Chapter 74 Banquet

"Father, your guests are here."

When she came to the front of the hall, Vera knelt down respectfully and looked at the thin man sitting on the main seat with a respectful look.

The person on the throne is naturally the so-called Sky Soul Emperor.

Judging from his appearance, the Emperor of Heavenly Soul is really old.

In his fifties and sixties, his hair was thin, withered and yellow, his face was like the bark of a tree, thin, inelastic, wrinkled, tall and thin, it seemed that there was no meat in his whole body. His bent body was worrying, and his waist was broken.

Tut, as Xu Yunxiao knows, the Emperor of Heavenly Soul is just 50 years old this year. In Douluo, a man of 50 years old is not really old.

Even if Xu Yunxiao was only 50 years old in his previous life, let alone in Douluo, he should not be so old.

Tut tut, this old man should not have practiced some evil skills and then made himself look like a ghost.

"I have seen your majesty."

Compared with Weina, Zhang Lexuan's identity and status obviously do not require such a big ceremony, and she gently bows to the Emperor of Heavenly Soul, even if she has seen it.

As early as the Tianhun Empire and the Douling Empire had not yet separated, the strong men above the four rings did not need to kneel down when they saw the emperor. The Tianhun Empire had always agreed to be the successor of the Douling Empire and naturally inherited the etiquette of the Douling Empire.

Zhang Lexuan didn't kneel down, and no one would say anything.

"Good!" The Heavenly Soul Empire stood up and looked at Xu Yunxiao and Zhang Lexuan with eager faces

In the first row on the right hand side of Emperor Tianhun, there are two empty positions. I think they belong to Zhang Lexuan and Xu Yunxiao.

After sitting down according to the guidance of the maid, Xu Yunxiao looked at the guests attending the banquet without any trace.

Most of the people sitting in the front row of the banquet hall are old men. They are basically over 70 years old. They are surrounded by spirit and soul. Their accomplishments should be very good.

The whole front row is young. In addition to Xu Yunxiao and Zhang Yuexuan, there are only Weina and a silver haired girl sitting at the same table opposite Zhang Yuexuan and Xu Yunxiao.

This little girl with silver hair was the woman who tried to stop Xu Yunxiao that day, but was stunned and kicked by Xu Yunxiao.

Xu Yunxiao saw the girl, and the girl was also looking at Xu Yunxiao.

Moreover, at this time, she clearly recognized Xu Yunxiao, and her eyebrows were full of coldness.

I can see that I'm still angry about what happened last time.

In this regard, Xu Yunxiao just smiled provocatively, and his face was full of the look that you would hit me if you were capable.

The expression made the girl angry.

Weina also noticed the struggle between Xu Yunxiao and the girl, nodded thoughtfully, then attached herself to the girl and whispered.

Just as Xu Yunxiao sat down, a little girl dressed as a maid filled Xu Yunxiao with wine, "Young Master, your wine."

"Ha ha," said the Emperor of Heavenly Soul, taking up his wine cup and drinking the wine in one gulp, laughing heartily, "I already know that you have eliminated the evil spirit master for Tiandou City. I really want to thank you for this."

"These days, the whole Tiandou City has been terrified by the evil spirit master. I am worried about this. The people sent out have not been able to find the trace of the evil spirit master. If it were not for two people, I don't know when I would arrest the evil spirit master."

"Your Majesty," Zhang Lexuan said with a very standard fake smile on her face, "It has always been our duty to eradicate the evil spirit master, which is what we should do."

The Emperor of Heavenly Soul filled himself with wine again, took up his glass, and drank it all at once. "The Shrek Supervisory Group has been maintaining the order of the mainland for thousands of years. It's really hard. I am not unreasonable. They should be rewarded for helping the Heavenly Soul Empire eradicate a major disaster. What do you want, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

"Your Majesty, you really don't need to," Zhang Lexuan didn't want to have anything to do with the Heavenly Soul Empire. Although she came from the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Heavenly Soul Empire protected her parents when they were killed by enemies. But it really broke Zhang Lexuan's heart. If she didn't have to come back to worship her parents, she really didn't want to go back to this sad place.

"Father emperor," Weina said suddenly, glancing at Xu Yunxiao opposite, "don't just ask this girl Zhang, the greatest hero of the evil spirit master, but this young master Xu, you should reward him first if you want to reward him!"

Weina's words instantly broke the original balance and shifted everyone's attention to Xu Yunxiao.


The Emperor of the Heavenly Soul suddenly became interested and looked beyond Zhang Lexuan to Xu Yunxiao beside Zhang Lexuan.

"The young master doesn't look very old, but he has such ability?"

"That's natural," Weina said cheerfully after making a face at Xu Yunxiao, who was in a muddled state. "Father, you may not know that this young master Xu is very capable. At that time, when Sister Xue arrived at the scene to maintain order, this young master Xu only used one move to subdue Sister Xue and more than ten four ring ghost masters, which was very powerful."

Although Weina is praising Xu Yunxiao, from her bad expression and her pink and black personality, Xu Yunxiao has reason to believe that this guy must not hold a good fart.

"Really," a strange color flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Soul Emperor, "young master, where are you from? How old are you this year?"

"Oh, your majesty," Zhang Lexuan hurriedly explained for Xu Yunxiao, "he is my junior brother, the youngest student in Shrek's inner courtyard."

The Emperor of Heavenly Soul became more and more interested in Xu Yunxiao. "Is he a student in the inner courtyard at such a young age?"

"His situation is a little special," Zhang Lexuan continued to explain. "Normally, he can't enter the inner courtyard, but the dean thinks that his learning effect in the inner courtyard may be better, so he was specially approved to enter the inner courtyard in advance."

The Emperor of Heavenly Soul nodded thoughtfully, "You are really a young talent, young man. When you graduate from Shrek College, if you want, you can come to our Heavenly Soul Empire at any time. The Heavenly Soul Empire welcomes you at any time."

"Your Majesty is very kind." Zhang Lexuan was slightly embarrassed by the Emperor Tianhun's blatant behavior of digging the wall. "He is still young. It's too early to think about it now. Let's wait until he grows up."