Chapter 56 Return to Tiandou City

Watching Zhang Lexuan leave, Xu Yunxiao reached out and scratched the back of her head. "It seems that the eldest martial sister's house belongs to the Heavenly Soul Empire."

"Well," Ma Xiaotao stood beside Xu Yunxiao and nodded softly. "The eldest martial sister came from the noble of the Heavenly Soul Empire, but unfortunately, because she offended another dignitary in the Heavenly Soul Empire, her family was killed, and only she escaped. Now, in addition to returning to the Heavenly Soul Empire every few years to pay homage to her parents, she has basically broken contact with the Heavenly Soul Empire."

Xu Yunxiao sighed, "Alas, he is also a miserable person."

"What about you?" Ma Xiaotao turned to look at Xu Yunxiao. "If I remember correctly, you seem to be an orphan too. Why are you going to Tiandou City for no reason?"

"Who told you that I was an orphan?" Xu Yunxiao curled her mouth. "I just don't know who my parents are, but according to the information I got, my parents should still be in the world, but I don't know where exactly they are. Therefore, I often return to Tiandou City to see if I can find the information about my parents."

"That can only wish you good luck!" Ma Xiaotao curled his mouth. "Come on, to celebrate our victory over our rivals and becoming the Seven Strangers of Shrek, let's go out to celebrate."

When she heard Ma Xiaotao was going to treat, her eyes flashed, "Really?"

"That's true, of course," Ma Xiaotao put his arm around one. "Let's go outside..."


In the evening, the three people celebrated until late at night. At this time, Shrek College had already closed its doors. They had no choice but to stay outside for one night.

The next day, when Shrek College was on holiday, Xu Yunxiao said goodbye to Di Rachel and Ma Xiaotao early in the morning, left Shrek City and went to Tiandou City.

The Tiandou City is located in the hinterland of the Heavenly Soul Empire, while Shrek College is located at the junction of the Heavenly Soul Empire and the Xingluo Empire. Xu Yunxiao has to travel across half of the Heavenly Soul Empire. The journey is quite long, and it will take at least ten days to return without flying soul guides.

The internal courtyard of Shrek College has a holiday several days later than the external courtyard, which also makes it rare for Xu Yunxiao to see the students of Shrek College when he went to the Heavenly Soul Empire.

When you think about it, there are many Tang Clan people who want to return to the Heavenly Soul Empire. Beibei and Tang Ya want to return to the Heavenly Soul Empire to worship the martyrs of Tang Clan. Wang Dong's home is in the Haotian Sect, not far from Tiandou City. Xiao Xiao is also a member of the Heavenly Soul Empire, but her home is in the east of the Heavenly Soul Empire, not close to Tiandou City.

It took three days to hurry up. In the afternoon of the third day, Xu Yunxiao came to the capital of the Heavenly Soul Empire, Tiandou City.

Compared with a year ago, there seems to be no great change in Tiandou. It is still a simple city gate, antique buildings and crowded people······

Such an unchanging scenery is totally different from the ever-changing capital of the Sun Moon Empire, Mingdu.

The capital of the Sun Moon Empire, which has not been seen for half a year, is likely to undergo earth shaking changes. Time does not seem to exist in the Tiandou City.

Of course, in a sense, this is not a good thing. Such an old capital has not changed at all, which obviously does not keep up with the times. Without the blessing of many advanced soul guides, it is no wonder that in the original book, the Heavenly Soul Empire has no resistance in front of the army of the Sun Moon Empire.

After shaking his head secretly, Xu Yunxiao paid the entrance fee and entered the ancient city.

On entering the Tiandou City, Xu Yunxiao did not rush back to the small house he bought in Tiandou City, but walked to the east of Tiandou City. His destination was a small soul guide shop.

This shop is called Xu Yuanji. It is a very ordinary shop. Roughly, it is only a dozen square meters. The decoration is also very simple. The main products in the shop are some soul guides for daily use, such as lighting soul guides. The grade is not high. They are basically first-class soul guides, and the price is also very cheap.

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is short and stocky. His face is full of meat, he has a moustache, and when he smiles, his face is full of treachery.

At this time, just after lunch, there were no guests in the store.

The shopkeeper also took this opportunity to record something with a pen.

After looking up at Xu Yunxiao, the shopkeeper again concentrated on writing something, "Customers, you can choose what you want. Our goods are of excellent quality and affordable prices, which can satisfy you."

Xu Yunxiao did not look at the soul guides. Instead, he went straight to the shopkeeper and whispered, "Boss, do you have any new soul guides that are too old?"

The shopkeeper who wrote something was stunned when he heard this sentence. He looked up at Xu Yunxiao and said, "These are all the latest spirit guides. How can they be updated?"

Xu Yunxiao smiled and continued, "Why not? I just came back from Sun Moon City a few days ago and saw many new soul guides. Don't frame me."

The shopkeeper put down his pen and said in a very calm voice, "Ah, I didn't expect that you are still a master of soul guides. You are right. I really have some stock. Guest, would you like to follow me to the back?"

"Come on, let me see what you have in stock..."

After answering the code, the fat man immediately got up, went to the door of the shop, closed the door of the shop, hung the sign of temporarily closed, and then took Xu Yunxiao to the second floor.

They went straight to the deepest room on the second floor, and the fat man fell down on his knees in front of Xu Yunxiao with a plop. "Shen Yanzhi, my minister, has seen the little prince."

After pulling a chair on one side, Xu Yunxiao sat down and said, "Well, it's OK. Get up."

Shen Yanzhi hurries to get up and goes to the tea table beside him. He pours a cup of strong tea for Xu Yunxiao, "Your Highness, have tea."

After taking the cup and taking a sip, Xu Yunxiao put the cup aside, and then took out several scrolls from the storage soul guide, "This is the specific topographic map of Shrek College and Shrek City, as well as the specific deployment map of Shrek City. You find an opportunity to send it back to the Sun Moon Empire. There are many places that outsiders can't go to. I have drawn them, which is very valuable."

After trembling to take over the scroll, one of Shen Yan's faces smiled blandly