even the Fog Hidden Ninja was still able to make a breakthrough by virtue of its military strength, but it was doomed to throw a large number of corpses because of the wood leaves that arranged the defense line. What was the meaning of the attack at that time?

There are not many foggy people.

"Therefore, someone must be responsible."

One of the seven people with the ninja knife had a dark face. It was the seven people with the double knife and flounder.

It was precisely because he did not believe Ren Huiye Naoshu's instructions and changed them without authorization that he caused a great disaster.

Now, he must bear the brunt of the post-war crime.

"We have to find a way to change it. For example, we should go to the leaves of the trees in a small boat to get the results.

Or we can unify the caliber and deduct all the contributions of defeat to the bright night straight tree. "

The seven people with double knives and flounder said so, looking at the others with dark faces and cold eyes, they bowed their heads.

"You are the one who delivered the instructions, but is defeat the responsibility of Huiye Zhishu?" Loquat Shizang gave a cold snort, and a big knife faintly sent out blood.

"That's true."

The river dolphin ghost in Watermelon Mountain also sneered a few times, and a big knife was swinging, without concealing his intention of killing.

This kind of beetle beetle makes the village degenerate into this picture.

As six pairs of blood red eyes swept across the neck, a shout attracted their attention.


"What is that?"

The seven people listened to the cry and couldn't help but get up and turn their heads to look at the boundless sea.

At this time, the sun will set, and the dim sunlight will be cast along the sea, sparkling.

Everyone knows the vastness, vastness and horror of the sea.

However, at the limit of these ninjas' eyesight, where the light shines most, two figures appeared, walking quietly on the sea.

"Is he on the sea?"

"There are no islands ahead."

The ninjas got up one after another and looked at the figure in the distance.

What a huge Chakra can walk on such a wide sea.

As the distance drew closer, many people still recognized the figure.

Straight trees at night.

Mist Hidden Commander.

Some people sat down again.

Even the coach came here with strong Chakra.

How can we say some inspiring nonsense and accept the fact of defeat?

Decadence still surrounds the head of the Fog Hidden Ninja, forming the dark sky.



The voice was trembling, excited and unbelievable.



The voice became crazy.

This intense conversion of emotions made everyone's heart tremble, and the crowd that had just fallen like wheat waves immediately re established like an unyielding pine tree.

Then I saw something they would never forget in their whole life.

That is the sea.

At the end of the sea, there is a glittering ice road.

Or something called a bridge.

None of this matters.

As more and more people realize what is at the foot of the bright night straight tree, and what these mean, they can only listen to the roaring sound.

"Lord Naoku!"

"Lord Naoku!"

The fanatical sound waves, like the waves raised by hurricanes, soar on the sea, like the thundering thunder.

It only takes such a short moment to become depressed and crazy.

In a moment, it is enough to make thousands of people's mood from the bottom to the top.

"Really, horrible boy."

The river dolphin ghost of Watermelon Mountain tried to cover up his voice that trembled because of the miracle with some nonsense.

"Exactly." Loquat Shizang clenched his knife handle and looked at the distant country of fire.

It seems that there are some new hopes for the battle that seems difficult to win?

The restless mood is still spreading.

In this frenzy and frenzy, one of the Fog Hidden Ninja asked such a question.

"Do you think you can do this between Qianshouzhu and Yuzhiboban?"

The voice died down.

It was quiet for a moment.

They looked at the figure walking and thought of the two mountains that stood in the whole history.

This is the second time those two people have been compared.

The first time was half god and half Tibetan.

The second time, for the fog hidden ninja light night straight tree.

Soon, more tumultuous shouts sounded than before.

Because they see new hope.

When Huiye Zhishu came near, he boarded the island and threw those Chakra supplements he had drunk into the sea, forcing the disorder of breath to be suppressed.

"The Fog Hidden Ninja listens."

The sound was silent, and the huge waves that had been enough to shake the mountains stopped in that moment.


The voice dropped.

The Fog Hidden Ninjas rushed out.

It's like the sea coming.

It is like a mountain coming across.

Huiye Zhishu is against the current, looking at the setting sun that gradually falls into the sea without losing its shining light.

"Leaves of wood, war has begun."