Chapter 9 Respectively

"Ah!? I can..." Tang Ya was stunned by the question and hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to answer. She just didn't realize how humiliating it would be for her peers to kowtow to her.

All she thought was that she could finally fulfill the obligations of the leader of the Tang Clan. Previously, she could only watch the newly recruited members of the Tang Clan kowtow to her father. Now that she finally had a chance, she would not think so much about it.

It is true without thinking. Tang Ya, the original work, was delighted to say "wonderful" when she heard that there was no one in Huo Yuhao's house.

"It's normal to pay homage to Tang Clan. I also paid homage to Xiao Ya at the beginning. What's the problem?" Beibei said with a frown. At the moment, he looked at Wang Lin with impatience. He didn't expect that the young man could talk so much.

"That's right. I just handed the Xuantian Treasure Record directly to Yu Hao. Under normal circumstances, new Tangmen members have to go through a series of examinations to be awarded the Xuantian Treasure Record."

Tang Ya immediately thought of the reason and shouted, looking at Wang Lin with impatience.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao's mood suddenly brightened, and the negative emotions in his eyes disappeared at the moment. He rubbed the newly obtained soul guide storage belt, and his gloomy face became relaxed.

Yeah! My talent is so poor, but as soon as Xiaoya and the eldest martial brother accepted my introduction, they gave me the Dark Heaven Treasure Record and a storage soul guide. It's just a salute and kowtow. What can I complain about!?

Wang Lin noticed the change of Huo Yuhao's expression and shook his head secretly.

He heard from his author friend that Huo Yuhao lost his dignity when he did not get the core student identity PUA in Shrek College.

But from now on, maybe Huo Yuhao has lost his dignity since he learned from Tangmen.

Perhaps because of Huo Yuhao's original experience, the young man did not understand what it meant to have a soul beast that had been attached to him for millions of years.

With the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm, he doesn't need to kowtow to Tang Ya and get the so-called Xuantian Treasure Record. The Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm is Huo Yuhao's biggest hang. The Xuantian Treasure Record is just icing on the cake.

Of course, Huo Yuhao can't be blamed for this. His little experience has shaped everything for him. Now, although the Three Views have not yet been formed, their character has also been roughly revealed.

If someone guides you, it will be fine, but Beibei and Tang Ya in the original book are not right, so Huo Yuhao who joined Tangmen will not be much better.

Huo Yuhao cheated twice in the competition, and he shamelessly said that it was for the glory of Shrek College, which was guided by these two goods. In addition, the motto of Shrek College is not correct.

Huo Yuhao looks good, but he has a lot of problems. Unfortunately, Wang Lin's original work only saw Huo Yuhao cheat in the second contest, and he couldn't stand it. As for the following content, except for hearing that the Qiankun Enquiry Valley is a tough place, he went to see one paragraph after another.

The rest is to listen to his friend's complaints, and he doesn't remember much.

"Well, I'm talkative." Wang Lin waved his hand at once, but there was not much apology on his face. The parties could accept it, so he couldn't control it.

After all, he and Huo Yuhao have only known each other for a few days. He is not a saint, nor does he have the idea of meddling in his own affairs. Before, he was talkative, just because he got along with Huo Yuhao for a few days, he thought Huo Yuhao was pretty good, and he was just good at reminding people.

Based on Tang San's control over Huo Yuhao, if it wasn't for the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, Wang Lin really didn't want to have any intersection with Huo Yuhao.

"Just know that you are talkative." Tang Ya said immediately. She made a gesture to Beibei, and Beibei immediately understood what Tang Ya meant.

"Brother Wang, I'm going to teach Yu Hao the Secret Record of the Dark Sky, which is the secret of our Tang Clan. Please stay away from it..." Although his tone is not impatient, it also has a slight rejection.

"No problem!" Wang Lin nodded, and without nonsense, he immediately walked to the other side, away from Beibei Tangya and Huo Yuhao.

The orange flame shone on Wang Lin's face, and the whispering voice came from the other side. Although the voice was not loud, Wang Lin, as a spiritual master, could still hear what Beibei was saying if he wanted to.

But Wang Lin didn't do that. Instead, he concentrated his mind and began his daily meditation.





A mouthful of blood oozes out of Huo Yuhao's mouth, and the sound wakes Wang Lin who has been meditating all night.

Wang Lin opened his eyes, stood up and moved his stiff body, looked up at the horizon where the fish's belly had turned white, and Beibei's voice came from the edge,

"Younger Martial Brother, stand up and look at the east. Follow my guidance and work together." Beibei's voice was slightly tired.

Tang Ya, who is sleeping beside Beibei, is also awake when Beibei makes a noise. She jumps to Beibei.

Without speaking, they just took Beibei and Huo Yuhao to the distance. When they were a little far away from Wang Lin, the three also stared at the rising sun, which had just exposed a corner, and began to exercise kung fu.

Wang Lin was not surprised, but he was also a little speechless. He sighed in his heart that Tang Ya was really a good teacher.

He walked to the side of the room, made a strange movement, and began the routine morning exercise.

He doesn't have any strange skills. He practiced the Taoist health cultivation skill he learned online in his last life, called "Eight Vajra Longevity Skill". He only learned the first half of "Eight Vajra Longevity Skill", that is, the one with the suffix "Mastery" on Dark Blue, and passed through the second half of "Longevity Skill" before he could learn it.

He has practiced this skill for nine years since he was three years old. After each exercise, he can not only clean up his fatigue overnight, but also feel a stream of air flowing through his body, which is not soul power.

However, after each practice, the warm current always disappears into the soul power, and he can feel that the quality of his soul power also seems to be improved slightly, and he doesn't know whether it is an illusion.

The morning sun rose quickly, and Beibei and Tangya finished their routine training in less than a quarter of an hour, while Huo Yuhao was still immersed in the training because it was the first time to practice purple magic pupil.

Beibei's attention is still on Huo Yuhao in case of any problems in Huo Yuhao's cultivation. As soon as Tang Ya, the "teacher", finished practicing, she noticed that Wang Lin was not far away, and now he was putting on a strange set of movements.

She seemed to feel that Wang Lin's movements were extraordinary, so she couldn't help pulling the corner of Rebecca and just wanted to observe Wang Lin's movements carefully.


At this time, the invisible spirit waves were diffused from Wang Lin's body, and the spirit thoughts that had condensed into essence surrounded him, distorting the light.

Wang Lin's figure turned into a twisted mosaic. Tang Ya could not help but curl her mouth when she saw this situation and whispered, "stingy!"

Beibei also shook her head, stopped looking at Wang Lin, and refocused on Huo Yuhao.

Half a quarter of an hour later,

While Huo Yuhao completed the first training of Purple Eye, Wang Lin also completed a set of "Eight Vajra Skills", and his figure changed from a fuzzy mosaic to the original.

A ray of light appeared in Wang Lin's fundus, and then disappeared quickly.

Tang Ya, who has been observing Wang Lin, accurately catches this point, and his eyes are also interested. He subconsciously asks, "Hey, what did you just practice?"

Wang Lin frowned at Tang Ya at the sound. Could it be his illusion that what happened last night!? How could Tang Ya easily ask? Then thinking about it, he calmly said, "Family secrets are not shared."

Huo Yuhao, who had just opened his eyes, was attracted to look at Wang Lin. A purple light flashed in his eyes. He clearly felt that Wang Lin's mental power was a little stronger than before, and the effect seemed to be similar to that of the purple magic pupil he had just learned.

The same doubt in my heart, but no question.

Wang Lin has been following Huo Yuhao for the past few days, and his mind is totally on the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm. He has no mind to practice Kung Fu at all, so Huo Yuhao did not know that Wang Lin would still do this kind of Kung Fu.

"Cut!" Tang Ya whispered.

Wang Lin shook his head without saying much. He looked up at the rising sun, looked at Beibei and Tangya, as well as Huo Yuhao who stood up, and said directly:

"Are you going back to Shrek College? I'm going to Tiandou City. Shrek College is in the east and Tiandou City is in the north. We are not on the way, so we should leave."

"Why don't you go to Shrek College? Now is the time for Shrek College freshmen to register." Beibei looked at Wang Lin and suddenly said.

"The noumenon sect is more suitable for me, not to mention I can't get the recommendation letter of the main city level." Wang Lin said that the soul storing soul guide on his wrist was shining slightly, and a money bag appeared in his hand.

Wang Lin thinks about it and throws the money bag directly at Huo Yuhao.


Huo Yuhao was stunned by the money bag. When he was about to return it to Wang Lin, he said, "Brother Lin, I..."

"Take it, Yuhao, it's just the money for grilled fish. The fish you baked is very delicious and worth the price." Wang Lin really waved his hand and said.

During the past few days with Huo Yuhao, he hasn't forgotten to taste Huo Yuhao's grilled fish.

Besides, there is not much money, just ten gold soul coins.

"Well, I'm leaving. Goodbye, Yuhao, Tangya, Beibei." Before Huo Yuhao could answer, Wang Lin said goodbye, and then walked north without looking back.

Huo Yuhao held the money bag in his hand and felt the ten gold soul coins in the bag. He was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be so many. As he was about to speak, he found that the black haired gray pupil boy was very fast. It seemed that he didn't have any nostalgia. In a twinkling of an eye, he was left with a small figure.

Just like the sudden intrusion at the beginning, he soon went far away.

"How much did you give?" Tang Ya also approached Huo Yuhao at this time, looking at the money bag in Huo Yuhao's hand with obvious longing in her eyes. She was very poor, and usually depended on Beibei to feed her.

Beibei looks at Tang Ya and says helplessly, "Miss Xiaoya, Wang Lin gave it to Yuhao. Don't make up your mind!"

Maybe Tang Ya's face turned red when he was told his mind. Huo Yuhao also came to his senses at this time: "Ten golden soul coins, many."

"It's quite a lot. It's enough for ordinary people to live for half a year." Perhaps to make up for it, Tang Ya said, "Put it away quickly and save some money. It will be enough for you to live in the college for a semester."

"Hmm!" Huo Yuhao nodded absently. He put the money bag into the storage soul guide, and doubted: "Is my grilled fish really worth it?"