Chapter 76 Travelers

"Xu San'er, come and help me untie the melon. It's too tight. I can't get away from it." Feng Baobao shouted when he saw Luo De running far away.

As Roeder ran away, the bluesilver grass generated by soul power also began to disappear gradually. After all, they were not real bluesilver grass, but a derivative of Roeder's soul power.

Xu San stood still and watched the bluesilver grass dissipate little by little.

Pushing his glasses, Xu San looked at Feng Baobao, who stood up in a daze.

"I've told you several times, don't rush so forward."

Feng Baobao still didn't listen to these words, and looked at Rod who had disappeared and murmured.

"It's easy to escape. If I meet him again, I will ask him to bury him."

Xu San sighed slightly, apparently he was used to Feng Baobao's way of doing things, and turned around.

"Come on, Feng Baobao.

It seems that this guy's manner is not to follow Quanxing for a while, but just a passing stranger. "

However, Xu San has already started to establish a file in his mind. After all, Feng Baobao's skills are among the best among the temporary workers in the country. Just now, he has been shackled by a silent moment, which is enough to prove that the other party is strong, at least an expert at the level of all sex maniacs.

"Trouble, why are there so many things today?" Xu San scratched his head in agony.

After all, everywhere is an iron rice bowl that has been prepared. Official reports and the like are perfectly inherited, but Xu San, who is responsible for some areas, always has to stay up late to write.

So far, Roeder officially owned his code name in the world under one person.


Rod, who returned to the town, did not choose to go to the busy area to avoid tracking, but found a remote place without monitoring to cross dress, and then simply trimmed it.

Although the normal people who just blacked out Roeder should not be able to see his real appearance, be careful.

While enjoying the local food, Rod also began to think about the next action.

"If I remember correctly, more than a month from now will be the first climax of Luo Tian's wedding under one person."

Rod stopped chewing food, drank a mouthful of soup and thought.

In this chapter, most of the big shots under one person will also be exposed.

"Do you want to follow Quanxing to Luotian Festival?"

As soon as this idea came out, Rod quickly threw it out of his mind and made fun of it. Now, Rod doesn't want to face the old heavenly master who killed all sides with the Golden Light Curse.

However, this is also an opportunity. There will be quite a number of acquired aliens with practical skills in this festival. They are all the targets Rod covets.

During this period, Rod also collected a large number of Taoist and Buddhist classics under one person, but unfortunately they didn't exist.

For example, a "Tao Te Ching" can be translated into dozens of versions. You can imagine the gold content of these classics in the market.

Without a master to lead you in, blind practice will only harm you.

Finally, he emptied the delicious food. Rod made up his mind. In order to avoid being injured by mistake, he needed an official background to go.

In the dark moonlight, Rod thought about it carefully. He would do a py trade with a little fish like himself. It seems that only one had better deal with it.

Determined, Rod took out his mobile phone and began to search.

Nanbukai University——

The high wind in the dark kills people. No, it's wrong.

The dark wind is high at night, which is a good time to do shady things.

Rod hid in the dark and looked at the white haired figure finally appearing at the university gate with a sigh of relief.

"At last."

Three beautiful women with different temperament came down from a white sports car.

Two of them are imperial sisters, and one is Luoli. However, Rod fixed his eyes on Fengsha Yan standing in position C.

Yes, Rod's goal is the World Congress.

It is a private and unorthodox organization, and it is rich and powerful.

Another look at the extremely enchanting Fengsha Yan with the cold imperial sister Fan, Rod sighed.

"I can't see how easy it is to win this imperial sister, but what does it have to do with me? Although I like white hair very much."

At this time, Feng Shayan and the three women also started to take action. Feng Shayan went to find Feng Baobao, and the other two women went to find Zhang Chulan.

Looking at Feng Shayan's back, Rod curled his mouth in disdain.

Although Feng Shayan is a congenital alien with spatial ability, she dares to go to the trouble of Bao'er Sister because of her identity. Bao'er Sister will not really kill her, or she will be killed every minute.

Rod quietly followed the other two women.

After all, although Rod has mastered the ability of thunder and lightning, he also wants to see how the world's thunder method is.

Zhang Chulan, who is good at playing the role of a pig and eating a tiger, was caught by two beautiful women in the woods.

Zhang Chulan, who has been severely beaten for a long time, also really broke out his inner rage at this time.

"I guess it can't be finished. Are you all inclusive people still finished?!"

However, Feng Shayan's two beautiful subordinates did not do anything, but calmly told Zhang Chulan about their purpose of coming here. They could not fight directly, which made Zhang Chulan feel very angry.

At this time, three figures came from a distance.

Two middle-aged Taoist priests were wearing dark blue Taoist robes, but Zhang Lingyu was wearing a white Taoist robe, which made them very immortal.

"We will take Zhang Chulan back as instructed by our master," said Zhang Lingyu lightly.

However, Xiaoluoli, one of the two women who took great pains to catch Zhang Chulan here, was not happy. She was about to protest loudly, but the imperial sister beside her stopped her.

After all, compared with Xiaoluoli, who is not deeply involved in the world and doesn't know about the strange world, Sister Yu obviously knows the origin of Zhang Lingyu.

But Zhang Chulan didn't care about it.

Zhang Lingyu, who was under the command of Yi Qi, also aroused Zhang Chulan's inner rage.

"The Xuanzong of heaven and earth is the root of all energy."

As Zhang Chulan began to get angry, the rich golden light rose from his body surface.

Rod, who was observing in the dark, blinked and was moved. After all, this is the inheritance of Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

Although it is not strong in the early stage, the Golden Light Mantra will gradually grow with time, and there is no harm.

This kind of skill can be called the authentic Xuanmen school of middle righteousness and peace.

Rod thought about it carefully to see if he could get Leifa.

After all, although in terms of setting, only the heavenly master can teach this method of thunder, Zhang Chulan can learn it from his grandfather. It's unreasonable that he can't.

But the idea soon stopped Rod.

Because there are two kinds of thunder methods, Yin and Yang, and I have broken my body. I can only learn from Zhang Lingyu's Yin and Five Thunders. Although I can get Yang and Five Thunders from Zhang Chulan, they are both thunder methods, but they have different attributes.

I don't know whether it can be compatible.