Chapter 33 The Trick of Tang San's Cutting

"The god of the dead, the natural disaster of the dead..." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm pondered the name, and felt that it sounded more powerful than his million year old spirit beast, so he began to ponder what name he should use. The spirit beast god was too pompous, and the natural disaster of the ice silkworm sounded not aggressive enough.

"Bingbing, why don't I call myself the Holy Beast of Ice Dream later? Ice comes from you, and dreams come from ourselves. This name symbolizes the starting point of our love road. One day, I will let the name of the Holy Beast of Ice Dream resound throughout Douluo Continent!" Tianmeng Ice Silkworm began to ask the Ice Emperor for his opinion.

The Ice Emperor sneered, and then directly began to beat the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm with a set of invincible scorpion fists.

"Stop beating, Bingbing, stop beating. I'm not afraid of pain, but I'm afraid your pliers will hurt when you hit me! If your pliers hurt, I will love you!" Tianmeng Ice Silkworm said.

"Shut up! Don't say this in front of Eliot." The Ice Emperor was furious. After feeling the level of Elix, she could not help but use the name "Eliot" to show respect.

Huo Yuhao was a little hard to stretch, and his heart said that the Heavenly Dream was too lickable.

If Tianmeng is an ordinary modern person, with this dog licking trait, he will surely be able to explode a lot of gold coins in love. Tianmeng is indeed one of the members of the dog licking team in Douluo. Of course, compared with the failed dog licking team like Bibidong, Tianmeng is indeed a successful person.

However, at the moment, his spirit also appeared in the sea of spirit. He looked at the gray figure in the sky and felt a little happy.

Old Yi! You finally wake up!

To tell the truth, throughout Douer's full text, Electrolux is undoubtedly a good teacher worthy of trust and one of the few normal people in the mainland of the Tang family.

Electrolux is true to Huo Yuhao. Of course, this is not in the physical sense.

If the original book Huo hung up the Haotian Sect and absorbed a wave of dark ice and jade beds for thousands of years, which led to the uprising of Snow Emperor's power sealed in his body, Electrolux's divine sense fragments would not have been sacrificed.

Even if the first soul in Douluo was born on that day, the destruction of Electrolux's divine sense fragment was a huge blow to the original Huo Gua.

He always believed that if Electrolux had not died, there would undoubtedly be a trusted and experienced teacher around Huo Gua. Maybe the character of Huo Gua would be better, and he might not suddenly become a complete love slave.

Whenever he sees Huo Gua showing his love for Tang Wutong in the book, he always feels uncomfortable. After all, Dong'er and Qiuer are deeply impressed. Both Dong'er and Qiuer are his favorite roles. As a result, Huo Gua is stitched into a strange Tang Wutong and makes Huo Gua love alive and dead.

Of course, every mistake is the fault of Tang Buddha.

After all, Tang Buddha seems to dislike Electrolux. When he was in Qiankun Enqing Valley, Tang Buddha deliberately destroyed the relics left by Electrolux.

The relic is a small tower. It is estimated that Huo Gua was beaten by Tang San to collapse, so he wanted to run away with Huo Gua, but was directly smashed by Tang Buddha in his heyday, which is absurd.

"Now Ice Emperor, Heavenly Dream and Electrolux are all in the sea of my spirit. With my spirit, we can all get together a mahjong table. Unfortunately, there is no mahjong table." Huo Yuhao's thoughts surge.

Then he looked at the gray figure and said, "Hello, Mr. Yi."

After all, Electrolux is a man worthy of respect, so he directly shouted "Old Yi".

"Hello, Yuhao. Since I came to your spiritual sea, I have been watching you. You are a good boy, but your identity should be different." Electrolux said.

"The identity is not ordinary?" Huo Yuhao was stunned and said in his heart that his identity as a passer could not be seen?

Electrolux said: "I can feel that there is an extremely powerful force sleeping in the sea of your spirit, which has no consciousness, but has been protecting you."

Huo Yuhao was stunned, and then immediately thought of the golden light in the sea of his spirit. To be honest, he only knew that the golden light could help him block part of his memory and prevent others from being aware of his identity as a passer-by. In addition, the golden light seemed to have no other role.

When he was at the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College, he also studied the golden light. He only knew that adding spiritual power could make the golden light bigger. However, in order to cultivate spiritual power and make soul guides, he could not add too much spiritual power.

For a moment, the Ice Emperor who was beating Tianmeng on the side was also stunned. At the level of Yi Laotian, he would say that Yuhao's identity was unusual? What is Yuhao's identity?

Tianmeng on the other side was also a little uncertain, "Yuhao, is there anything you have to hide from us? No, according to the memory I checked at the beginning, I know everything about you clearly!"

Oh, there is a trust crisis. We need to find a reason to explain, resolve the trust crisis, and find a way to let the Ice Emperor and Heavenly Dream deepen their trust and recognition of me.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao immediately said: "I don't know my other identity, but over the years, I have been dreaming about a place called Divine World.

A day has passed there, and a year has passed in the lower world. Standing on the cloud of the divine world, I can see the changes of Douluo continent. I can see a silver light passing by, and I can see countless ghosts multiplying, and I can also see the gradual rise of human beings.... "

"Divine world!" The Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm was surprised, and his voice could not help rising. "Normally, even if it was your dream, I should be clear!

Are you a god reincarnated and rebuilt? Just lost a lot of memory? This should be the only possibility, otherwise, with my mental strength, it is absolutely impossible for me to be concealed by you who only had the spiritual cultivation at that time! "

The Ice Emperor on the other side was also surprised, "If you are a god who is reincarnated and rebuilt... doesn't that mean you must become a god!"

Bad, I'm a reborn Tang San!

The god king can be reincarnated and rebuilt, so should the god.

However, Tang San's reincarnation was a long way away, and relatively speaking, the distance between the divine world and Doura Star was much closer than that of Xiaowu's reincarnation, so it should be very reasonable for God to reincarnate!

Huo Yuhao sighed.

Sometimes I can forebode things that are good for me or harmful to me. My foreboding has saved me many times. My foreboding has guided my actions, whether in the Duke's Palace or when I went to the Star Trek Forest. "

In any case, Heavenly Dream and the Ice Emperor had never been gods, and they didn't know how strong the gods were. So Huo Yuhao talked nonsense about his premonition after the reincarnation of the gods, laying the groundwork for his future mastery of the initiative.

After all, I have to go to some places to get opportunities in the future. I can't go there at once. I can't explain to Heavenly Dream and Ice Emperor then, so he gave me a premonition.

However, to tell the truth, although the divinity's premonition is not explicitly set, it does exist and is very evil.

Take Tang San as an example. As the god king in charge of the center of the divine world, Tang San always had a premonition that something bad was going to happen in the divine world, so he did not agree with the god of destruction to expand the divine world. As a result, the divine world really encountered a particularly large space-time turbulence, which undoubtedly verified Tang San's premonition.

"No wonder, I just said that I had been unlucky for so long. Why did my luck suddenly turn and meet a spiritual soul master? So it is. Yuhao, your premonition is too strong. It is worthy of being a god who is reincarnated and rebuilt......" Tianmeng Ice Silkworm suddenly realized.

To tell the truth, his current silkworm life can be divided into two stages: meeting the emperor before and meeting the emperor after. Before meeting the emperor, he was one of the luckiest spirits in the world. He could become stronger just by eating and sleeping. If such things were told, they would undoubtedly attract the envy of countless spirits.

However, when meeting the emperor and queen, the ice silkworm in the Heavenly Dream had a long time of bad luck, and it was almost sucked dry.

"So it is!" Ice Emperor was also surprised. She felt that her act of creating a god together with Heavenly Dream was absolutely correct. Huo Yuhao in front of her was an extraordinary person who had been certified by the old Yi. Doesn't that mean that she can follow Huo Yuhao to live forever in the future?

Electrolux on the side also sighed, "I don't know about the gods in your world, but if you can really become a god in the future, it is also a good thing. After all, through your words, the gods in your world seem to be able to live forever while retaining their own consciousness.

Well, I'm too weak in this sense of divinity. I need to continue sleeping. "

After saying this, Electrolux stopped speaking.

Huo Yuhao is thinking about going to the auction later to get the gold of life, so the pieces of Yi's divine sense are not rootless duckweeds.

"Of course, we should do more research and develop this golden light. I don't know what other functions it has!"

Huo Yuhao had no choice but to fly away from the dead slaves towards Mingdu.


The Empire of the Sun and the Moon.


A boy with pink and blue hair was walking on the road with a tall man with green hair.

Wang Dong was looking around at the nearby buildings, while muttering: "Big dad, this is totally different from Haotianzong and Shrek College. I have never seen such a building before. The soul guides here seem to be too developed. The soul guides of Shrek College can't compare with those here.

But now you should tell me why you want to take me around Douluo after the semester ends. Don't you and your second father always stay in Zongmen and never travel far? "

Daming on the other side was somewhat helpless. He said: "Xiaodong, I just thought that you should come out to breathe sometimes to prevent being stuffy. You are just a lively age. It's not good to let you stay in the old Haotian Sect once you have a holiday.

Of course, going to other empires can also let you see the rapid changes in the outside world. "

For Daming, his presence here is mainly due to the requirements of Tang San.

A few days ago, Wang Dong returned to Haotianzong and officially started his holiday life. Then Tang San's divine sense appeared, telling him and Erming that there would be a new star in Douluo, and asked him to take Wang Dong to the Sun Moon Empire.

I went to the Sun Moon Empire mainly because Tang fought hard day and night, and finally vaguely broke the fog that covered the fate of Nova, so I learned that Nova had stayed in the Sun Moon Empire for a period of time recently.

In order to complete the plan of taming the new star, King Tang gave orders to let Daming go out of the mountain to assist Wang Dong in carrying out the plan.

Once a new star is discovered, no matter who has the new star in his hand, the war of seizing it will be launched immediately. Since Daming has no god position, as long as Tang San conceals it, some rules of the divine world cannot restrict Daming, and other gods will not discover Daming's actions.

Moreover, in the Sun Moon Empire, no one can beat Daming who was revived by Tang San. Therefore, Daming is invincible in a sense.

Of course, the reason why Erming is not arranged is that Daming is smarter than Erming. He knows what to do and what not to do. Erming's character is not suitable for doing too meticulous things.

According to Tang San's requirements, in the process of this scramble, we must create a chance for new stars to meet Xiao Dong! Thus, the fate of the two people will be pulled together.

Daming still remembers that when he asked Tang San why he didn't take action in person, Tang Sanyi said in a straight line: "God can't interfere in the world. As the god king and one of the three law enforcers in the divine world, I should set an example to all gods!

Of course, this is also to prevent him from being destroyed and holding on to it during the meeting! Therefore, unless my daughter is involved, I will start without success! "

"Big dad, Mingdu is too luxurious." Wang Dong sighed, "Is this the most developed place of soul guidance technology? Unfortunately, I can't use the soul guidance device of the same type as Tang San, the ancestor of the Tang Clan, and I don't know why it is......"

Hearing this, Daming's eyes showed a twinge of heartache. For Wang Dong, he has always been a dry daughter.

After all, that was the only child of Little Dance Sister.

He knew that Wang Dongzhi was unable to access the soul guide, and Tang San was still behind it, in order to let Wang Dong experience some tests set by his loving father. According to Tang San, how can we see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? Even if he is a god king, he has gone through many tests before reaching this stage.

Therefore, even his own daughter must go through some tests!

"Well, Tang San is Xiao Qi's biological father after all, and everything he does is good for Xiao Qi after all, so we can only hide it from Xiao Wu Jie with him. Otherwise, with Xiao Wu Jie's temper, Tang San will surely be scolded."

Daming was a little depressed. Suddenly, he saw Wang Dong's body moving in one direction uncontrollably.

"Hmm? Is it difficult to find a new star?" Daming was a little pleased and immediately followed.

Wang Dong is also confused at the moment. She feels that she suddenly has some idea of looking for something in her heart. This idea is very urgent and inexplicable, as if something sleeping in her body suddenly recovers.

For a moment, she was somewhat inexplicably frightened.