Chapter 78 Phyllis

  • Become a fox fairy
  • A faint white dew
  • 2587 words
  • 2013-04-09 20:10:51

"How strong!!"

Feisili was shocked in her heart. It's nothing to be able to enter the white blade with empty hands, but what kind of terrible force is it to be able to break a scimitar made of refined steel with the strength of five fingers? What a monster!!

When she looked up, her eyes almost popped out because of a super handsome guy.

"This beautiful lady knight, I'm really sorry. My man is the leader of the bandits who surrendered on the grassland not long ago. He is very hot and has not hurt you."

Elegant and gentle, Eg helped the frightened female knight up with a gentle greeting, which almost made the female knight cry excitedly.

Eg's appearance was absolutely dazzling.

Tall, handsome, graceful, powerful but gentle, Eg is like a comet suddenly appearing in the quiet night sky.

He has a pair of black star eyes, which are shining like cold stars in the night sky. The sword eyebrows that enter the sideburns have written a book with the noble temperament of sword qi and autumn frost. The perfect facial features also exude a fresh, elegant, noble, dignified and floating scroll flavor, and a long blond hair fluttering, which exudes a harmonious, natural, serene and quiet atmosphere, The female knight looked at Iger's eyes, as if she saw the prince charming in the fairy tale.

With powerful strength, noble birth, perfect appearance, amazing strength, and gentle personality, this suddenly appeared young beauty, just like the characters in the epic myth, makes people feel bad at first sight, not to mention his politeness, sincerity, and elegant demeanor

"Hey, this bearded man is your groom. He bumped into my knight. You should apologize to her."

Seeing the sudden appearance of this beautiful young man, perfect as a prince in a fairy tale, Phyllis stared at her female knight without looking at her. She immediately felt angry, so she cried out as if she had nothing to do.

It seems that with the critical eyes of Phyllis, she could not find such a flaw in Iger.

This beautiful young man suddenly appeared, just like the prince in the fairy tale. He was tall, handsome, powerful, elegant, and unexpectedly gentle and delicate.

He raised the female knight and gently patted the soil on her skirt - this was a very intimate action. In the Balian Empire, only people who were very close to each other were allowed to pat the soil on their bodies. If ordinary people were not familiar with this, it was easy to make others dislike it, but Iger did this action, The lady knight's pretty face turned into a ripe red apple. After hesitating for a long time, she could not say a word, and Feisili was furious.

"Well, hello, these respected ladies, this is your knight. Ho ho, I'm really sorry. My servant bumped into your knight. I apologize to you. And this beautiful lady knight, please accept this to express this apology."

Eg smiled and almost blinded the knight's eyes. He took out a small fox carved in wood. It was like a small fox running. The carving was vivid and exquisite.

This is what Eg learned from Lin Xi when he was bored in the mountains. In addition to opening and closing, the sabre technique also needs absolute delicacy. Therefore, Lin Xi asked Eg to carve various small things with a five foot gold knife, which is an extreme challenge to the delicacy of the sabre technique. Eg's favorite sculpture is the statue of the little fox. When he is bored in his spare time, In the past year, hundreds and thousands of sculptures have been carved, each of which is lifelike, small and lovely.

When the female knight saw this exquisite and lovely little fox, she immediately fell in love with it. If Iger sent some gold and silver treasures, rings and necklaces, it would only be ignored by two women on the spot, a playboy and a lecher. But he took out such a hand carved wood fox that was impossible to buy in the market, but the female knight loved it, And Phyllis's envious eyes flamed.

"Oh, what a lovely little fox, Lily, could you give it to me?"

When Feisili saw that Eg had sent such a unique gift, she was immediately overjoyed and snatched it away, which surprised Eg. Seeing that the girl named Lili showed a little reluctance, she immediately took out a wooden sculpture from her arms again. It was a sleeping fox, also delicate and lovely, which made Lily smile again, but Feisili was angry when she saw it.

"Hey, aren't you from the city of Bismarck? If you are from the city of Bismarck, I know you for sure, but I've never seen you before. Where do you come from?"

As she said this, she turned her eyes to the exquisite carriage without any family design, and this fierce, aggressive, powerful mustache, with eyes twinkling, as if she had unlimited questions. Obviously, she was not a woman with simple mind and big mind.

"Hehe, I came from the family and traveled outside. It's not convenient to tell my origin, but I'm not a suspicious person. This servant is a bandit leader I accepted on the grassland. He wanted to mend his ways, so I took him with me. Hehe, his temper is a bit grumpy." said Eg, glaring at his beard and scolding him, And the beard looked like shame and said with a low head.

"Sorry, Master Green, I can't help being impulsive..."

The performance of the two can be said to be flawless, which is simply the best combination of Oscar. It is that Phyllis can't see anything strange. As for others... men are looking at Phyllis, while women are looking at Igor.

"Come out for a visit... Who are there on the carriage?"

In fact, Feisili doesn't have much doubt about Iger. In the land of St. Haines, there are many old big families who send their children to travel around to increase their knowledge when they are about to grow up. During this period, in order to prevent them from committing mischief under the name of the family, they are not allowed to say which family they belong to, unless special circumstances.

Phyllis had an intuition that Eg might really be a noble kid who went out for a trip, because the real children of the ancient family had a noble temperament that was difficult for ordinary people to imitate. This temperament has been accumulated for many generations, and no shrewd liar could imitate it. Moreover, judging from Eg's perfect appearance, the powerful strength that surprised people, With a childish and naive face, Eg doesn't say that he is out to travel, and Feisili absolutely believes that he is the son of a family who goes out to travel.

"There are my sister and one... sister in the carriage. Alas, one of my sister was poisoned accidentally, and she needs to find a high-level light mage quickly..."

Eg sighed with emotion, but he felt that he was such a self-taught person. Lin Xi still needed to learn boxing bit by bit, but it was a blink of an eye to learn how to cheat people. That day

"Ah, your sister is poisoned. Is it serious or not? Young lady, let's find a priest to detoxify the young master's sister."

Feisili is not a flower maniac, but this Lily is absolutely a flower maniac. The two have not known each other for a minute, and this female knight named Lili has almost made up her mind.

"Sister? Sister?"

Phyllis suddenly had some doubts in her heart. Generally, those who go out for travel don't take a few servants or servants. After all, the noble lives are luxurious and picky. Without other people to serve them, they may starve to death. Therefore, it is normal for those who go out for travel to have seven or eight servants less, and ten or twenty more. Why do his sisters take them when he goes out, But the servant has such a rude and fierce beard. What about others?

Phyllislie's heart suddenly became confused. She couldn't help walking over and wanted to get into the carriage to have a look. When Ig saw it, she quickly stopped it.

"Hey, young lady, please don't enter the carriage, but..."

"Hum, why, your sisters are all women. I will go in and have a look. If it is true, I will not only allow you to go in, but also help you find a priest to detoxify."