Chapter 65 Elegant Fragrance

Perhaps it is because there are few guests here. Most of the ghosts and beasts near the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye fall asleep.

After walking around the eyes of ice and fire, Xu Yunxiao finally found his target.

It was a light pink flower, very tall, more than ten feet tall, leafless, and its stamens were bigger than Xu Yunxiao's body.

The texture of this flower is quite strange. It looks like a pink crystal, crystal clear. Even without light, it still emits a unique pink light. It looks like porphyrin porphyrin.

Although there is no wind, the pale pink flowers are still swaying gently.

Xu Yunxiao said secretly in his heart, "Is this the fragrance of Qiluo Immortals?"

Around the big flower, you can obviously smell a very special fragrance. The smell is light, but it smells good. When you inhale it into your lungs, you just feel refreshed.

In the original book, it seems that the pollen of this flower can detoxify. I don't know whether the poison in Zhang Lexuan can be solved only by smelling the pollen.

After putting Zhang Lexuan, who was still unconscious on her back, on the open ground beside her, Xu Yunxiao hesitated and subconsciously reached out to touch the big pink flowers.

The moment Xu Yunxiao touched the big flower, suddenly the big pink flower lit up.

A pink array immediately unfolds around it, completely covering the open space with a diameter of ten feet.

The light pink pollen gushes out, dyeing the air into a light pink.

The fragrance of flowers becomes more and more strong.


The clear female voice, with a little lazy feeling just waking up, rings out of thin air.

"Wow, it's really human. Wow, wow, I haven't seen human for many years." After a few seconds, the big pink flowers, like waking up, shouted with joy.

Xu Yunxiao, standing in the same place, looked at the petals of the big pink flowers, opening and closing, which seemed extremely abstract.

"Humans, what are you doing here and how did you get here?"

The big flower seems to have the potential to be talkative. After seeing Xu Yunxiao, her mouth was so small that she couldn't stop.

After a little hesitation, Xu Yunxiao made up the story without blushing and panting, "Well, then, a friend of mine was poisoned by a very powerful poison, which cannot be solved by ordinary methods at all. It can only be solved after finding the legendary fragrance Qiluo Immortal Product. After I made many inquiries, I heard that there is a fairyland deep in the sunset forest. It seems that there is a fragrance Qiluo Immortal Product, which is why I ventured here."


After listening to Xu Yunxiao's explanation, the petals of the big pink flower gently shook.

"Mm-hmm. It seems that he is really poisoned. Tut, but it's nothing. Why can't he solve it?"

Xu Yunxiao hurriedly asked, "Master, can you untangle this poison?"

"Of course!" The big pink flower looked rather conceited

Xu Yunxiao said with a smile, "Oh, yes, thank you very much."

At first, Xu Yunxiao thought that he might exchange a piece of immortal grass for Zhang Lexuan. Since it could be solved by absorbing pollen alone, he could save a quota.

"Hey hey," the Fragrant Qi Luo Immortal continued, "don't call me senior. It's terrible. Just call me Youyou. I tell you, don't be happy too soon. Although I can help her detoxify, you need to be assessed if you break into the eyes of Ice and Fire without permission. If you can pass the assessment, you can stay here. If you can't pass the assessment, you must leave immediately.

"..." Xu Yunxiao was more or less speechless, "what assessment."

Youyou cocked her head and said, "The assessment is very simple. It is to let you eat a herb. If you don't die after eating it, it proves that you have a good fortune and can stay here. If you die, it proves that you have no destiny here."

"Master Youyou," Xu Yunxiao blinked, "I just want to save people. I don't need to do that."

"There's no way," the voice was full of banter. "This is the rule set by the man. If you want to stay here, you must pass this assessment."

Xu Yunxiao did not hesitate for too long, "OK, I accept your assessment, what to eat, bring it."

"Hey hey," the quiet voice became more happy. "Human beings are indeed brave creatures. I like them. Hmm, let me see. What should I give you to eat?"

Youyou said that a purple light shot from the stamens and fell on Xu Yunxiao

"Oh, your smell is so strange. It's similar to the water of the fire spring, but it's completely different. Tut, it's strange, really strange! Well, it's all right. Here you are."

As he said this, a purple hand condensed by energy suddenly stretched out from its stamens. The purple hand directly stretched out a hundred meters away and landed in a remote vegetation.

Purple's hand just paused for a moment, then quickly withdrew. A moment later, in front of Xu Yunxiao, there was a dark red weed floating.

In terms of appearance, the shape of this weed is a little similar to that of leeks. It is more than a foot high, long and flat, and the color of the whole body is dark red. But there is a long and thin golden line in the center of the leaf, which looks extremely noble.

The purple light completely wrapped the dark red weeds, rubbed them for a moment, and rolled them into a ball, "Honey, open your mouth!"

Xu Yunxiao read the original work, and naturally knew that the fragrant Qiluo Immortals would not harm him, so he did not resist. He opened his mouth directly according to the requirements of the fragrant Qiluo Immortals.

The purple light, holding up the crumpled red weeds, was sent into Xu Yunxiao's mouth.

The first feeling of the mouth is spicy. It seems that the mouth refuses the pepper, which is hot and painful.

After the juice of the wild grass mixed with saliva flowed into her abdomen, Xu Yunxiao only felt that her whole body was warm, good and comfortable.

Almost subconsciously, Xu Yunxiao closed her eyes, sat cross legged, and began to exercise her soul power.

At the moment, Xu Yunxiao's soul power is like a stimulant, running at a speed hundreds of times faster than the original, and his soul power cultivation is also increasing crazily.

Almost in the blink of an eye, I jumped from level 47 to level 48.