Chapter 33 Testing

Led by Lin Jiayi, they came to the front of the twelve teaching buildings.

In the distance, we can see a big "one" on the teaching building, which is one of the teaching buildings of grade one.

"Keep up."

Lin Jiayi led Wang Lin into the teaching building, all the way to the east end of the first floor, and stopped in front of a metal door with a sign reading "Physical Testing Room".

"Wang Lin, the soul conductor tester can test the nature of soul power. It's too late to regret now."

Standing in front of the metal gate, Lin Jiayi kindly warned.

As the teaching director of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tutor College, he really didn't want a evil spirit master to join the college, but this Wang Lin background seemed very big.

In the past years, he usually came to receive those who asked for admission to the college. This year, the hall leader unexpectedly received them with him. The key is that Wang Lin still passed the background of Holy Spirit Church.

Lin Jiayi doesn't think that these evil spirit masters have such a great face to make the mirror world come out. There must be people behind them who he doesn't know.

"I'm not the evil spirit master!"

Wang Lin was speechless and said directly.

"This is not your decision." Lin Jiayi shook his head and refused to say no.

After saying a word, Lin Jiayi took a metal brand out of his arms and shook it at a disc like crystal position on the door.


With a light sound, the metal door opens a gap from the middle and slides to both sides silently.

"Come on, Wang Lin!"

Lin Jiayi puts the metal card back into his arms and walks into the physical examination room.

"Hmm." Wang Lin nodded and followed Lin Jiayi into the room.

The area of this room is not very large, about 100 square meters. There are many large soul guides in it.

The faint soul power ripples.

While Wang Lin was looking at the room, Lin Jiayi, who was walking in front, introduced Wang Lin aloud.

"This is the physical testing room of the college. All students who enter the college will be tested here every year to check their soul and body."

As he spoke, Lin Jiayi looked at Wang Lin as if he wanted to see the panic on Wang Lin's face.

But Wang Lin didn't panic at all. He was not the evil spirit master.

Instead, Wang Lin looked curiously at the large spirit guide in the room.

These testers of Sun Moon Empire cannot test the ability of Wu Soul. In the original book, the exchange student test of Shrek College did not show Wu Soul.

Of course, Wang Lin didn't panic. He had no secret to hide except the twin Wulin in name.

Dark Blue and the spirit tool magic wand are not afraid of being tested. Even Elah has not found the existence of Dark Blue, but the spirit tool.

How can they test something that has never appeared in Douluo.

"How to measure?"

Wang Lin opened his mouth and said that he noticed that there were not many people in the room, only a few people standing in front of a soul guidance instrument, and the rest of the soul guidance instruments were empty.

At first glance, Wang Lin also found that there were duplicate soul guidance instruments in the room. It seemed that there were only three kinds of soul guidance testers for testing.

"Students, take down the storage soul guide and metal ornaments on your body, and then just lie on it."

A person in a white coat said.

"Director Lin, help me take it." Wang Lin took down the storage soul guide on his wrist and handed it to Lin Jiayi.

Lin Jiayi frowned and took Wang Lin's spirit guide.

This scene makes the staff who are preparing to take over Wang Lin's storage soul guide a little stunned. Is this related student so fierce!?

After a while, the staff led Wang Lin to an instrument.

"Don't be nervous, classmate. A light will sweep over you later. The whole process will not cause any harm to you, but will record your body state, height, weight and other relevant data."

"OK." Wang Lin stood on the instrument under the guidance of the staff.

This instrument is a vertical long cylinder. There is a crystal column from top to bottom on the front of the cylinder, and a round platform is on the ground in front of it. The whole instrument is two meters and five meters high.


A light sound sounded, and the mirror red world walked into the physical examination room with a sullen face. As soon as he came in, he waved his hand to show that he would not make any noise, and stood directly beside the spirit guidance tester.

The staff in the room included Lin Jiayi and Wang Lin did not make a fuss.

"Ready to start, don't move."

The staff said one by one, the crystal screen in front of the instrument suddenly lit up, and he took out the paper and pen for backup.

A white light appeared at the top of the instrument. The light was fan-shaped, covering an area of about one square meter, and slowly fell from top to bottom.

As the white light sweeps down and touches Wang Lin, a human figure also appears on the crystal screen, and various data also flicker beside the human figure.

The white light scans slowly from top to bottom. The speed is not fast. It took half a day to scan Wang Lin's head to his chest. The flashing data has finally stabilized.

The staff member reported the data one by one as he began to record.

"Body strength, level 33, body toughness, level 32, soul power fluctuation, level 31, height, 1.62 meters, weight, 51 kilograms, left arm length,..., no additional soul bone. General comment: soul respect, body strength, soul respect, body strength, to be tested."

"Soul respect?"

Standing on the instrument, Wang Lin was surprised to hear this comment. It seems that the soul guidance instrument cannot test specific accomplishments.

Estimates can only be made based on the rough data measured.

After all the data tests were announced, the staff member raised his head and shook his head at the mirror Hongchen and Lin Jiayi beside him, adding that.

"Soul power is normal."

The instrument also stopped at this time, and Wang Lin immediately got down from the instrument, which was not surprising to the staff's saying that "the nature of soul power is normal".

He took back the storage soul guide from Lin Jiayi, and at the same time, he said, "Red Dust Hall Leader, Director Lin, this instrument is a bit inaccurate. I'm just a great soul master!"

As soon as he spoke, the invisible spirit waves spread from Wang Lin, and his gray eyes became more profound. Two soul rings, one yellow and one purple, rose from the bottom of his feet.

"My main martial spirit is the brain, and the pure spirit is the martial spirit. As for my second martial spirit..." Wang Lin said, the blue and gold mark on his eyebrows flashed, and a little green light appeared in his eyes.

A green gold stick appeared in his hand, and the faint breath of life also permeated from the stick.

"Property is life."

At the end of his sentence, all the strange fluctuations on Wang Lin's body were restrained. He clapped his hands and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"What other tests are there?"

"Twin Wulins..." Mirror Hongchen narrowed her eyes and looked at Wang Lin carefully.