Chapter 106 Be Quiet

  • Become a fox fairy
  • A faint white dew
  • 2481 words
  • 2013-04-20 19:31:04

Mimi is sure that Carol was 100% a big gambler, because

"Ha ha ha, I won again. Take the money, take the money."

Carol laughed wildly. In front of her, she saw all kinds of gold coins, silver coins, clothes, swords and swords piled up like a mountain, while dozens of big men were only left with underpants. They were red skinned, gnashing their teeth and trembling all over.

"It's impossible. You win all the time. Cheat, you must be a cheat!!!"

Since the casino has no father and son since ancient times, these gamblers have become red eyed when only their underpants are left. Don't say Lin Xi is peerless then

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