Chapter 73 Wang Dong

Of course, the Thunder Cannon of the Royal Advanced Soul Master College of Douling is actually a copy of the Thunder Cannon of Mingdetang, which cannot be compared with the authentic Thunder Cannon of Mingdetang.

Ma Rulong looked at the team members and said, "Come on, we've got a seven on seven team fight this time. As long as we win this game, we can advance to the last 16."

Then he took Huo Yuhao and his entourage to the competition platform. Now the players coming on the court of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College are Ma Rulong, Red Dust Brothers and Sisters, Huo Yuhao, Lin Xi, Chen Fei and Mi Jia.

The team members of Douling Royal Senior Soul Master College were Gu Zhujian, Qian Yuan, Xiao

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