Chapter 58 Auspicious Beast, Posting

However, it must be said that Huo Hang, the original work, as the founder of the spirit tower, has made great contributions to the soulkeepers. After all, the soul system has had a great impact on both humans and animals.

Soul masters have gained a lot of benefits from the spirit system, and their strength has also been greatly improved.

Therefore, they must have no problem regarding Huo Gua as the founder. Although the soul system is actually something forged by Electrolux, it was Huo Gua who created a spirit transmission tower that spread the soul system to the world.

However, in the Tang family mainland, the prestige of Tang San is still invincible.

Before the grand plan of ten thousand years was revealed, people mentioned that Tang San's greatest contribution was to defeat the naturally evil Wulin Hall.

Even if we set up the Soul Spreading Tower and let everyone use the spirit of Huo Hang, we can't compare with Tang San in prestige. The reason is very simple. Who let Huo Hang not defeat the Wulin Hall? Soul is not important to defeat Wulin Hall!

This is really difficult. With the passage of time, the Wulin Hall has been swept into the garbage heap of history. The natives of Douluo Continent still catch this blow, making it like Douluo people have been impressed with their thoughts!

After listening to Huo Yuhao's words, the mirror world of mortals also showed some emotion on her face, "I see, this is the soul! There is no doubt that the soul system is better than the soul ring system, but, Yuhao, I have a question, how did you create the soul?"

Huo Yuhao immediately responded: "The soul was not created by me, but by one of my teachers. However, for some special reasons, my teacher is not convenient to meet you at present.

However, I can pat my chest to ensure that this system can be promoted in the future. "

He didn't want to deprive Electrolux of his identity as the creator of the soul system. After all, he was not Tang San who deprived the right to sign the Xuantian Treasure Record.

"Teacher?" The mirror looked at Huo Yuhao deeply, and was incredulous. "Your usual actions are traceable, so in my opinion, the soul must be created by you.

As for the so-called teacher, it should be your false identity fabricated to hide your talent. "

In the view of the mirror world, if Huo Yuhao really said that the soul was created by one of the other's teachers, then this person could not be unknown. He must have studied the Soul Ring for many years, and perhaps published academic works on how to improve it.

But, looking at the whole Douluo continent, is there such a person?

In the Sun Moon Empire, those scholars who study the Soul Ring talked all day long, but most of them actually used this topic to defraud the royal family to improve their lives. They did have some opinions about the Soul Ring, but not much.

At their level, it is OK to publish various academic works to fool the royal family, but it is basically impossible to create such a cross era product as soul.

Moreover, if Huo Yuhao's "teacher" is willing to stand up and show his identity as the creator of the soul, his prestige in Douluo will undoubtedly be elevated to an unimaginable level.

Huo Yuhao was stunned, a little confused, "Wait, dean, the creator of the soul is really not me, this kind of thing is really created by my teacher."

The mirror world showed an expression of "I have seen through your mind". He reached out and patted Huo Yuhao on the shoulder, then said slowly: "Well, Yuhao, I know what you mean. You just don't want to be the target of the public. Indeed, the spirit system you created is too advanced, which has an extraordinary significance for the soul master.

If you show the benefits of your soul in front of everyone, there will definitely be a large group of people willing to follow you! However, it also means that some forces will look at you. "

Huo Yuhao also wanted to explain that at the moment, in the sea of spirit, Electrolux heard: "Yuhao, there is no need to explain. You may as well become the creator of the soul. The teacher is already a dead person, and doesn't care about such a name.

Let his misunderstanding continue. Anyway, it's good for you. He won't believe what you say now. "

Hearing these words, Huo Yuhao had to stop refuting the mirror world, and he was ready to correct his name for the old man in Iraq later.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's appearance, Mirror Hongchen became more determined. He said: "As for the soul system, I hope you keep your mouth shut at this stage. When we return to the Sun and the Moon, I will take you to see Kong Lao in person. The soul system is too important for the soul master.

If it is really like you said, it can be promoted, it means that the Holy Land of Souls Master will be transferred from Shrek College to where you are, where you are, the Holy Land of Souls Master! "

Huo Yuhao smiled: "Dean, let's go back to Xingluo City now. We'll talk about the soul later."

"Good." Mirror Hongchen nodded, then grabbed Huo Yuhao. Just as he was preparing to take off, a golden light flashed, and he saw a white horse with dragon scales wrapped in the golden light.

"This is the thousand year old dragon horse?" The mirror world subconsciously stopped. This kind of soul beast has the legendary bright holy dragon blood, so it is also a rare light attribute soul beast.

Of course, the ten thousand year old Tianlong horse is very rare. Even in his life in the world of mirrors, he has only seen the ten thousand year old Tianlong horse once. As for the ten thousand year old Tianlong horse, he has seen it many times. The main reason is that when the Tianlong horse grows to the ten thousand year level, it will undergo a transformation, so that it will grow a pair of dragon wings.

Of course, the transformation also has a success rate. If the transformation fails, it means that the life will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the Tianlong horse with high accomplishments is so rare.

At this time, a soul beast with fine scales ran out of the forest. It had a pair of normal golden eyes, but it also had a red pupil on its forehead.

The spirit beast overthrew the thousand year old Tianlong horse, and the thousand year old Tianlong horse made a cry. The spirit beast bit the thousand year old Tianlong horse's head, made a quick opening, and then began to taste its delicious food.

"Strange, why didn't the thousand year old dragon horse fight against the golden lion? Normally, at the last moment of life, we should fight against it." In the distance, the face of the mirror red world appeared curious, apparently, he didn't recognize the emperor auspicious animal.

However, this is also very normal. Emperor auspicious animals are too rare. Xuanzi in the original book has some experience relying on the huge force of Shrek College, but Xuanzi did not recognize the emperor auspicious animals at the beginning.

"Emperor auspicious animal! Three eyes golden dragon!" Huo Yuhao's face was surprised, and he immediately had the idea of sticking to each other, after all, so that he could have a third eye!