Chapter 57 Tiandou Incident

"Alas, I hope so." Xu Yunxiao took the cup that had been put aside before, looked up, and drank the tea in one gulp. "It's a pity that the most central area of Shrek College, the Sea God Pavilion, is not open to ordinary students. Otherwise, I really want to go in and see what it looks like. It's one of the most mysterious places on the mainland."

As mentioned in the original book, the Poseidon Pavilion is home to many elderly residents of Shrek College, which is the core area of the whole Shrek College.

But unfortunately, Shrek College attaches great importance to Xu Yunxiao, but it is not enough to let go of the rules. Ordinary disciples in the inner courtyard are not allowed to enter the Sea God Pavilion at all. Only like Zhang Lexuan, they have a strong sense of belonging to Shrek College. At the same time, they are gifted and will definitely become one of the elderly residents of Shrek College. After being invited by the Sea God Pavilion, To enter the Sea God Pavilion.

Xu Yunxiao is sure to be respected, but he is more or less wishful thinking about entering the Poseidon Pavilion in a short time.

"Your highness, don't lose heart," Shen Yanzhi continued to flatter

"That's not what I said," Xu Yunxiao waved his hand, obviously some children didn't agree with Shen Yanzhi's words

"What's the difference?" Shen Yanzhi shook his head after a little thought. "In the past year, there has been no major event in Tiandou City. If you really want to say it, only in the last two or three months, people in Tiandou City have been killed frequently. The dead look very similar. They were all poisoned by a special poison first, then opened their stomachs and taken their hearts. Therefore, the whole Tiandou City is in a state of panic. Everyone is saying that there is a evil spirit master. "

"This way of committing crimes really resembles the working style of the evil spirit master," Xu Yunxiao pinched his chin and nodded thoughtfully, "but this Tiandou City, no matter how to say, is the capital of the Heavenly Soul Empire. There are many titles Douluo in the city. How dare the evil spirit master do things in this place so boldly?"

"Then I don't know," Shen Yanzhi thought for a while and shook his head

"Alas, although I'm happy to see the Heavenly Soul Empire in chaos, the evil spirit master is not a normal person after all, and it's better to be eliminated earlier..."

Although the Sun Moon Empire cooperated with the evil spirit master, to be honest, Xu Yunxiao really had a sense of disgust from the soul for the Holy Spirit Sect. If he could, he really hoped that he could eliminate them as soon as possible, instead of the original work, until Huo Yuhao was almost a god, he started to fight against the Holy Spirit Sect.

Even, because of his hurry, he has not been able to kill all of them, which leads to his remaining evils and continues to plague the whole Douluo continent······


Tiandou City, East City.

After buying the paper money and other goods needed to worship the ancestors, Zhang Lexuan walked in the dark streets of Tiandou City in boredom.

At this time, it was already late. Because of the killings in this period, all the residents of Tiandou City were like frightened birds. They returned home early, closed the doors and windows, and did not dare to leave their homes for fear that the legendary killer king would find himself.

Some narrow streets are empty.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan was so preoccupied with going to worship her parents tomorrow that she did not notice the strange atmosphere.

However, even if she realized it, she would not be afraid. She is a level 78 soul attack saint with strong martial spirit. She is also a super genius cultivated by Shrek College. It is no exaggeration to say that she is not afraid of encountering a soul duel.

Just walk, walk.

Suddenly, as if she had noticed something, Zhang Lexuan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Zhang Lexuan suddenly turned around and looked behind him. The narrow street was almost empty, except for her, there was only one person dozens of meters away who was covered in a black robe.

Although the two are tens of meters apart, Zhang Lexuan has a feeling that the other is coming at her.

After nodding thoughtfully, Zhang Lexuan turned around and walked on.

Is it right that she came to see what strength the other party has.

As the saying goes, good artists are brave. Zhang Lexuan is obviously one of the representative figures.

Zhang Lexuan, who has made up her mind to see what the other party's purpose is, is very clear about her next goal. She selects the lanes that are rarely populated in ordinary days, and intends to prepare a good environment for the man in black.

Finally, when Zhang Lexuan turned into a dead end alley, she stopped and looked back.

The man in black followed him earlier, but this time, he had a shiny steel knife in his hand. In this damp and dark environment, he seemed a little scared.

Zhang Lexuan stood there with her hands around her chest and her face was calm. "Who are you and what are you going to do with me?"

But the man seemed to be in no mood to answer Zhang Lexuan. He walked towards Zhang Lexuan step by step with a steel knife in his hand.

As he walked, the powerful soul power gushed from him. Seven soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black and black, rose one after another.

This man is actually a spirit saint.

"Soul Saint?" Zhang Yuexuan was more and more interested when he saw this. "Interesting, really interesting."

"Well, take you down first, and then see what your purpose is."

Although the other party is the soul saint with her, Zhang Lexuan doesn't think that the other party can be her opponent.

There is also a gap between Soul Saint and Soul Saint. Just like four years ago, in the Soul Fighting Competition of the Advanced Soul Master College in the whole continent, there were not no Soul Emperor level strong players in other teams. It was different for her to completely defeat them with the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

Zhang Lexuan obviously can't hide herself, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black and black.

There are also seven soul rings, but as the senior sister of Shrek College, Zhang Lexuan's soul ring quality is obviously higher than that of the man in black.