Chapter 28 Star Quarrying Sand

  • Become a fox fairy
  • A faint white dew
  • 2508 characters
  • 2013-03-19 18:42:47

Chapter IX Star Quarrying Sand

The beautiful Humur Prairie is as beautiful as heaven during the day and as beautiful as dream at night.

The countless stars in the dark sky are interwoven and bright, just like a huge starlight river, running through the north and south, connecting the east and the west, flowing towards a place where we don't know where the end is.

This river is called "Helen", which is a very beautiful name, like a beautiful girl, like a moving ballad. It is said that this "Helen" is the favorite person of the God Emperor Saint Haines. However, everything in the world is unpredictable, even the powerful God Emperor Haines cannot grasp everything.

It is said that in the battle of gods and demons, this "Helen" was sublimated to the utmost, broke through the canon, became a member of the gods, and was forced to fly to the supreme heaven by the gods. However, how could the god emperor Haines willing to let his favorite person leave him, so Haines left everything behind, and he pursued until nine days above, almost flying into the heaven, To recapture his beloved "Helen".

However, how could the gods of the divine world allow them to draw a Tianhe River? Just when they were about to get together, they mercilessly blocked Haines at the side of the Tianhe River, so that Haines could only look at "Helen" from afar, and could not speak.

It is said that the tears of "Helen" made the Tianhe River bright, and Haines' waiting made the Tianhe River ancient. This beautiful legend made the beautiful Tianhe River named Helen Galaxy

Walking on the lawn, you can only smell the fragrance of the night. Looking up, you can see that the beauty of Helen Milky Way is more bright and dazzling on the vast grassland.

There was no one around, and her heart was empty. Lin Xi suddenly seemed to be back in the valley, back to the time before she met Eg. At that time, she had never been sad or happy, didn't know how to feel, and didn't know how to love or hate. In addition to martial arts, she was the Tao.

I don't know how far she has gone. Looking back, she can't see the brightly lit tribe. There is no one around here. It is empty and lonely. There is only the sound of rustling grass and gurgling water in the air. The slight wind blows the snow-white hair. Standing under the ethereal herbal night scene, Lin Xi's heart becomes ethereal, and she grabs it with her bare hands, In the void, only green grass sprang up from the ground, flying in the air, winding back and forth, and turned into a three foot green front. Lin Xi held this green long sword between her jade hands. Lin Xi was slowly practicing his sword with the starlight on the vast grassland.

The body is like a startled goose, the sword is like a swimming dragon. Lin Xi's sword is both hard and soft, and it is intertwined. It is clearly a sword made of green grass. But when it rubs against the air, it makes a sonorous sound of the sword. It is clear that no one seems to be there. A person in the void seems to be fighting with Lin Xi. Two people come and go. The sword is bright, the sword is ringing, like high mountains and flowing water, and bosom friends play chess, And if you walk into it, you can seem to see a "person" with big sleeves, holding a three foot green front, flashing sword light, and howling.

Hit, stab, check and wash, Lin Xi and the "man" come and go, using the "four mother swords" in ancient swordsmanship, which are very simple and magnificent.

Choke!! Finally, Lin Xi was better than Lin Xi, but saw that the blade of the long grass sword was broken, and the figure seemed to disappear without trace

Fake is true, fake is true. Such advanced swordsmanship has completely transcended the realm of ordinary swordsmanship, but it can be called sword meaning. However, Lin Xi is still not satisfied. She sighs and looks up to the sky.

Looking up at the vast universe and looking down at the prosperity of categories, the boundless sky is dotted with countless stars. Looking up, she can only feel how deep and vast the infinite universe is. She realized that she was in a trance and danced out a set of fierce and wonderful swords like Helen's Milky Way

The stars hang down on the plain and the fields are wide, and the moon flows in the river!!

Lin Xi realized that the world is great and the universe is infinite. Helen Milky Way runs through the ancient future. When she opened her hand, she saw this long sword made of green grass fly away, flying all over the sky, circling around dozens of meters. In the twinkling of an eye, it flew hundreds of thousands of times. At last, she choked, like a dragon singing, and the sword seemed to turn into a small sword, Hundreds of them shot and danced with sharp sword like a meteor falling rain. They flew hundreds of meters away and plunged into three feet of soil. They were extremely straight and sharp.

"The universe is the most mysterious. How vast it is. The ancient Taoist sages understood the changes in the universe, learned countless supreme truths, and learned the formula of the supreme sword. I usually live in the mountains. Although I pick the sun cyanine every day, swallow the moon every night, and although I have always made up for my congenital inadequacy in the future, I still pick up the wisdom of others and lack a sense of myself. I am smart but not moving. I didn't expect that today The sky is restless, but it feels the Taoist truth contained in the starlight... "

Lin Xi seemed to stand at random, but she felt like a newborn baby. She was soft and weak all over. She curled up as if she was pregnant. She slowly breathed and breathed in the bright stars. She thought about 365 stars in the sky and 365 acupoints in her body. She opened her mouth and sucked, and the whole body glowed, as if she wanted to absorb the stars in the sky.

In addition to collecting the sun and moon, the ancient Taoist practice of Qi also has an even more ancient and mysterious "gathering star sand". This practice method is the highest secret method of Taoist sword immortals to refine their own sword qi and condense the star light evil spirit. However, since ancient times, there has been no real written records. Only the sword immortals of all ages have seen it and passed it on orally, so in the long river of time, It has lost its inheritance for a long time, but this kind of thing is like Zen of Zen, like the moon on the horizon. Scripture and Taoism are just the hands pointing to the night, not Zen itself.

Zen Buddhism does not establish words. It is not passed on outside the religion. It points directly at the heart of the people and becomes a Buddha. The same is true for the Sword Immortal. The words and sword formula are just a guide in the middle. Once the heart has understood and understood the true meaning of the "Tao", the words of Taoism have become irrelevant.

Lin Xi breathed and breathed into the western sky, vaguely, as if he felt an ancient evil spirit, which turned into a sword and melted into his body.

Since ancient times, the star sky has existed for hundreds of millions of years. It contains a natural evil spirit, especially the "white tiger" among the four elephants. In Taoist understanding, it is a demon, a divine animal born of the congenital evil spirit. It represents the meaning of supreme killing, a symbol of military, and an ancient source of the birth of Taoist flying swords.

The stars are pure and countless stars are shining. Lin Xi's eyes seem to be closed. Facing hundreds of millions of stars, she opens her mouth and inhales. Suddenly, a sharp sound like a whistle sounds in the air. It spreads far away. She sees an air stream flowing quickly between her ears and the sky cover, as if she breathes and breathes with Baihui acupoint on the sky cover. Under the naked eye, the surrounding air chooses, The faint starlight condenses above her head and almost becomes a white line of comparison, falling into the sky.

The strange scene appeared, just like the moment when she wrote on the tough stone wall with her finger as a pen, Lin Xi's head became clear and transparent. All the muscles, bones and blood vessels in the middle were visible. If she was very close to Lin Xi, it would be even more obvious that under her clothes, her whole body seemed to be a translucent crystal, with the internal organs, bones, muscles, The blood vessels, acupoints and orifices become extremely clear, as if seen from perspective, which is strange and enchanting, but also beautiful.

The rolling starlight fell into her body from the heaven. In her heart and lungs, the starlight converged into clusters, as if they were agglomerated into grains of "sand". In her body, a white practice like brilliance suddenly appeared, like a flying sword, flying back and forth, rubbing constantly around the star sand, as if a spark appeared.

Collect star sand to practice sword qi!!!

The "star sand" is constantly consumed, and the white practice essence is also shrinking, as if it is consumed by polishing, and the whole is getting shorter. However, the evil spirit is continuously integrated into the sword, which makes the sword spirit more concise, bright and sharp.

"Eh, you are really a Fox Fox girl... Well, you are..."