Chapter 28 Establishment

At night, on the second floor of a large villa covering hundreds of square meters in Brooklyn, New York, a man with brown hair in his forties and fifties relaxed on the sofa, enjoying the automated service of the blonde in front of him.

They are not the only two people in the whole room. There are also four bodyguards standing by with full arms and staring at the guard.

As the leader of the anti regime gang, Brown Roderick finally climbed to this position. Of course, he had to cherish his little life. So even in such a private time, he had to be careful, for fear that he would not die.

The bodyguards around him were all hired at a high price after joining the army and being demobilized. They were all muscular men who could defeat three with their bare hands, and were equipped with bulletproof clothes and pistols to ensure that no one could threaten his life.

In front of Brown Roderick, there was a man with a full face, and he was his deputy.

"Has the AK Party been uneasy recently?" Brown said carelessly, looking at his deputy in front of him.

"Recently, I really had conflicts with us in business, and my hands and feet were not very clean. Three or four younger brothers have been sent to the hospital." The deputy explained.

"TMD agreed to develop the underground drug business together at the beginning, but it has become more and more ugly recently. It seems that we must have a fight with them." Brown said, while the bodyguard beside him was moving in front of him.

"What's the matter? Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?" Brown wondered, but then he heard a slightly heavy footsteps gradually amplifying in his ears. It was a person who was going upstairs.

'Where is the bodyguard downstairs? Why didn't you stop him? ' Brown thought in some panic.

This sudden change brought Brown back to his normal size, and the blonde in front of him also got up and shrunk in Brown's arms in fear.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

A dull step came into Brown's ears, and the bodyguard also raised the pistol to aim at the direction of the stairs, and soon an uncovered head slowly rose from the stairs.

Brown opened his eyes wide, looked through the figure of the bodyguard and saw the head of the visitor, a trace of fear haunted his heart.

What a face it was like after being burned by a fire. Even the hair disappeared. The whole face was covered with scars without a piece of intact skin, and the original face could not be seen clearly.

Only a pair of dark eyes stared at them, just like demons from hell.

At the moment of the appearance of the man, a piercing scream came from the blonde in Brown's arms.

The shriek was like a signal. The pistols waiting for the four bodyguards to aim fired at almost the same time, hitting the man's exposed head.


The bullets shot at the same time hit the man from four directions, but the next moment they were blocked by a heavy iron door. In Brown's eyes, the stainless steel explosion door, which was nearly tons in weight, was unloaded at some time, and was held in front of the man.

No wonder the footsteps sounded so heavy before. Can it not be heavy to carry a gate?

The man raised the iron door in his hand and still walked slowly up the stairs. During this period, the bodyguard kept firing bullets, but they were unable to break through the defense of their own door.

"Who are you exactly? Let's talk about it." At the moment, Brown left the blonde in his arms aside, retreating while trying to communicate.

As a response, the next moment, he saw the man grabbed the iron gate directly, used it as a concealed weapon, and threw it over with horrible brute force.


The unstoppable iron gate, with horrible kinetic energy, directly hit two shooting bodyguards. After the dull crash, the rest of the force kept pressing on Brown's body, causing them to die suddenly.

As for the other deputy and two bodyguards, there was a fruit knife piercing the skull on their forehead at the moment, and they fell to the ground silently, with their breath cut off.

Judging from the brand marked at the end of the handle, the fruit knife is still from their home.

The whole process from the appearance of a man to the death of six people is less than five seconds.

As a plaything, the blonde girl, as a survivor still alive, cowered in the corner in fear and dared not make a sound.

And waiting for her was the hoarse voice of the man who finally opened his mouth: "Don't worry, I will not kill innocent people who have no resistance. Go away."

After saying that, the blonde finally dared to look up, but saw that the man was drawing a huge S-shaped blood stain on the ground with the blood of several dead people, which was like the scene of a cult ceremony.

After all this, the man did not look at her as much as he said, but walked down the stairs silently and disappeared into the villa.


Name: Bai Ye

Service life: 18/500

Strength: 1.6+0.2

Constitution: 1.6+0.2

Spirit: 1.6+

Charm: 0.3+

Attribute point to be used: 0.2


Description column:

The total number of attributes has exceeded 6 points, talent 2 [surplus of the strong] is launched, and the attribute points to be used+0.1

You used sulfuric acid to destroy the skin of your head and hands, and it took 184 minutes to completely recover

Repeat 781 times, and improve physique by 0.1

Repeat 215 times, spirit increased by 0.1


Looking at the description on the property panel, the white night who had just killed people and walked out of the villa scratched his face with burned skin after erosion.

The process of growth after disfigurement with sulfuric acid was intolerable to him.

Yes, sulphuric acid disfigurement. After coming home quietly in the white night, what I want to take is the sulphuric acid used to disfigure my own appearance.

Only after the appearance and fingerprints are completely changed, can people not associate the gangster killer with themselves.

Long before that, Bai Ye had done some experiments on his own body, and successfully learned what it means to have a physique of 1.5, which is a leap of life level.

If the physique before 1.5 can only be regarded as people with strong recovery ability, after 1.5, the white night can be regarded as Fujiang, which cannot split itself.

As long as he is not killed on the spot, given enough time, he can slowly recover to his original state by eating. Even if it is cut in the waist for enough time, his lower body can grow again.

These are the reasonable predictions made by Bai Ye after a series of destructive tests on the body.

As described on the panel, it only takes three hours for the white night at this moment, and the face disfigured by sulfuric acid will return to normal, and the charm will return to the normal state of 1.4, even the hair will grow again.

Tonight is the first step to kill Uncle Li in the white night. It is to kill a gang leader's flag and create a vengeful evil god in others' minds who has nothing to do with himself, whose face is disfigured and who is full of hatred for the underworld.