Chapter 66 Six, right? Seven of us!

Surrounded by soldiers, the army marched all the way to the main gate of the imperial city.

The competition platform of this competition was not built on Xingluo Square as before, but in front of the main gate of the Imperial City.

Emperor Xingluo and his ministers can just sit at the head of the imperial city to watch the battle. They have a good view and are safe.

The Imperial City is located in the north, facing south, and there is also a luxury rest area on the west side of the competition platform, which is specially provided for the participants of each college. However, the rest area can only accommodate about 70 colleges.

Because walking in the front row of the team, Wang Lin could see the competition platform in the distance.

The whole competition platform is 100 meters in length and five meters in height. There are 108 metal pillar shaped protective soul guides around the competition platform.

At the beginning of the competition, a protective cover will be formed to cover the entire competition platform, so as to prevent the aftereffect of the battle from affecting the audience.

The Imperial City is located in the north, facing south, and there is also a luxury rest area on the west side of the competition platform, which is specially provided for the participants of each college.

However, the rest area can only accommodate about 70 colleges, and it is obvious that there is no seat for the college to be eliminated in the first round.

So when watching the first round of the knockout match, all the team students should stand in the audience area to watch the game. There is no exception to any team, including Shrek College.

However, according to the practice in previous years, Shrek College is the first to appear, so they stood in the competition area early.

Wang Lin looked at the Shrek students in dark green school uniforms. His eyes finally fell on Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong. He immediately turned away from his position and walked to Ma Rulong's side.

"What's the matter, elder?" Ma Rulong looked at Wang Lin standing in front of him, wondering what the silent elder wanted to do.

"Go to my place and stand there, let me stand here," Wang Lin said in a deep voice.

The team of Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College is the reserve team and the team leader standing in front, and the formal team members standing behind.

As the leader of the reserve team, Xiao Hongchen is standing in front of Ma Rulong, while Jing Hongchen is standing next to Xiao Hongchen.

Wang Lin, who was assigned to the other end by the Mirror Red Dust, could not change places with the Mirror Red Dust, but he could change places with Ma Rulong.

"Good." Ma Rulong was puzzled. He didn't understand what Wang Lin wanted to do, but he honestly stepped aside and stood beside his grandfather. After all, Wang Lin was a title douro

Members of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College, including Jing Hongchen, looked puzzled at Wang Lin who suddenly changed his position, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Especially Mika, who was standing beside Ma Rulong, just wanted to ask.

"Shut up and watch the game quietly."

At the end of the sentence, Wang Lin's voice laughed at the world of mortals and the world of dreams at the same time: "Wait a minute, don't resist."

The Hongchen brothers and sisters standing together nodded quietly. Menghongchen was not surprised why Wang Lin's voice suddenly appeared in her ears. Xiaohongchen told her that Wang Lin could force her into a line.

"Don't do anything!" Jing Hongchen noticed his grandchildren's movements and turned to Wang Lin.

"Hmm." Wang Lin nodded, and didn't care.

Just at this time, all the teams of the game had entered the arena. Emperor Xingluo of the Imperial City stood up and his voice spread throughout the square through the loudspeakers.

"The Continent Advanced Soul Master College Soul Fighting Competition is the most important event for us to fight the Continent Soul Master world..."

After a period of useless nonsense, the Emperor of Xingluo announced loudly that the soul fighting contest of the Advanced Soul Master College in the whole continent had officially started.

"Long live, long live, long live!" the people shouted in unison.

"Boom, boom, boom,..." The roar of the salute started at the city head and lasted for 108 rounds before it stopped.

Then the referee walked onto the stage and began to explain the rules of the game.

"According to the competition rules of the Continent Advanced Soul Master College Soul Fighting Competition, the first round will be the knockout competition. In this competition, there are 133 senior soul masters and soul master colleges registered.

After drawing lots, there is a place with the first round of free time. A total of 66 games will be played. The first round of competition is the elimination system, and the losers will be eliminated directly. "

Briefly explained the rules, and the referee directly called out the two sides of the first game.

"Now let's welcome the team from Tianling Advanced Soul Master College from Douling Empire and the team from Shrek College, the first college in mainland China, which has numerous honors and almost includes all the championship teams in the past thousand years."

The referee's voice dropped.

"Shrek, Shrek, Shrek..."

The voice of calling Shrek Academy resounded almost every corner of the square.

After noticing this scene, Wang Lin is inevitably a bit foolish. He still underestimates the influence of the First Mainland College.

Soon, the team members of both sides came on the stage. Compared with the excitement of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong of Shrek College, the members of Tianling Advanced Soul Master College were grief stricken.

"It was an accident."

Laughing Red Dust looked at the team on the stage, which was very young, and put a wicked smile on his face.

As the most important knockout match, the reserve team members were allowed to play, which only showed that the three main candidates of Shrek Academy were indeed unable to play.

Wang Lin is staring at Huo Yuhao and Wang Dongbei. They are excited and ready to challenge them.

When the players of both sides walked onto the platform, the referee opened his mouth and announced: "Both sides of the platform, ready."

With the sound of the referee, 108 metal pillars shine brightly at the same time. Suddenly, white lights rise up and draw arcs to meet in the air.

Finally, they gathered in the air 20 meters above the top of the competition platform, and a layer of white light curtain suddenly swept down, covering the entire competition platform.

Seven members of Tianling College quickly lined up, three in front and four behind, while Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, on the side of Shrek, stood at the front.

The other five stood behind them in line.

As the two sides formed, the referee's voice sounded, "The game begins."

As soon as he spoke, the students of both sides released their own Wulin Soul Ring almost at the same time, and the dazzling light came on.

But at the moment, everyone's eyes are on Huo Yuhao who is standing in the front of Shrek College.

A terrifying ferocious animal momentum flashed by, and the blood red light just lit up the whole competition platform in a flash.

Six soul rings of red, red, red and red surround Huo Yuhao at the same time, and the exclamations of one after another rise in a moment.

But at this moment, the exclamation suddenly became louder, and all the audience now saw the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College from the competition platform. Six blood red soul rings also appeared around a pair of beautiful young girls.

Then in their surprised eyes, a blood red soul ring appeared around the brother and sister, which was the seventh 100000 year soul ring.
