Chapter 100 Yuanfeng Turns into a Rosefinch

The meaning of Yuan Feng is very simple, and Huang Long needs to give a letter.

After all, if Yuanfeng agrees to become the Zhuque Xingjun, it means that he will formally surrender to Huanglong, and the future life and death of the Phoenix family will be related to the dragon family.

Huanglong smiled and said in a low voice: "After the three yuan meeting.

I will declare the flood and famine.

On that day, Shi Huang and I will become Taoist lovers and announce the alliance of the three ethnic groups, namely, dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

At that time, we will hold a grand ceremony in Longting. "

Hear this.

Yuan Feng pondered for a moment, finally nodded, his eyes fell to the beginning

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