Chapter 12 Assessment of Level I Soul Teacher

"Moreover, more importantly, this kind of soul guide can only be urged by a soulmate. If one day I can develop a level nine soul guide that can be used by ordinary people, I will die without regret."

Xuan Ziwen said with some emotion.

Hearing these words, Huo Yuhao immediately cheered the other party smartly, "Come on, Mr. Xuan, I believe you can do it."

Xuan Ziwen's face showed a wry smile, and he said: "Huo Yuhao, I am not even a Level 9 spirit guide now. There is still a long way to go to achieve this goal. In my lifetime, I will certainly not see the day when ordinary people use Level 9 spirit guides.

Although my goal in life has always been to create a powerful or unique soul guide, because I am an eight ring soul duel, I can't create a level nine soul guide in any case.

If I have the cultivation of the title Douluo, I can definitely become a Level 9 Soul Master. "

Huo Yuhao's face moved slightly. To tell the truth, Xuan Ziwen is really not a braggart.

After all, in the original book, Xuan Ziwen's talent in soul guides is actually very good, but his accomplishments are not good. He broke through the title of Douluo with the help of Huo Gua, and became the first level nine soul teacher in the original Douluo continent, and was respected by many people.

Of course, Xuan Ziwen's reputation in the future Sun and Moon Emperor Xu Tianran is not very good. After all, Xuan Ziwen, the second generation of Sun and Moon people, got a green card, learned technology, and then went to Tangmen. From the perspective of Xu Tianran, it is basically a defection.

"Well, let's not talk about that. Put the Soul Guide Gun on the experimental table, and let's start our class. If your performance today can satisfy me, this soft bone rabbit will be given to you for dinner."

Xuan Ziwen patted Huo Yuhao on the shoulder, then led Huo Yuhao to another experimental table.

Boy, let me treat the rabbit as dinner. Xuan Ziwen, your suggestion is really brave!

However, as soon as he thought that King Tang had no time to observe every rabbit with soft bones, and that his body had a full talent for grilled fish, Huo Yuhao immediately became greedy. He thought that grilled fish and grilled rabbits should be interlinked in many ways, so his eyes involuntarily moved to the nearby rabbit with soft bones, and he could already imagine the delicacy of the rabbit.

To tell the truth, this rabbit is quite fat. It should have a lot of meat. It should taste good when roasted.

"It is important to make the core array, but if we want to become a soulmate, we need to learn to forge metal with the spirit guide. Our manpower will eventually run out.

Forging metal with soul guide can greatly improve forging efficiency and quality, so this soul guide forging instrument is an auxiliary tool for us... " As he spoke, he took Huo Yuhao to forge metal with a special spirit guide forging instrument.

This is much more advanced than the Spiritual Guidance Department of Shrek College.

After all, the original book Huo Hang went to Shrek College to learn the spirit guiding device. He started by learning from Fan Yu, and also used the "Tang Clan's unique technique of random cloak hammer".

To tell the truth, the random cloak hammer technique is an ancestral skill of the Haotian Clan. As a result, the random cloak hammer technique became a unique skill in the concealed weapons part of the Xuantian Treasure Record in Douer.

Therefore, the signing right of the random cloak hammer method has already belonged to the king of the Tang Dynasty.

What is the Haotian Sect? I'm really unfamiliar.

Of course, we have to say that manual forging is a waste of time and far behind. After all, how can manual forging compare with soul guide forging?

Moreover, Douer doesn't have a lot of forging settings of Dou San, and Fan Yu is not a powerful craftsman of Dou San, so why forge metal manually?

Although Fan Yu is a little bit better, he is at least an eighth level soul teacher. According to the principle, the ideas of soul teachers are relatively advanced. After all, this is a brain driven career.

Therefore, Fanyu should not even think of such things.

Could it be that Fan Yu, the eighth level soul teacher, was impressed by the sea god Tang? Can't think of such a way to improve efficiency?

After a period of time, under the guidance of Xuan Ziwen, Huo Yuhao has mastered the method of forging metal with soul guiding forging instruments. Then Xuan Ziwen began to teach Huo Yuhao the knowledge of engraving core arrays and how to identify metals. It can be said that he is teaching Huo Yuhao all his knowledge without reservation.

After all, Huo Yuhao is not a Shrek exchange student now, but a student of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College. Xuan Ziwen has no reason to hide his secrets.

Huo Yuhao also studied hard. After all, the soulmate comes quickly. In this world, as long as there are enough golden soul coins, buying some natural materials and land treasures that can improve one's health will not cause any side effects if one does not take too many.

He can't help it. After all, the foundation of the original book Huo Hang is too thin to compare with Beibei and other people. Although Huo Hang has a hang, he also needs a good body to use it freely.

Time flies.

Twenty days later.

Huo Yuhao stood in the laboratory, holding a blue carving knife. Looking at the forged metal on the table, he asked, "Mr. Xuan, can I start now?"

"Well, let's start. As long as you can make a qualified Level 1 spirit guide, I can recognize you as a Level 1 spirit guide.

Of course, in my case, the standard of qualification may be higher. Remember, in my case, low level is not a problem, but the problem is that there is no idea and creativity. For a soulmate, if he loses ideas and creativity, it is undoubtedly a terrible thing. " Xuan Ziwen said seriously.

"OK, Mr. Xuan." Huo Yuhao took a deep breath, then picked up a piece of silver metal and began to use a carving knife to engrave the core array. With his action, a large amount of silver powder fell from his hands.

Of course, the carving knife in his hand is not on the list. This kind of thing is rare in quantity and too expensive for him to afford.

"When the auction of Xingluo starts, I can get the carving knife made of the gold of life." He muttered in his heart, and then went all out to engrave the core array. It is very important for him to pass the assessment of the first level soul master. After all, it means the promotion of status and income.

Soon, some complicated patterns appeared on the silver metal in his hands. After a period of time, a silver ball shaped object appeared on the experimental table, with a pull ring on the top of the small ball.

"Teacher Xuan, my first level soul guide is complete," said Huo Yuhao.

Xuan Ziwen has watched the whole process of Huo Yuhao's making the spirit guide. He looks at the small ball and slowly frowns, "You have engraved four core arrays in its core, one sound wave attack array, one amplification array, one charging array, and one lighting array.

Although these core arrays are all level one, it really shows your talent to inscribe four arrays on such a small metal. "