Chapter 41 Yuhao, I Love Your Mouth

Hearing this, Jing Hongchen said: "Well, after Ma Rulong has selected his teammates, you can start the game. Yu Hao, the world of mortals will bless you."

With that, he handed out a piece of metal.

This piece of metal is round and looks extremely thin. It emits a soft golden glow, and there are some extremely exquisite reliefs above it.

"The world of mortals bless?" The laughing world of mortals was surprised. "Grandpa, this is a nine level triggered defense soul guide. It's extremely valuable. You gave it to Huo Yuhao?"

He wondered whether he was his own grandson or whether Huo Yuhao was his own grandson.

Ma Rulong, who is picking up his teammates, is also a bit stunned. Of course, the value of the ninth level soul guide needs no more words, and the Red Earth Blessing is more precious than the ordinary ninth level soul guide. After all, the biggest feature of this soul guide is that it does not limit the user's soul power level.

That is to say, even a one ring soulmate can use it.

At the moment, all the people present are looking at the mirror world with strange eyes. After all, in their opinion, the mirror world is too good for Huo Yuhao.

The mirror looked positive, "Yu Hao is just a great soul master. He hasn't arrived at the Soul King yet. What should I do if he is injured when you fight later? As the dean and the leader of the Mingde Hall, I can't ignore Yu Hao's safety problems!"

Even in the history of the Continent Advanced Soul Master College Soul Fighting Contest, there are some events that lead to the death of contestants due to untimely rescue.

Although Jinghongchen has confidence in his own strength, he does not want to take such risks.

Therefore, for the sake of Huo Yuhao's safety, even if the mirror world is a little distressed, it must give up the protection of the world of mortals. Otherwise, once Huo Yuhao is seriously injured or dies, he will not be able to explain to Kong Deming.

As for the invincible shield, it's not that he doesn't want to give it. The main thing is that the invincible shield is also a level 5 soul guide, at least it can be used by the Soul King. So whether it's laughter, dreams, or other selected players, you can actually use the invincible shield to protect yourself.

Huo Yuhao took the blessing of the world of mortals and put it on his body. Soon, the blessing of the world of mortals was bound up with his body.

The mirror beside said happily, "Yuhao, its role is very simple. Once a soulmate is attacked, it will respond in advance and make defense. In addition, it can close and open by heart.

The defense effect of the world of mortals is equivalent to the user's strongest hit without launching a soul skill when he gathers all his soul power. However, the consumed soul power is only one fifth of the strongest hit.

It is suitable for soulkeepers of any level. If they are in the hands of Fengshoudouluo, they can have super Douluo level defense! "

As for Mirror Hongchen, he doesn't expect Hongchen's blessing to resist the attack of the Soul Emperor. He just wants a buffer time. As long as there is a buffer time, he has a 100% chance to save Huo Yuhao, and in a real sense, he will be absolutely safe.

Huo Yuhao said, "Thank you, Dean."

He said in his heart that the protection of the world of mortals had finally come to his own hands. However, the protection of the world of mortals in the original book was handed over by Jing Hongchen, who was forced by Mu En to sneak into the Sea God Pavilion. Now, the way he gets the protection of the world of mortals is that Jing Hongchen gives it to him.

"You don't need to thank for such small things." Mirror Hongchen waved his hand, then looked at Ma Rulong not far away, "Ma Rulong, have you selected your teammates?"

"Well chosen, Hall Leader, I will choose Chen Fei and Li Yan." Ma Rulong said in a deep voice.

Just after the words, the two men walked out from behind Ma Rulong.

Chen Fei? Li Yan?

When Huo Yuhao heard these two names, he immediately thought of their story in the original book. He remembered that Chen Fei was burned by Ma Xiaotao, while Li Yan was defeated by Xu Sanshi in the soul fight field.

Neither of them has a strong sense of existence in the original book. They are the supporting roles of passers-by who only appear once.

"Well, then, let the others leave the arena for six of them!"

The mirror said.

Then the other players left the lower field, leaving a space in the center of the arena. Then the players of the two teams began to slowly retreat to the edge of the arena, waiting for the start of the game.

Laugh at the world of mortals, dream of the world of mortals, and Huo Yuhao go to one side.

Ma Rulong, Chen Fei and Li Yan have gone to the other side.

"Master Xiao, Sister Meng, don't resist, I will start to use soul skills!" Huo Yuhao's eyes gradually turned golden, and two soul rings appeared on him.

The first spirit skill, spirit detection, spirit sharing!

Dream World didn't have any special surprise reaction, after all, she was not the first time to contact Huo Yuhao's soul skills.

At the beginning, the laughing world was not satisfied. After all, in his opinion, how strong is the first soul skill of a great soul master.

However, when he opened his mind and accepted Huo Yuhao's soul skill, his face suddenly appeared shocked. He said in a low voice: "This clear sense of no dead end...... It seems that the whole world is in my eyes...... Even the tiny movements of Ma Rulong, I can feel everything!

This means a lot to a soulmate! No wonder Grandpa let you join the reserve team! Huo Yuhao, you are wonderful! "

After saying these words, the eyes of Huo Yuhao changed when he smiled at the world of mortals. "Yuhao, my home is quite big, and there are many good things. You are welcome to visit my home in the future."

"Brother Xiao, Sister Meng, I can't compete with Mr. Ma because of my personal strength, so I will be there to help you." Huo Yuhao is very strong about his current strength, and he plans to increase the amount of extreme ice for Meng Hongchen later.

After all, the martial spirit of Dream World Zhu Jing Ice Toad is also a martial spirit with ice attribute, which is the same as Ling Luochen's martial spirit. Since the original Huo Gua can increase Ling Luochen's martial spirit, it can definitely increase Dream World.

However, once the ice attribute of the Dream World is temporarily increased by him, it means that the Laughing World and the Dream World cannot use the martial spirit fusion skill during that time.

After all, Doura has a setting. If the quality of one of the two sides that could have integrated martial spirits has improved a lot, then the quality of the two people's martial spirits will not match, and the integration of martial spirits will probably fail.

The most typical example should be Wang Jinxi in Dou San Middle School. His martial spirit is the King of Bones and Dragons. Because of Tang Wulin, the son of Tang San, his martial spirit has changed, leading to the improvement of the quality of the martial spirit. Then Wang Jinxi can't perform the martial spirit fusion technique with his companions.

Of course, it's nothing to be unable to use the martial spirit fusion technology. Ma Rulong and others are very familiar with the martial spirit fusion technology of the world of mortals and the world of dreams, and will definitely try their best to prevent them from using the martial spirit fusion technology.

In that case, whether Xiaohongchen and Menghongchen can use the martial spirit fusion technique still needs a huge question mark.

"Good!" Xiaohongchen nodded and promised to come down.

A smile appeared on Meng Hongchen's face, "Brother Yuhao, just stand behind us later."

At this time, the mirror red dust in the air said: "Well, both sides have retreated to the edge of the field, now let's start."